Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX

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Sora mostly needs to dodge the Will's attacks by using [[Dodge Roll]] or [[Guard]], specifically for when it swings his Keyblade around or turns into Terra's [[Keyblade Glider]]. Sora's attacks will deal an insignificant amount of damage and the only ways to stop this effect is to land a combo on it or having the Ultima Cannon's bomb deflected back at the Will, and the damage it takes will be normal. It will mostly use the whip technique after it has been hurt badly a few times, particularly by a powerful finishing move, so use Quick Run to avoid this after striking him hard twice. If it transforms into the floating guns, just deactivate Lock-On and fly as far away as possible, and turn around stone pillars to make the guns destroy themselves. For the cannon, just deflect the bomb back at it using Guard, and if it isn't possible, just Dodge Roll through it (it will explode without hurting Sora, but be careful with Donald and Goofy). Once it goes into the berserk state, Guard as much as possible and when it strikes the ground, fly for it. Once it gets ready to strike again, cast Reflect as much as possible until its attack finishes, where Sora should strike it with Thundaga to leave the Will vulnerable to a good retaliation.
In order to fight the Lingering Will, you must have completed the game, and all the worlds. Make sure to level [[Sora]] up to level 99 before diving into this fight. You must have all 5 growth abilities leveled at max. [[High Jump]], [[Quick Run]], [[Dodge Roll]], [[Aerial Dodge]], and [[Glide]], as well as some support abilities such as [[Once More]], and [[Second Chance]], and you should pack as much ethers as you can, and have at least one [[Combo Plus]]. The Lingering Will is difficult to defeat. It's most basic moves are attacking with it's [[Keyblade]], [[Ends of the Earth]], and can fly at high speeds. The Lingering Will's HP bar works differently from the other bosses. The more consecutive combos you make, the more damage is dealt. You will easily notice this comparing Sora's finisher damage. Another rule to keep in mind, is to never overdo with your finishers. The longer the combo and the more Finishers you make, the Lingering Will is going to unexpectedly react in the middle of your The Lingering Will's most basic attack is when he leaps in the air, and dashes through Sora three times. The timing of the dashes are easily predictable, so you can avoid being hit by using Dodge Roll, or [[Guard]]. You should be able to anticipate where it's third dash will end, so you can attack it during it's third dash. The Lingering Will attacks Sora twice with it's Keyblade before turning it into a drill like object and thrust it at Sora. It isn't easy to predict when the Lingering Will is going to actually use this move after running, but you can easily defend your self using Guard, or [[Reflega]]. However, you must be cautious. If you use guard to block the attack, you must wait before attacking. If you start the attack right after guarding, the Lingering Will's drill will take most of your health, and you will be knocked far away from the Lingering Will. The Lingering Will can turn it's Keyblade into long whip and swing it around itself, dealing massive damage. Unfortunately, you have a very small perception about when its going to use this attack, but there is a very high chance that he will use it after he dashes though Sora three times, or when receiving massive damage. You can defend yourself with Guard or Reflega, but it is a lot better if you just run away and quickly get close to the Lingering Will as soon as it is landing and attack it with a new combo. However, if you do get hit, do not try to resist with [[Aerial Recovery]] or [[Retaliating Slash]]. Being hit by this attack will leave you with only 1 HP left, if Once More (and preferably Second Chance) is equipped, so don't try to use Aerial Recovery of Retaliating Slash, or you'll die. If you really need to get out of the attack and save your HP, activating a [[Drive Form]], or using [[Trinity Limit]] with [[Donald Duck]] and [[Goofy]] are the only ways for getting some invulnerability.

Make sure to load Sora, Donald and Goofy with Ethers in case the Will casts the spell on Sora which stops him from using Magic. Be extremely careful when it gets ready to transform its Keyblade into a bow to trap Sora in a energy-draining triangle when shot, replacing his commands with "Fall" (which will do extra damage for each input), and "Escape", which will make the trap disappear (the Escape command appears in the command list in a shuffling manner and requires good timing, while avoiding any situation that may lead to too much damage/instant death). A good indication is when his Keyblade makes a gun-loading noise. As soon as it's heard, get ready to Dodge Roll at a specific timing rate or repeatedly use Reflect to prevent the beam from hitting. At the start of the battle, it will shoot three times (but later four times). If the shot is successful the Will always attacks with an Ultima Cannon, so Sora can retreat and wait for the shuffling to slow down. Then press escape and avoid the Ultima Cannon by using Quick Roll or Dodge Roll on it. When this happens the Will tends to use its energy drill combo. If one is successful after blocking the last shot, strike the Lingering Will hard.
The Lingering Will can also use [[Terra]]'s [[Ultima Cannon]] [[Shotlock]] from ''[[Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep]]'' as an attack. The Lingering Will's Ultima Cannon fires one sphere of energy that homes in on its target and produces a larger explosion than Terra's version. However, the explosion is weaker, it chases Sora around the battlefield, and the sphere can be deflected back at the Lingering Will. However, there are lot's of ways to nullify or evade the move. The easiest way is to guard when you are a few meters from the Lingering Will so you can deflect the cannon back to it, which leaves him very vulnerable. If he is charging the cannon and you are too far away, then Dodge Roll, or Quick Run against it to nullify the explosion. The Lingering Will can turn it's Keyblade into something resembling a bow and shoots 3 deadly projectiles trying to catch you, but keep in mind that it shoots five when low on HP. It is a particularly deadly attack that consist in trapping Sora in a triangular shaped shield that drains his health at a very fast rate. Your command bar changes, and you will have to select the "Release" command in order to break free from the curse. The projectiles can easily be evaded with the right timing of Dodge Roll, or Reflega, and when he turns his Keyblade back to normal form, that is the time to attack. If the Lingering Will's projectile hits you however, the best way to break free from the curse is to glide away while waiting for the "Release" command.

At times, the Will will start running towards Sora. If he is too far away, it will jump towards him and maybe land near Sora, giving him a striking chance. If the Will is running near him, it will either use a basic but powerful Keyblade move that ends in a drill of energy, (similar to Sora's Guard Break) or it will throw his Keyblade into the ground and create a vortex of energy. If this attack hits Sora, an orb will appear above him, indicating the loss of his ability to either attack (if red) or use magic (if blue). A small lifebar will appear for the Will and Sora will have to drain this in order to regain the lost ability. The best magic to use is either Fire or Thunder, but be sure to equip only ''one'' of these with Reflect and Cure. If Sora can't use magic, be extremely careful, as he will not be able to heal himself. To avoid the drill, just stay in the air above the Will and hit it once it puts it away. In the case of the vortex, be sure to observe the Will and either use Dodge Roll or Reflect at the precise moment and Sora will escape. The Will is still invulnerable during this time.
The Lingering Will can also Transform his Keyblade into the [[Keyblade Glider]] that Terra used in ''Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep'', and move around the map extremely fast. Using guard is the best way for defending yourself, and if you're in [[Final Form]] just Glide, as Sora's Keyblades will protect you. You can attack when your target lands, though it's hard to predict when and where. In addition to his Keyblade, The Lingering Will has some magical abilities as well, such as creating an strange looking seal that either creates a blue, or orange orb above Sora's head. The orange orb prevents Sora from attacking, while the blue orb prevents Sora from using Magic or Items. In order to break free from this curse, you have to deplete a new, smaller bar of HP, visible when the Lingering Will has been [[Lock-On|Locked on]] to. If you see a blue orb, attack to deplete the bar, if you see an orange orb, use Magic, or Limits in [[Limit Form]]. Either way, drive forms are still usable. You can simply evade this move by using Dodge Roll, Quick Run, or Reflega if timed right. It is unexpected when the Lingering Will is going to use this move, but when you hear him teleporting suddenly behind Sora, then be prepared. Another clue for you to dodge this attack is when you see the Lingering Will flying at high speeds and repeatedly landing right behind Sora.

Watch out for lethal combinations such as the boss trapping Sora in the triangle, going into the berserk state while he can't Attack or use Magic; or if it summons two guns to aid itself while it flies around on his Keyblade Glider. If Sora has Once More and Second Chance equipped and gets hit by one of these combinations, just let the Will keep hitting Sora while he's in the air and the last bit of energy will stay with him. Once it's over, one should heal if they can.
The Lingering Will can conjure Drone-like objects which Fire beams of Plasma at Sora, Donald, Goofy. When it is low on health, usually when it has six, or seven bars left, it automatically launches them and disappears from Sora's sight for a few seconds. When it does this, the second phase of the battle is about to begin. You can react to this attack using guard, Reflega, or simply gliding away. Sometimes though, even when the Lingering Will is full on HP, it can combine its other moves especially its Keyblade Glider attack, with the drones. This makes things a lot more difficult to handle since not even a right timed Guard or Reflega can always protect you from several angles all the time, although with some luck you may be able to deflect against the Lingering Will itself. They can be destroyed with Aerial Dodge but it's not worth it.

It should be noted that the Will has a tendency to repeat its attacks for a couple of rounds. That is to say that if it uses its air thrust attack, it is expected for him to repeat this attack for a while, unless a considerable amount of time has passed or he takes a lot of damage. When this happens one should pay attention as its "attack of choice" becomes more aggressive as its HP falls, often repeating the attack several times before being susceptible to damage, or unleashing a whip attack at the end of the combo. In the case of the Slider this can become fairly frustrating as it can often unleash to light guns, making it difficult to avoid and find room to attack although using Reflect can help with the guns somewhat. It can also attack with chunks of ice as it dashes, which can be fatal since the Blizzard magic is considered a separate attack so even with Second Chance or Once More, the combination of both cause Sora to fall. A way to defeat the Will is to fight with it and get used to the timing and methods of its attacks as it repeats them, which will considerably reduce the difficulty of the first part of the battle.
When the Lingering Will uses it's Desperation Move, it enters a berserk-like state, similar to Saïx's berserk technique. It's arm gauntlets, and helmet will emit a bright red aura, and it then splits it's Keyblade into two weapons. The first part of the attack is quite easy. You can either use Guard, or Glide and no particular time is needed for blocking. In the second phase of the attack, you cannot physically block anything. Just Glide away, and land as soon the Lingering Will prepares the third and final phase of the attack. The third part is probably the most difficult move to block/evade in the entire battle. It is all about having perfect timing with Guard, Dodge Roll, and Quick Run. The Lingering Will starts by swinging his Keyblade in midair. Then he disappears, and reapers behind Sora. To defend yourself from this attack, you must lock-on to the Lingering Will and guard. Keep guarding until he uses the move very similar to [[Thunder Surge]] and lands. Then, he is left vulnerable. Just like every other move, however, there are various ways to evade this one as well. If you happen to get hit, make sure to use Aerial Recovery at the right time to nullify its last spinning move. This way, you can still quickly reach the Lingering Will and start a new combo. [[Thundaga]] is best for distracting your enemy if you are too far away, giving you the time to reach it. A very useful trick is flying and reaching a specific point on the edge of the map. This way, the Lingering Will is forced to teleport always in front of Sora, making it easier to block all of its attacks. In the second phase of the battle, while low on HP, the Lingering Will also makes use of Magic. There is a small chance that it may cast [[Magnega]], that will put Sora into its path, and [[Blizzaga]], both in some lethal combinations.

The second phase of the battle (where it begins to use its desperation move) is always signaled by two things: 1) When its HP is slightly less than 7 bars and 2) it will always turn itself into several guns of light that will dispel as soon as it goes berserk (as well as the screen turning a bit dark in the sky). The second phase of the battle can be difficult, as its berserk attack/desperation move can last for quite a while and failure to block or evade the entire attack can result in missing an attack opportunity, which during this phase can be fatal. This is because the Will becomes completely unpredictable and can unleash any of its attacks in rapid succession leaving almost no room for offensive or sometimes healing. This is made worse as the Will uses its command lock attacks such as the vortex or his bow attack much more often.
These are all of the Lingering Will's abilities. In the first phase of the battle, it usually executes them in a predictable pattern. But when it is left with seven, or six HP bars, it will automatically use it's Desperation Move for the first time. This marks the end of the first Phase, and the Beginning of the second phase of the fight, where he Lingering Will makes use of all of its resources and the player can barely predict which attacks it is going to use next. If you want to prevent this, count your combos and finishers and you'll know when it is going to react. Also, if you deflect its Ultima Cannon back at him, that counts as one of Sora's finishers. Therefore, the enemy will react after 4 more finishers. No matter how cautious you are, when the Lingering Will is being left with Seven, or Six bars, it will react in the middle of your combo, or right after a finisher. So keep an eye on its HP and be prepared to evade its sudden move.

A recommended Keyblade to use against the Will is the [[Kingdom Key]] (if Sora is level 99); though it may be one of the weakest, its [[Damage Control]] ability is useful. The [[Rumbling Rose]] and [[Fenrir]] can be usable, but as they hold the [[Negative Combo]] and [[Finishing Plus]] abilities (the former of which can be negated with a [[Combo Plus]] and an [[Air Combo Plus]]) respectively, they can irritate the Will quickly and cause it to strike Sora. [[Oblivion]] would be quite useful as well, as is the [[Ultima Weapon]] if Sora uses a lot of magic to either defend himself or to stun the Will with Thunder. [[Decisive Pumpkin]] is also a solid choice as usual, but mainly due to the gimmick the boss has soon to be discussed.
The final rule to bear in mind is the most important one. The Lingering Will changes it's fighting style depending by its very first move at the start of the battle. If it starts with a specific move, you have more chances of predicting how it is going to behave in the first phase of the battle.
A very important note is that compared to other bosses, it should be noted that the Lingering Will's HP bar works a bit differently, in that more damage is dealt per consecutive combo. At first, striking it takes little health away, but the longer the combo is the more health the Will will lose and the more powerful the finishing move will be. Thus, making any sort of [[Combo Boost]] or [[Air Combo Boost]] viable in increasing damage (especially the aforementioned Decisive Pumpkin).
The Lingering Will is also one of the number of bosses to reach its retaliation point not with certain types of moves landed on it in a combo, but mainly from any sort of finishers landed on it; this also includes any independent finishers from [[Finishing Plus]]. Thus, also equipping any [[Combo Plus]] or [[Air Combo Plus]] abilities may create greater risk, depending on the players' preferences. Be advised, reflecting the Lingering Will's Ultima Cannon will count as a combo finisher. Taking this into account, a total of around 5 finishers during the initial phases will cause it to quickly retaliate with its whip attack.
During the second phase of the fight, around 3-to-4 finishers will cause it to counterattack. However, there is a catch to this that enables Sora to loop the Will's A.I.; should Sora drop his combo with around 1-to-3 finishers landed on it, the Will will always retaliate normally with its berserk attack/desperation move whenever it recovers, allowing Sora to control the situation through looping and preventing it from being able to attack with its other moves.
In times of desperation, Sora can quickly use Limit Form to regenerate health and MP if he is almost out of both, as well as Donald and Goofy being out cold. Be careful to do it so the right place, as the Will may unleash an attack that will hurt Sora immediately after he transforms (pausing and un-pausing the make the process go quicker can help at times), or he might be sent into AntiForm. To make sure Sora doesn't go into AntiForm, go into Final Form at the start of the battle and immediately revert back once Sora has the chance (however, Final Form is great for being able to use the guarding glide function against some of the Will's forward rushing moves, especially its Keyblade Glider attack). It wastes Drive bars, but it's a 100% guarantee that Sora won't go into AntiForm when trying Limit Form. Do not try to use any special Limit Form moves on the Will, as they will do it little damage. Try to heal close to Donald and Goofy, so they can use their Ethers on Sora.
Also, be very wary. As regarding healing Donald and Goofy; unlike most early boss battles, Donald and Goofy WILL die quite often (though Goofy can occasionally block against the Lingering Will's attacks with his passive shielding). Thus, there are times where it's not as wise to rely on them too much during battle. Also, there are times Donald and Goofy's damage output will be very minor, even with their best equipment and it may interfere somewhat with Sora's combos regarding the Lingering Will's AI. Throughout most of the battle however, they'll often follow Sora around but fail to guard themselves against the Will's attacks, as most of them tend to take chucks out of their HP or may one-hit-K.O. them.


Revision as of 19:28, 8 February 2015

Template:Enemy The Lingering Will is an unlockable secret boss featured in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. His boss battle is unlocked when the player unlocks The Gathering, then returns to Disney Castle's Hall of the Cornerstone, where a portal to the Keyblade Graveyard has appeared. Defeating the Lingering Will grants the player the Connection Proof, and the Lingering Will can be refought by leaving the Keyblade Graveyard and then returning.



In order to fight the Lingering Will, you must have completed the game, and all the worlds. Make sure to level Sora up to level 99 before diving into this fight. You must have all 5 growth abilities leveled at max. High Jump, Quick Run, Dodge Roll, Aerial Dodge, and Glide, as well as some support abilities such as Once More, and Second Chance, and you should pack as much ethers as you can, and have at least one Combo Plus. The Lingering Will is difficult to defeat. It's most basic moves are attacking with it's Keyblade, Ends of the Earth, and can fly at high speeds. The Lingering Will's HP bar works differently from the other bosses. The more consecutive combos you make, the more damage is dealt. You will easily notice this comparing Sora's finisher damage. Another rule to keep in mind, is to never overdo with your finishers. The longer the combo and the more Finishers you make, the Lingering Will is going to unexpectedly react in the middle of your The Lingering Will's most basic attack is when he leaps in the air, and dashes through Sora three times. The timing of the dashes are easily predictable, so you can avoid being hit by using Dodge Roll, or Guard. You should be able to anticipate where it's third dash will end, so you can attack it during it's third dash. The Lingering Will attacks Sora twice with it's Keyblade before turning it into a drill like object and thrust it at Sora. It isn't easy to predict when the Lingering Will is going to actually use this move after running, but you can easily defend your self using Guard, or Reflega. However, you must be cautious. If you use guard to block the attack, you must wait before attacking. If you start the attack right after guarding, the Lingering Will's drill will take most of your health, and you will be knocked far away from the Lingering Will. The Lingering Will can turn it's Keyblade into long whip and swing it around itself, dealing massive damage. Unfortunately, you have a very small perception about when its going to use this attack, but there is a very high chance that he will use it after he dashes though Sora three times, or when receiving massive damage. You can defend yourself with Guard or Reflega, but it is a lot better if you just run away and quickly get close to the Lingering Will as soon as it is landing and attack it with a new combo. However, if you do get hit, do not try to resist with Aerial Recovery or Retaliating Slash. Being hit by this attack will leave you with only 1 HP left, if Once More (and preferably Second Chance) is equipped, so don't try to use Aerial Recovery of Retaliating Slash, or you'll die. If you really need to get out of the attack and save your HP, activating a Drive Form, or using Trinity Limit with Donald Duck and Goofy are the only ways for getting some invulnerability.

The Lingering Will can also use Terra's Ultima Cannon Shotlock from Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep as an attack. The Lingering Will's Ultima Cannon fires one sphere of energy that homes in on its target and produces a larger explosion than Terra's version. However, the explosion is weaker, it chases Sora around the battlefield, and the sphere can be deflected back at the Lingering Will. However, there are lot's of ways to nullify or evade the move. The easiest way is to guard when you are a few meters from the Lingering Will so you can deflect the cannon back to it, which leaves him very vulnerable. If he is charging the cannon and you are too far away, then Dodge Roll, or Quick Run against it to nullify the explosion. The Lingering Will can turn it's Keyblade into something resembling a bow and shoots 3 deadly projectiles trying to catch you, but keep in mind that it shoots five when low on HP. It is a particularly deadly attack that consist in trapping Sora in a triangular shaped shield that drains his health at a very fast rate. Your command bar changes, and you will have to select the "Release" command in order to break free from the curse. The projectiles can easily be evaded with the right timing of Dodge Roll, or Reflega, and when he turns his Keyblade back to normal form, that is the time to attack. If the Lingering Will's projectile hits you however, the best way to break free from the curse is to glide away while waiting for the "Release" command.

The Lingering Will can also Transform his Keyblade into the Keyblade Glider that Terra used in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and move around the map extremely fast. Using guard is the best way for defending yourself, and if you're in Final Form just Glide, as Sora's Keyblades will protect you. You can attack when your target lands, though it's hard to predict when and where. In addition to his Keyblade, The Lingering Will has some magical abilities as well, such as creating an strange looking seal that either creates a blue, or orange orb above Sora's head. The orange orb prevents Sora from attacking, while the blue orb prevents Sora from using Magic or Items. In order to break free from this curse, you have to deplete a new, smaller bar of HP, visible when the Lingering Will has been Locked on to. If you see a blue orb, attack to deplete the bar, if you see an orange orb, use Magic, or Limits in Limit Form. Either way, drive forms are still usable. You can simply evade this move by using Dodge Roll, Quick Run, or Reflega if timed right. It is unexpected when the Lingering Will is going to use this move, but when you hear him teleporting suddenly behind Sora, then be prepared. Another clue for you to dodge this attack is when you see the Lingering Will flying at high speeds and repeatedly landing right behind Sora.

The Lingering Will can conjure Drone-like objects which Fire beams of Plasma at Sora, Donald, Goofy. When it is low on health, usually when it has six, or seven bars left, it automatically launches them and disappears from Sora's sight for a few seconds. When it does this, the second phase of the battle is about to begin. You can react to this attack using guard, Reflega, or simply gliding away. Sometimes though, even when the Lingering Will is full on HP, it can combine its other moves especially its Keyblade Glider attack, with the drones. This makes things a lot more difficult to handle since not even a right timed Guard or Reflega can always protect you from several angles all the time, although with some luck you may be able to deflect against the Lingering Will itself. They can be destroyed with Aerial Dodge but it's not worth it.

When the Lingering Will uses it's Desperation Move, it enters a berserk-like state, similar to Saïx's berserk technique. It's arm gauntlets, and helmet will emit a bright red aura, and it then splits it's Keyblade into two weapons. The first part of the attack is quite easy. You can either use Guard, or Glide and no particular time is needed for blocking. In the second phase of the attack, you cannot physically block anything. Just Glide away, and land as soon the Lingering Will prepares the third and final phase of the attack. The third part is probably the most difficult move to block/evade in the entire battle. It is all about having perfect timing with Guard, Dodge Roll, and Quick Run. The Lingering Will starts by swinging his Keyblade in midair. Then he disappears, and reapers behind Sora. To defend yourself from this attack, you must lock-on to the Lingering Will and guard. Keep guarding until he uses the move very similar to Thunder Surge and lands. Then, he is left vulnerable. Just like every other move, however, there are various ways to evade this one as well. If you happen to get hit, make sure to use Aerial Recovery at the right time to nullify its last spinning move. This way, you can still quickly reach the Lingering Will and start a new combo. Thundaga is best for distracting your enemy if you are too far away, giving you the time to reach it. A very useful trick is flying and reaching a specific point on the edge of the map. This way, the Lingering Will is forced to teleport always in front of Sora, making it easier to block all of its attacks. In the second phase of the battle, while low on HP, the Lingering Will also makes use of Magic. There is a small chance that it may cast Magnega, that will put Sora into its path, and Blizzaga, both in some lethal combinations.

These are all of the Lingering Will's abilities. In the first phase of the battle, it usually executes them in a predictable pattern. But when it is left with seven, or six HP bars, it will automatically use it's Desperation Move for the first time. This marks the end of the first Phase, and the Beginning of the second phase of the fight, where he Lingering Will makes use of all of its resources and the player can barely predict which attacks it is going to use next. If you want to prevent this, count your combos and finishers and you'll know when it is going to react. Also, if you deflect its Ultima Cannon back at him, that counts as one of Sora's finishers. Therefore, the enemy will react after 4 more finishers. No matter how cautious you are, when the Lingering Will is being left with Seven, or Six bars, it will react in the middle of your combo, or right after a finisher. So keep an eye on its HP and be prepared to evade its sudden move.

The final rule to bear in mind is the most important one. The Lingering Will changes it's fighting style depending by its very first move at the start of the battle. If it starts with a specific move, you have more chances of predicting how it is going to behave in the first phase of the battle.


Lingering Will—Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Lingering Will—Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix (HD 2.5 Remix)
<youtube width="320" height="240">laAMEnmBFvw</youtube> <youtube width="320" height="240">iW4m7LCGCOE</youtube>

Notes and references