Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
Prime - Maleficent 6★ Medal
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Template:Enemy The Axe Flapper is an Unversed that is found in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.


An Axe Flapper is a bat-like creature with a thin neck and a pear-shaped body. Its body is navy blue while its short legs and tail, as well as its head, are all blue. Its head is shaped like a hatchet or axe blade. Two large, tan wings with blue edges sprout from the sides of the Axe Flapper's head. Its red eyes are set in a sorrowful expression and the Unversed insignia is displayed on the front of its body.

In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix, the Axe Flapper receives a palette swap which gives a dark grey body with yellow highlights. Its legs, head, and tail are all dark pink, as are the edges of its wings. The insides of its wings are a very light shade of pink.


An Axe Flapper will usually keep its distance from players and attack them with Aero blasts from their wings. If knocked down, it recovers with a sudden spin which damages players. An Axe Flapper is not a difficult enemy to defeat. If it uses its Aero blasts, Guard, then counterattack to knock it down. An easier strategy is to use Magnet magic to stun them.


  • Wind Cutter: Shoots players with razor sharp Aero blasts from its wings.
  • Rising Slash: If knocked down, it recovers with a sudden, short-range spin, damaging the player.