KHWiki:Pages for deletion/Archives: Difference between revisions

Text replacement - "Wiki:Pages for Deletion" to "Wiki:Pages for deletion"
(friendlier url, hopefully)
m (Text replacement - "Wiki:Pages for Deletion" to "Wiki:Pages for deletion")
(29 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
These are archives of past deletion discussions at [[Kingdom Hearts Wiki:Pages for Deletion]].  In general, these archives should not be modified, although they may be added to.
These are archives of past deletion discussions at [[KHWiki:Pages for deletion]].  In general, these archives should not be modified, although they may be added to.

If any discussion from this month have been archived, they can be found [[Kingdom Hearts Wiki:Pages for Deletion/Archives/{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}|here]].  To add to this archive, [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}/{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}_{{CURRENTYEAR}}|action=edit}} click here.]
If any discussion from this month have been archived, they can be found [[KHWiki:Pages for deletion/Archives/{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}}|here]].  To add to this archive, [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}/{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}}_{{CURRENTYEAR}}|action=edit}} click here.]

[[/Full archive]]
[[/Full archive]]

[[/Jan 2007]]
*[[/Jan 2007]]
*[[/Feb 2007]]
*'''/Mar 2007''' - no posts were archived at this time.
*[[/Apr 2007]]
*[[/May 2007]]
*[[/Jun 2007]]
*'''Jul 2007''' - no posts were archived at this time.
*'''Aug 2007''' - no posts were archived at this time.

[[/Feb 2007]]

'''/Mar 2007''' - no posts were archived at this time.
*[[/2009 JanMar|Jan-Mar 2009]]
*[[/2009 AprJun|Apr-Jun 2009]]
*[[/2009 JulSep|Jul-Sep 2009]]
*[[/2009 OctDec|Oct-Dec 2009]]

[[/Apr 2007]]
*[[/2010 Jan|January 2010]]
*[[/2010 Feb|February 2010]]
*[[/2010 Mar|March 2010]]
*[[/2010 Apr|April 2010]]
*[[/2010 May|May 2010]]
*[[/2010 Jun|June 2010]]
*[[/2010 Jul|July 2010]]
*[[/2010 Aug|August 2010]]
*[[/2010 Sep|September 2010]]
*[[/2010 Oct|October 2010]]
*[[/2010 Nov|November 2010]]
*[[/2010 Dec|December 2010]]

[[/May 2007]]
*[[/2011 Jan|January 2011]]
*[[/2011 Feb|February 2011]]
*[[/2011 Mar|March 2011]]
*'''April 2011''' - no posts were archived
*'''May 2011''' - no posts were archived
*[[/2011 Jun|June 2011]]
*[[/2011 Jul|July 2011]]
*[[/2011 Aug|August 2011]]
*[[/2011 Sep|September 2011]]
*[[/2011 Oct|October 2011]]
*'''November 2011''' - no posts were archived
*[[/2011 Dec|December 2011]]

*[[/2012 Jan|January 2012]]
*'''February 2012''' -no posts were archived
*[[/2012 Mar|March 2012]]
*[[/2012 Apr|April 2012]]
*[[/2012 May|May 2012]]
*'''June 2012''' -no posts were archived
*[[/2012 Jul|July 2012]]
*[[/2012 Aug|August 2012]]
*[[/2012 Sep|September 2012]]
*'''October 2012''' -no posts were archived
*'''November 2012''' -no posts were archived
*[[/2012 Dec|December 2012]]
*[[/2013 Jan|January 2013]]
*[[/2013 Feb|February 2013]]
*'''March 2013''' - no posts were archived
*'''April 2013''' - no posts were archived
*[[/2013 May|May 2013]]
*[[/2013 Jun|June 2013]]
*'''July 2013''' - no posts were archived
*[[/2013 Aug|August 2013]]
*'''September 2013''' - no posts were archived
*'''October 2013''' - no posts were archived
*'''November 2013''' - no posts were archived
*'''December 2013''' - no posts were archived
*[[/2014 Jan|January 2014]]
*[[/2014 Feb|February 2014]]
*[[/2014 Mar|March 2014]]
*[[/2014 Apr|April 2014]]
*[[/2014 May|May 2014]]
*[[/2014 Jun|June 2014]]
*[[/2014 Jul|July 2014]]
*[[/2014 Aug|August 2014]]
*[[/2014 Sep|September 2014]]
*[[/2014 Oct|October 2014]]
*[[/2014 Nov|November 2014]]
*'''December 2014''' - no posts were archived
*'''January 2015''' - no posts were archived
*[[/2015 Feb|February 2015]]
*'''March 2015''' - no posts were archived
*[[/2015 Apr|April 2015]]
*[[/2015 May|May 2015]]
*'''June 2015''' - no posts were archived
*[[/2015 Jul|July 2015]]
*[[/2015 Aug|August 2015]]
*[[/2015 Sep|September 2015]]
*[[/2015 Oct|October 2015]]
*[[/2015 Nov|November 2015]]
*[[/2015 Dec|December 2015]]
*[[/2016 Jan|January 2016]]
*[[/2016 Feb|February 2016]]
*'''March 2016''' - no posts were archived
*'''April 2016''' - no posts were archived
*'''May 2016''' - no posts were archived
*'''June 2016''' - no posts were archived
*'''July 2016''' - no posts were archived
*'''August 2016''' - no posts were archived
*'''September 2016''' - no posts were archived
*'''October 2016''' - no posts were archived
*'''November 2016''' - no posts were archived
*'''December 2016''' - no posts were archived
*[[/2017 Jan|January 2017]]
*'''February 2017''' - no posts were archived
*'''March 2017''' - no posts were archived
*[[/2017 Apr|April 2017]]
*'''May 2017''' - no posts were archived
*[[/2017 Jun|June 2017]]
*'''July 2017''' - no posts were archived
*'''August 2017''' - no posts were archived
*'''September 2017''' - no posts were archived
*'''October 2017''' - no posts were archived
*'''November 2017''' - no posts were archived
*[[/2017 Dec|December 2017]]