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Spark Raid

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Spark Raid
(スパークレイド Supāku Reido?)

Spark Raid

Throw the Keyblade at the enemy. If it connects, the Keyblade will split into beams of light that fly in all directions.
LV CP Required Attack No. of Hits Power No. of light beams
LV1 Spark Raid 2 3.1 5
LV2 520 Spark Raid 2 3.2 5
LV3 550 Spark Raid 2 3.3 6
LV4 580 Spark Raid 2 3.4 6
LV5 610 Spark Raid 2 3.5 7
Element Status Effect Reload Speed Command Gauge
Attack Command Physical 20 seconds +20
Buy Sell
Price Shop LV Base LV Bonus Ability Bonus
1300 650 162.5 325
Spark Raid
(スパークレイド Supāku Reido?)
Throw the Keyblade at the enemy. If it connects, the Keyblade will split into beams of light that fly in all directions.
Attack Element Power Reaction
Status Flinch Resistance
Spark Raid Attack Command Physical 1.3 2 X
Reload Speed Dream Eater Bonus
36 seconds Defense +2
Buy Bargain Sell Shop LV
Spark Raid
(スパークレイド Supāku Reido?)
Spark Raid KHUX.gif
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Magic Upright Single 2 7★: x10.94 - 11.99
7★: Deals 8 hits. 1 turn: ↑ U-STR by 3, ↓ target's DEF by 2. Inflicts more damage in slot 4.
Speed Upright Single 2 7★: x10.94 - 11.99
7★: Deals 8 hits. 1 turn: ↑ U-STR by 3, ↓ target's DEF by 2. Inflicts more damage in slot 4.

Spark Raid is a technique introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It allows the user to wrap the Keyblade in light, then hurl it towards enemies. If it connects, the Keyblade will split into beams of light that fly in all directions.


In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Spark Raid is an Ultimate attack command used by Ventus. It takes up one slot in the Command Deck, has a maximum level of 5 and a normal reload time of 20 seconds, and fills the Command Gauge by 20%.

In Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, Spark Raid is an attack command that uses one slot in the Command Deck and has a reload time of 36 seconds. It grants +2 to Defense when attached to a Dream Eater recipe.

In Kingdom Hearts Union χ, Spark Raid is a special attack that targets a single enemy. It costs 2 special attack gauges to perform. It inflicts more damage when placed in slot 4.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Spark Raid +5 6★ x2.78 - 3.83 x2.84 - 3.89 x2.90 - 3.95 x2.96 - 4.01 x3.02 - 4.07 x3.08 - 4.13 8
Spark Raid +6 7★ x10.94 - 11.99 8

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+5 +6 +5-6
Spark Raid Upright-based strength +3 Defense -2 1 turn

Learning Spark Raid[edit]

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep[edit]

  • Ventus can buy Spark Raid from the Moogle Shop for 1300 munny once the command has been obtained elsewhere.

Command Meld[edit]

Spark Raid is a Ultimate-class Attack Command that can be melded through five different recipes, listed in the Giga Attack Recipe.

Character Command #1 Command #2 Success
Command LV Command LV Shimmering Fleeting Pulsing Wellspring Soothing Hungry Abounding
V Treasure Raid 4 Magnega 4 100% Cure Boost Reload Boost Second Chance Combo Plus Defender Treasure Magnet Lucky Strike
V Freeze Raid 4 Magnega 4 100% Thunder Boost Reload Boost Combo F Boost Once More Defender Treasure Magnet EXP Chance
V Thunder Surge 4 Dodge Roll 4 20% Dark Screen Magic Haste Combo F Boost Air Combo Plus Item Boost Treasure Magnet EXP Walker
V Thundaga 4 Dodge Roll 4 20% Thunder Screen Attack Haste Finish Boost Combo Plus HP Boost Treasure Magnet Lucky Strike
V Stun Block 3 Dodge Roll 4 20% Thunder Screen Attack Haste Finish Boost Combo Plus HP Boost Treasure Magnet Lucky Strike

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance[edit]

Kingdom Hearts Union χ[edit]

See also[edit]