Kingdom Hearts (game)
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD
Kingdom Hearts χ
Kingdom Hearts Union χ
Kingdom Hearts Dark Road

Strike Raid: Difference between revisions

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[[File:StrikeRaid1.gif|frame|Sora using Strike Raid in ''Kingdom Hearts'']]
'''Strike Raid''' is a special ability present in ''[[Kingdom Hearts (game)|Kingdom Hearts]]'' and ''[[Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories]]''. It is learned after completing the Pegasus Cup in Olympus for the first time. Sora can execute this ability through [[Limit Form]] in ''[[Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix]]'', as it is one of four abilities to return as a combo finisher in this [[Drive Form]]. [[Ventus]] has been seen using a similar ability in ''[[Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep]]'' gameplay footage.
|romaji=Sutoraiku Reido
|jpname=Strike Raid
|kh1name=Strike Raid
|kh1image=Strike Raid KH.gif
|kh1desc=Hurl the Keyblade at an enemy. Select followup attack at right time for a combo. [Long-range attack. Cost: 2 MP.]
|kh1pow1=Strength +10
|kh1pow2=Strength +10
|kh1pow3=Strength +12
|kh1mp=2<ref>Costs 3 MP in the original Japanese version.</ref>
|comname=Strike Raid
|comimage=Strike Raid KHRECOM.gif
|comdesc=Hurl the Keyblade forward, stunning and dealing damage to enemies in its path.
|compow=x1.0 per hit{{KHCoM}}<br>x2.0 per hit{{ReCoM}}
|comcard={{sleight|Kingdom Key|Kingdom Key|Kingdom Key|24-26|Three attack cards}}
|kh2tab=Strike Raid (Genie)
|kh2name=Strike Raid
|kh2image=Strike Raid KHII.gif
|kh2el1={{AT|mag}} Neutral
|kh2el2={{AT|mag}} Neutral
|2fmtab=Strike Raid (Limit Form)
|2fmname=Strike Raid
|2fmimage=Strike Raid KHIIFM.gif
|2fmdesc=A Limit Command that allows you to throw the Keyblade at the target. Press {{button|t}} for a combo. MP Cost: 65
|2fmel1={{AT|att}} Physical
|2fmel2={{AT|att}} Physical
|2fmel3={{AT|att}} Physical
|bbsname=Strike Raid
|bbsimage=Strike Raid KHBBS.gif
|bbsdesc=Throw the Keyblade at the enemy. Stuns some foes.
|bbsel={{AT|att}} Physical
|bbsstat=Stun ({{Note|Stun chance is the same as the critical rate of the equipped weapon}}/3.3s)
|recname=Strike Raid
|recimage=Strike Raid KHREC.gif
|recdesc=Hurl your Keyblade toward enemies.
|rectype={{AT|att}} Physical
|recgoofy=Goofy Turbo
|reccompiled=Sonic Line LV1
|dddname=Strike Raid
|ddddesc=Throw the Keyblade at the enemy. Stuns some foes.
|dddel1={{AT|att}} Physical
|dddstat1=Stun (50%/3.3s)
|dddbonus=Defense +1
|uxname=Strike Raid
|uximage=Strike Raid KHUX.gif
|uxdmg1a='''7★:''' x7.15 - 8.00
|uxdesc1a='''7★:''' Deals 2 hits. Inflicts more damage to poisoned targets.
|drname=Strike Raid
|drimage=Strike Raid KHDR.gif
|drdesc=A powerful physical attack.
|drcol1=Light Red
|drpow1=20 - 60
'''Strike Raid''' is a technique introduced in ''{{c|Kingdom Hearts|game}}''. It is a ranged attack that allows the user to hurl the [[Keyblade]] at enemies.

In ''Kingdom Hearts'', Strike Raid is a [[Special Ability]] that [[Sora]] can use while on the ground against a target at long range. It lets Sora throw the Keyblade up to five times, summoning the Keyblade back to his hand after each toss. Sora is invulnerable during the technique, and the Keyblade will immediately return to Sora's hand if it hits an obstacle, causing recoil. Selecting the {{nihongo|'''Strike'''|ストライク|Sutoraiku}} command from the last command bar executes the initial attack, an additional three attacks can be added by selecting the {{nihongo|'''Raid'''|レイド|Reido}} command each time it becomes available, and the final, more powerful finishing strike is executed by selecting the {{nihongo|'''Judgment'''|ジャッジメント|Jajjimento}} command when it appears. In the ''[[Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX]]'' release of ''[[Kingdom Hearts Final Mix]]'', the initial Strike command, the Raid followups, and the Judgment finisher are all implemented as [[Reaction Commands]]. Strike Raid costs 3 {{AP}} to equip and 2 [[MP]] to use (3 MP in the original Japanese version).
In ''[[Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories]]'', Strike Raid is an [[attack sleight]]. It allows the user to throw the Keyblade once, with it returning like a boomerang. The attack damages and [[stun]]s enemies on impact.
In ''[[Kingdom Hearts II]]'', Strike Raid is a [[limit]] exclusive to [[Genie]]. The limit begins with '''Strike''', where Genie shoots a stream of magic bullets at a single target. Afterwards, '''Judgment''' causes Sora to spin Genie in a circle as Genie shoots more magic bullets from his fingers towards all surrounding enemies, knocking them closer to Sora.
In ''[[Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix]]'', Strike Raid is also an [[action ability]] exclusive to [[Limit Form]]. It is a [[limit]] that is equipped by default and costs 65 MP to use. It is automatically assigned to {{button|s}} in the shortcuts menu. On activation, Sora performs the first throw attack, and up to three more throws can be executed through the '''{{a|Raid}}''' [[Reaction Command]]. Afterwards, the Reaction Command is replaced with '''{{a|Judgment}}''' to perform the final, more powerful throw. Each time it is thrown, the Keyblade has strong homing capabilities, making Strike Raid's attacks connect more reliably than its iteration in ''Kingdom Hearts''.
[[File:Strike Raid KHREC.png]] In ''[[Kingdom Hearts Re:coded]]'', Strike Raid is an {{c|attack command|RCO}} that has a normal memory consumption of 15% and a reload time of 15 seconds. It lets Data-Sora hurl the Keyblade once, with it returning like a boomerang. If used in midair, he will return to the ground before throwing the Keyblade.
In ''[[Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep]]'', Strike Raid is a Basic {{c|attack command|BBS}} available to [[Terra]], [[Ventus]], and [[Aqua]] that lets the user hurl the Keyblade once, with it returning like a boomerang. If used in midair, they will return to the ground before throwing the Keyblade.{{?}} The attack damages and stuns enemies on impact. It takes up one slot in the Command Deck, has a maximum level of 3, has a normal reload time of 10 seconds, and fills the Command Gauge by 20%.
In ''[[Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance]]'', Strike Raid is an {{c|attack command|DDD}} that takes up one slot in the Command Deck and has a reload time of 24 seconds. It lets the user hurl the Keyblade at the enemy, after which it loops around to hit multiple times and potentially attack other enemies{{?}}. It has a 50% chance of stunning enemies. It grants +1 to [[Defense]] when attached to a [[Dream Eater]] recipe. This version of Strike Raid can be initiated in midair.
In ''[[Kingdom Hearts Union χ]]'', Strike Raid is a [[special attack]] that targets all enemies and costs 3 special attack gauges to use. It inflicts more damage to poisoned targets.
In ''[[Kingdom Hearts Dark Road]]'', Strike Raid is a physical {{c|ability|dr}} that deals non-element damage.
==Learning Strike Raid==
===''Kingdom Hearts''===
===''Kingdom Hearts''===
'''Strike Raid'''
*[[Sora]] learns Strike Raid after completing the [[Pegasus Cup]] for the first time.
<br />'''Description''': [[Sora]] hurls his [[Keyblade]] at a locked-on enemy in a boomerang fashion, damaging and making the enemy recoil slightly.
<br />'''MP Cost''': 2
<br />'''Effect''': When far away from a locked on enemy, Sora's last command on the bar will change in to '''Strike''', pressing it will allow Sora to hurl his Keyblade. It will strike the enemy and then fly back into Sora's hands. If Sora is not interrupted during the first throw, '''Raid''' will replace the last box. A total of three '''Raid'''s can be executed to connect the combo. After successfully executing three Raids, '''Judgment''' will replace Raid. Pressing it will make Sora reel back and throw the Keyblade with both hands, dealing large damage to any enemy struck by it and ending the combo.

===''Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories''===
===''Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories''===
'''Strike Raid'''
*Sora learns Strike Raid after reaching level 12.
===''Kingdom Hearts II''===
*[["Wisdom" Genie]] has Strike Raid as his Limit.
*[[Limit Form]] has Strike Raid as a [[Limit Command]].{{FMII}}
===''Kingdom Hearts Re:coded''===
*[[Data-Sora]] can obtain Strike Raid from a [[Rare Prize Blox]] in the {{c|Cave / Hall of Beginnings|ag}}.
*Data-Sora has a 4% chance of obtaining Strike Raid from a [[Prize Blox]] on Floor 51-60 of the [[Avatar Sector]].
*Data-Sora can obtain Strike Raid by defeating the [[Ice Titan]] on Beginner Mode with a ranking of A or higher.
*Data-Sora can obtain Strike Raid by defeating the Ice Titan on Standard Mode with a ranking of B or higher.
*Data-Sora can obtain Strike Raid by defeating [[Data-Riku]] at [[Hollow Bastion Part I]] on Beginner Mode with a ranking of ★.
*Data-Sora can obtain Strike Raid by defeating Data-Riku at Hollow Bastion Part I on Standard Mode with a ranking of A or higher.
*Data-Sora can obtain Strike Raid by defeating Data-Riku at Hollow Bastion Part I on Proud Mode with a ranking of B or higher.
*Data-Sora can purchase Strike Raid from the [[Moogle Shop]] for 400 munny after clearing Hollow Bastion Part I.
*'''Strike Raid''': [[Fat Bandit]] (4%, Critical Mode)
===''Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep''===
*[[Ventus]] has Strike Raid as one of his initial commands.
*[[Terra]] can find Strike Raid in a chest in the [[Foyer]].
*[[Aqua]] can find Strike Raid in a chest in the {{c|Gardens|RG}}.
*Terra, Ventus, and Aqua can purchase Strike Raid from the [[Moogle Shop]] for 100 [[munny]] once five worlds are cleared or the command has already been obtained elsewhere.
*Terra, Ventus, and Aqua can obtain Strike Raid from a bonus panel on the [[Keyblade Board]].
*Terra and Aqua can obtain Strike Raid by purchasing Ventus's Strike Raid panel on the Keyblade Board.
*Terra and Aqua can obtain Strike Raid by purchasing Ventus's Strike Raid panel on the [[Secret Board]].
*Ventus's D-Link has Strike Raid in its deck.
*[[Goofy]]'s D-Link has 1 copy of Strike Raid in its base deck, and 2 copies after collecting 2 emblems.
*'''Strike Raid''': [[Monotrucker]]: (6%, Shop LV 4-5, 7-8)
====Command Meld====
Strike Raid is a Basic-class Attack Command that can be melded by Terra, Ventus, and Aqua through a single recipe, listed in the [[Attack Recipe]].
|c1a=Quick Blitz|lv1a=2|c1b=Sliding Dash|lv1b=2|type1=H
===''Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance''===
*Sora can obtain Strike Raid from a chest in the [[Fountain Plaza]].
*Sora and [[Riku]] can purchase Strike Raid from the [[Sir Kyroo]] [[Ability Link]] for 10 Link Points.
*Sora and Riku can purchase Strike Raid from the [[Pricklemane]] Ability Link for 10 Link Points.
*Sora and Riku can purchase Strike Raid from the [[shop]] for 200 munny, 160 munny during [[Bargain Flurry]], after reaching Shop Level 3.
===''Kingdom Hearts Union χ''===
*Strike Raid +2 is the special attack for medals {{medal|Simba|107}} and {{medal|Valor Form Sora|175}}.
*Strike Raid +3 is the special attack for medals {{medal|Simba|108}} and {{medal|Valor Form Sora|176}}.
*Strike Raid +4 is the special attack for medals {{medal|Simba|109}} and {{medal|Valor Form Sora|177}}.
*Strike Raid +5 is the special attack for medals {{medal|Simba|110}} and {{medal|Valor Form Sora|178}}.
*Strike Raid +6 is the special attack for medals {{medal|Simba|1060}} and {{medal|Valor Form Sora|1063}}.
===''Kingdom Hearts Dark Road''===
*The {{DRCard|Key Art #1}} card has Strike Raid as its ability.

'''Sleight Value''': 24-26
==Synthesized Commands==
===''Kingdom Hearts Re:coded''===
Strike Raid is used to convert the following commands:
*[[Thunder Buster]]
*[[Thunder Slam]]
*[[Fire Raid]]
*[[Blizzard Raid]]
*[[Thunder Raid]]
*[[Aero Raid]]
*[[Wind Sweep]]
*[[Spark Storm]]

'''Requirements''': Three attack cards.
===''Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep''===
Strike Raid is used to meld the following commands:
*[[Freeze Raid]]
*[[Treasure Raid]]
*[[Ars Solum]]
*[[Poison Edge]]
*[[Wishing Edge]]
*[[Stun Edge]]
*[[Confusion Strike]]
*[[Binding Strike]]
*[[Thundaga Shot]]
*[[Payback Raid]]
*[[Meteor Shower]]
*[[Bio Barrage]]

'''Ability''': Hurl the Keyblade forward, stunning and dealing damage to enemies in its path.
==Other appearances==
===''Kingdom Hearts II''===
[[Roxas]] uses a Reaction Command called '''Break Raid''' in the battle against the [[Twilight Thorn]] that resembles Strike Raid.

=== ''Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories'' ===
===''Kingdom Hearts III''===
'''Strike Raid'''
While [[Sora]] is performing [[Risk Dodge]], he can attack with '''Risk Raid'''. This can only be done if he somersaults over the enemy. Additionally, Xion will perform Strike Raid during her boss battles.

'''Sleight Value''': 24-26
===''Final Fantasy Record Keeper''===
[[File:Strike Raid Icon FFRK.png|80px|right]]
Strike Raid appears in ''[[Final Fantasy Record Keeper]]'' as one of Sora's Soul Breaks, learned through the Lionheart (KH) Keyblade. It allows him to deliver ten ranged physical fire, lightning, and ice attacks to an enemy, set his critical hit chance to 50%, and lets him enter Connected Hearts EX Mode, which raises his Attack a moderate amount, and causes fire, lightning, and ice spellblade abilities to trigger the follow-up ability Judgment.

'''Requirements''': Three attack Cards
*Strike Raid's flight path alters a bit in ''Kingdom Hearts II''.
*The user will oddly have the keyblade be instantly deflected back into their hand if the move it blocked, such as hitting a wall from a far distance (despite the fact that the keyblade is long out of their hand depending on the distance).
*During the battle against [[Game:Roxas|Roxas]] in ''Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix'', it is possible to steal [[Oathkeeper & Oblivion|his Keyblades]] for a short while with the Duel Stance Reaction Command. Using Strike Raid at this time will magically hurl Roxas's Keyblades along with Sora's.
--><!--move to Xion
*Although [[Xion]] uses most of Sora's ''Kingdom Hearts'' limits, she does not use Strike Raid.--><!--move to mechanics-->

'''Ability''': Hurl the Keyblade forward, stunning and dealing damage to enemies in its path.
==See also==
<!--===''Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories''===-->
*[[Fire Raid]]
*[[Blizzard Raid]]
*[[Thunder Raid]]
*[[Gravity Raid]]
*[[Stop Raid]]
<!--===''Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep''===-->
*[[Freeze Raid]]
*[[Treasure Raid]]
*[[Spark Raid]]
*[[Wind Raid]]
*[[Payback Raid]]
<!--===''Kingdom Hearts Re:coded''===-->
*[[Aero Raid]]
<!--===''Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance''===-->
*[[Circle Raid]]
<!--===''Kingdom Hearts χ''===-->
*[[Dark Fire Raid]]
*[[Dark Blizzard Raid]]
*[[Dark Thunder Raid]]

==Notes and references==
*A form of the raid ability is used against the [[Twilight Thorn]] in the Third Day of [[Roxas]]'s story.
*The Judgment [[Sleight]] is based off the Judgment command used with Strike Raid.
*[[Final Form]] can also perform something similar to a raid when attacking a distant target.
*Riku uses a very similar attack in ''Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories'', in his Duel Sleight Barrage.
*Strike Raid is One of the Four Returning Abilities That Xion Doesn't Use
[[Category: Abilities]]
[[Category:Kingdom Hearts abilities]]
[[Category:Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories abilities]]
[[Category:Kingdom Hearts II abilities]]
[[Category:Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Attack commands]]
[[Category:Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Attack commands]]
[[Category:Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance Attack commands]]
[[Category:Kingdom Hearts χ special attacks]]
[[Category:Kingdom Hearts Union χ special attacks]]
[[Category:Kingdom Hearts Dark Road abilities]]

Latest revision as of 03:56, 8 June 2024

Strike Raid
(ストライクレイド Sutoraiku Reido?)
Strike Raid KH.gif
Hurl the Keyblade at an enemy. Select followup attack at right time for a combo. [Long-range attack. Cost: 2 MP.]
Attack Element Power Crit
Deflect Recoil
Strike Weapon Strength +10 100% 0
Raid Weapon Strength +10 100% 0
Judgment Weapon Strength +12 100% 0
AP Cost 3 MP Cost 2[1]
Strike Raid
(ストライクレイド Sutoraiku Reido?)
Strike Raid KHRECOM.gif
Hurl the Keyblade forward, stunning and dealing damage to enemies in its path.
Element Power Card Combination Enemy Card Boost
Neutral x1.0 per hit[KH CoM]
x2.0 per hit[KH Re:CoM]
Kingdom Key (card).png + Kingdom Key (card).png + Kingdom Key (card).png (24-26)
Three attack cards
Xigbar (card).png
Strike Raid
(ストライクレイド Sutoraiku Reido?)
Strike Raid KHII.gif
Attack Element Power Drive Value Deflect Finishing
Strike Magic Command Neutral x0.01[KH II]
x0.1[KH II FM]
Judgment Magic Command Neutral x0.01[KH II]
x0.2[KH II FM]
Summon Gauge Cost 1 Limit Gauge 0.4
Strike Raid
(ストライクレイド Sutoraiku Reido?)
Strike Raid KHIIFM.gif
A Limit Command that allows you to throw the Keyblade at the target. Press Triangle for a combo. MP Cost: 65
Attack Element Power Form Value Deflect Finishing
Strike Raid Attack Command Physical x2.0 2 X O
Raid Attack Command Physical x2.0 2 X O
Judgment Attack Command Physical x5.0 5 X O
AP Cost 0 MP Cost 65
Strike Raid
(ストライクレイド Sutoraiku Reido?)
Gif of Strike Raid
Hurl your Keyblade toward enemies.
Attack No. of Hits Power Critical % Clock Gauge Blocks Hit
LV 0 LV 50 LV 100
Strike Raid 2 1.00 1.25 1.50 3% +105 Multiple
Type Element Status Reload
Aerial Use Keyblade Reach
Attack Command Physical 14 seconds X X
Max CP Memory Consumption Buy Shop LV Sell
170 15% 400 6 100
Goofy Command Compiled Command
Goofy Turbo Sonic Line LV1

Strike Raid
(ストライクレイド Sutoraiku Reido?)

Strike Raid KHBBS.gif

Throw the Keyblade at the enemy. Stuns some foes.
LV CP Required Attack No. of Hits Power
LV1 Throw 1 1.3
Return 1 1.3
LV2 110 Throw 1 1.4
Return 1 1.4
LV3 130 Throw 1 1.5
Return 1 1.5
Element Status Effect Reload Speed Command Gauge
Attack Command Physical Stun (Symbol - Crown.png/3.3s) 10 seconds +20
Buy Sell
Price Shop LV Base LV Bonus Ability Bonus
100 5 50 12.5 25
Strike Raid
(ストライクレイド Sutoraiku Reido?)
Throw the Keyblade at the enemy. Stuns some foes.
Attack Element Power Reaction
Status Guard?
Strike Raid Attack Command Physical 0.5 2 Stun (50%/3.3s) X
Reload Speed Dream Eater Bonus
22 seconds Defense +1
Buy Bargain Sell Shop LV
200 160 100 3
Strike Raid
(ストライクレイド Sutoraiku Reido?)
Strike Raid gif
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Power Upright All 3 7★: x7.15 - 8.00
7★: Deals 2 hits. Inflicts more damage to poisoned targets.
Strike Raid
(ストライクレイド Sutoraiku Reido?)
Strike Raid KHDR.gif
A powerful physical attack.
Color Type Element Power
Light Red Physical Non-element 20 - 60

Strike Raid is a technique introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is a ranged attack that allows the user to hurl the Keyblade at enemies.


In Kingdom Hearts, Strike Raid is a Special Ability that Sora can use while on the ground against a target at long range. It lets Sora throw the Keyblade up to five times, summoning the Keyblade back to his hand after each toss. Sora is invulnerable during the technique, and the Keyblade will immediately return to Sora's hand if it hits an obstacle, causing recoil. Selecting the Strike (ストライク Sutoraiku?) command from the last command bar executes the initial attack, an additional three attacks can be added by selecting the Raid (レイド Reido?) command each time it becomes available, and the final, more powerful finishing strike is executed by selecting the Judgment (ジャッジメント Jajjimento?) command when it appears. In the Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX release of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, the initial Strike command, the Raid followups, and the Judgment finisher are all implemented as Reaction Commands. Strike Raid costs 3 AP to equip and 2 MP to use (3 MP in the original Japanese version).

In Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, Strike Raid is an attack sleight. It allows the user to throw the Keyblade once, with it returning like a boomerang. The attack damages and stuns enemies on impact.

In Kingdom Hearts II, Strike Raid is a limit exclusive to Genie. The limit begins with Strike, where Genie shoots a stream of magic bullets at a single target. Afterwards, Judgment causes Sora to spin Genie in a circle as Genie shoots more magic bullets from his fingers towards all surrounding enemies, knocking them closer to Sora.

In Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, Strike Raid is also an action ability exclusive to Limit Form. It is a limit that is equipped by default and costs 65 MP to use. It is automatically assigned to   in the shortcuts menu. On activation, Sora performs the first throw attack, and up to three more throws can be executed through the Raid Reaction Command. Afterwards, the Reaction Command is replaced with Judgment to perform the final, more powerful throw. Each time it is thrown, the Keyblade has strong homing capabilities, making Strike Raid's attacks connect more reliably than its iteration in Kingdom Hearts.

  In Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, Strike Raid is an attack command that has a normal memory consumption of 15% and a reload time of 15 seconds. It lets Data-Sora hurl the Keyblade once, with it returning like a boomerang. If used in midair, he will return to the ground before throwing the Keyblade.

In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Strike Raid is a Basic attack command available to Terra, Ventus, and Aqua that lets the user hurl the Keyblade once, with it returning like a boomerang. If used in midair, they will return to the ground before throwing the Keyblade.[?] The attack damages and stuns enemies on impact. It takes up one slot in the Command Deck, has a maximum level of 3, has a normal reload time of 10 seconds, and fills the Command Gauge by 20%.

In Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, Strike Raid is an attack command that takes up one slot in the Command Deck and has a reload time of 24 seconds. It lets the user hurl the Keyblade at the enemy, after which it loops around to hit multiple times and potentially attack other enemies[?]. It has a 50% chance of stunning enemies. It grants +1 to Defense when attached to a Dream Eater recipe. This version of Strike Raid can be initiated in midair.

In Kingdom Hearts Union χ, Strike Raid is a special attack that targets all enemies and costs 3 special attack gauges to use. It inflicts more damage to poisoned targets.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Strike Raid +2 3★ x1.43 - 2.28 x1.47 - 2.32 1
Strike Raid +3 4★ x1.47 - 2.32 x1.51 - 2.36 x1.59 - 2.44 1
Strike Raid +4 5★ x1.51 - 2.36 x1.59 - 2.44 x1.67 - 2.52 x1.75 - 2.60 1
Strike Raid +5 6★ x1.59 - 2.44 x1.67 - 2.52 x1.75 - 2.60 x1.83 - 2.68 x1.91 - 2.76 x1.99 - 2.84 2
Strike Raid +6 7★ x7.15 - 8.00 2

In Kingdom Hearts Dark Road, Strike Raid is a physical ability that deals non-element damage.

Learning Strike RaidEdit

Kingdom HeartsEdit

  • Sora learns Strike Raid after completing the Pegasus Cup for the first time.

Kingdom Hearts Chain of MemoriesEdit

  • Sora learns Strike Raid after reaching level 12.

Kingdom Hearts IIEdit

Kingdom Hearts Re:codedEdit

  • Data-Sora can obtain Strike Raid from a Rare Prize Blox in the Cave / Hall of Beginnings.
  • Data-Sora has a 4% chance of obtaining Strike Raid from a Prize Blox on Floor 51-60 of the Avatar Sector.
  • Data-Sora can obtain Strike Raid by defeating the Ice Titan on Beginner Mode with a ranking of A or higher.
  • Data-Sora can obtain Strike Raid by defeating the Ice Titan on Standard Mode with a ranking of B or higher.
  • Data-Sora can obtain Strike Raid by defeating Data-Riku at Hollow Bastion Part I on Beginner Mode with a ranking of ★.
  • Data-Sora can obtain Strike Raid by defeating Data-Riku at Hollow Bastion Part I on Standard Mode with a ranking of A or higher.
  • Data-Sora can obtain Strike Raid by defeating Data-Riku at Hollow Bastion Part I on Proud Mode with a ranking of B or higher.
  • Data-Sora can purchase Strike Raid from the Moogle Shop for 400 munny after clearing Hollow Bastion Part I.


Kingdom Hearts Birth by SleepEdit

  • Ventus has Strike Raid as one of his initial commands.
  • Terra can find Strike Raid in a chest in the Foyer.
  • Aqua can find Strike Raid in a chest in the Gardens.
  • Terra, Ventus, and Aqua can purchase Strike Raid from the Moogle Shop for 100 munny once five worlds are cleared or the command has already been obtained elsewhere.
  • Terra, Ventus, and Aqua can obtain Strike Raid from a bonus panel on the Keyblade Board.
  • Terra and Aqua can obtain Strike Raid by purchasing Ventus's Strike Raid panel on the Keyblade Board.
  • Terra and Aqua can obtain Strike Raid by purchasing Ventus's Strike Raid panel on the Secret Board.
  • Ventus's D-Link has Strike Raid in its deck.
  • Goofy's D-Link has 1 copy of Strike Raid in its base deck, and 2 copies after collecting 2 emblems.


Command MeldEdit

Strike Raid is a Basic-class Attack Command that can be melded by Terra, Ventus, and Aqua through a single recipe, listed in the Attack Recipe.

Character Command #1 Command #2 Success
Command LV Command LV Shimmering Fleeting Pulsing Wellspring Soothing Hungry Abounding
T V A Quick Blitz 2 Sliding Dash 2 100% Dark Screen Attack Haste Finish Boost Air Combo Plus Item Boost Treasure Magnet Lucky Strike

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop DistanceEdit

  • Sora can obtain Strike Raid from a chest in the Fountain Plaza.
  • Sora and Riku can purchase Strike Raid from the Sir Kyroo Ability Link for 10 Link Points.
  • Sora and Riku can purchase Strike Raid from the Pricklemane Ability Link for 10 Link Points.
  • Sora and Riku can purchase Strike Raid from the shop for 200 munny, 160 munny during Bargain Flurry, after reaching Shop Level 3.

Kingdom Hearts Union χEdit

Kingdom Hearts Dark RoadEdit

  • The Key Art #1 card has Strike Raid as its ability.

Synthesized CommandsEdit

Kingdom Hearts Re:codedEdit

Strike Raid is used to convert the following commands:

Kingdom Hearts Birth by SleepEdit

Strike Raid is used to meld the following commands:

Other appearancesEdit

Kingdom Hearts IIEdit

Roxas uses a Reaction Command called Break Raid in the battle against the Twilight Thorn that resembles Strike Raid.

Kingdom Hearts IIIEdit

While Sora is performing Risk Dodge, he can attack with Risk Raid. This can only be done if he somersaults over the enemy. Additionally, Xion will perform Strike Raid during her boss battles.

Final Fantasy Record KeeperEdit

Strike Raid appears in Final Fantasy Record Keeper as one of Sora's Soul Breaks, learned through the Lionheart (KH) Keyblade. It allows him to deliver ten ranged physical fire, lightning, and ice attacks to an enemy, set his critical hit chance to 50%, and lets him enter Connected Hearts EX Mode, which raises his Attack a moderate amount, and causes fire, lightning, and ice spellblade abilities to trigger the follow-up ability Judgment.

See alsoEdit

Notes and referencesEdit

  1. ^ Costs 3 MP in the original Japanese version.