Eternal Nothingness XIII You act as though you have a conscience. When was the last time any one of us felt anything? — 04:08, 21 May 2015 (UTC)
This is an archived talk page. As such, the conversations below have been closed. Please do not edit any of them or leave new messages here. Thank you!
Eternal Nothingness XIII Who am I? What am I...here for? — 21:02, January 15, 2010 (UTC)
Terrible, as usual. I'd rather not talk about it.
SquareEnixRocks - No! My heart belongs to me ! TALK - Come on!
I'm really sorry. Is there anything I can do to help? Anything at all?
Eternal Nothingness XIII Who am I? What am I...here for? — 21:47, January 15, 2010 (UTC)
Sadly, not a thing. I finally get that girl to e-mail me, and I screw it all up. When I attempt to apologize, it just gets worse, because I'm nervous and really like her. I screwed up big time. After having time to think, I re-wrote my apology as sincere as I could. I doubt she'll even read it, much less want to be my friend now.
SquareEnixRocks - Look sharp! TALK - Come on!
I'm pretty sure that she'll take a glance at the email. Don't lose faith in yourself! I have faith in you, and I won't lose that faith for you! :)
SquareEnixRocks - Look sharp! TALK - Come on!
The Big Bang theory, eh? Intresting. Not sure what that has to do with this whole situation. =P Even if the girl is still mad at you, she can't stay mad at you forever, right?
SquareEnixRocks - No! My heart belongs to me ! TALK - Come on!
Oh darn, I just made you think negative again...but I'll never lose that faith! Here's a tip, I've faced a situation like this before. I wanted to tell this one guy I liked at my school that I liked him, but I was nervous. So I told someone that I "trust", but I don't anymore, to tell the guy that I liked him. That not so trustworthy someone ended up ASKING THE GUY I LIKE THAT I WANTED TO GO OUT WITH HIM. And so, that situation made my life worse too.
Here's a tip, just take things slowly. Don't be in a rush to just blurt out that you like her. I really hope this helps...
SquareEnixRocks - No! My heart belongs to me ! TALK - Come on!
Yeah, I'm a girl! Guess I scared the crap out of you. xP Sorry!
Woah...a whole confession!? Just tell her you like her when the time is right.
I guess you weren't expecting a girl to be cheering you up. :)
SquareEnixRocks - Look sharp! TALK - Come on!
C'mon! Don't be like that! The time is right when your friendship seems to grow more with the girl you like. Though you think that'll never happen. :P You'll know. Your heart will tell you when the time is right.
SquareEnixRocks - No! My heart belongs to me ! TALK - Come on!
I don't believe that! Wellll, I gotta go swimming now. I'll be back later. Take care! Bye!
Eternal Nothingness XIII You act as though you have a conscience. When was the last time any one of us felt anything? — 02:32, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
Same as when you left. No sign of her D:
SquareEnixRocks - No! My heart belongs to me ! TALK - Come on!
Awww...I'm really sorry! Are you sure there isn't anything I can do to help?
Eternal Nothingness XIII Why do I always get stuck with the icky jobs? — 03:11, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
Not unless you can change the past...
SquareEnixRocks - Look sharp! TALK - Come on!
I wish I could, I'd do almost anything to make you happy. Anything for a great friend. :)
Eternal Nothingness XIII I'd rather we just skip the formalities. — 03:21, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
SquareEnixRocks - Look sharp! TALK - Come on!
Yay! I'm really happy for you! Huggless! Now you might have another chance to raise up your friendship with her!
Eternal Nothingness XIII I'll go buy us some ice cream! — 03:25, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
I know! I'm so thankful.
SquareEnixRocks - Look sharp! TALK - Come on!
Crap! I can't stop smiling! But, that's a good thing! I'm like super-duper-mega-ultra happy for you!
Pages where template include size is exceeded
JFHavoc Talk to Me! — I once took an IQ test and got a score of over 9000. You're all morons. — 03:07, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
Hey, I've been having this problem with my talk page. Sometimes a category called:(see subject/headline) will show up and people can't use their talk bubbles anymore. The first time this happened I just archived my page since It was getting a little long anyway. I hear from LapisScarab that this has happened to you before. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Eternal Nothingness XIII Soon the emptiness will shatter your heart—here in this world of nothingness! As lightless oblivion devours you, drown in the ever-blooming darkness! — 03:10, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
Indeed, this has happened many times before to me. Rather than constantly using talk bubbles, you really should use the signature-based messages (just regular text with the four tildes). This cuts back on template space used. If this doesn't help, merely archive again. That doesn't mean archive if you have like 20 headings... usually use it when you have a larger number. Other than that, I'm not too sure. Those are both techniques I've used in the past, and they've turned out fine.
JFHavoc Talk to Me! — I once took an IQ test and got a score of over 9000. You're all morons. — 03:11, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
Okay, I'll try that. Thanks!
Couldn't tell if you noticed...
LegoAlchemist - They changed "Snipe Magnet" to "Magnet Grab"? Who's translating this game, 4kids? TALK - Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you.
So, I wasn't sure if you noticed or not, but all of th images I could muster including a possible avatar are on your previous talk page.
About your girl trouble And I couldn't help but notice So I accidentally overheard Forget it. I saw your chat with SER!, and I just wanted to say have faith. And good luck!
Eternal Nothingness XIII I should tell you that I'm in an EXTREMELY foul mood. Thanks to you, all our plans are ruined! — 10:22, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
I know they are there. I'm just awaiting the rest of them. There are still several to do.
LegoAlchemist - ARGH. Screw it, apeshit time. TALK - <insert angry Owen here>
Okay, I'll say it again.
The thing is, ENX, I can't make bubbles out of all of those images. Well, I suppose I could, but some of them would have the tops of their heads chopped off. The point is, it's very hard to make talk bubbles with only half of the character's head; I need full head shots for talk bubbles. However, if it is the end of the world if I don't make all of those, I will.
Eternal Nothingness XIII Is it that I'm not supposed to exist? — 22:24, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
I concur. Forgiven :D
LegoAlchemist - They changed "Snipe Magnet" to "Magnet Grab"? Who's translating this game, 4kids? TALK - Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you.
Eternal Nothingness XIII Why is it that you always have to glare at me like that? — 19:32, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
Sorta neutral today.
SquareEnixRocks - Look sharp! TALK - Come on!
Well, it's better then having a miserable day, right? Any luck with the girl of your dreams? =P
Eternal Nothingness XIII You really don't remember? It's me. You know, Axel. — 23:59, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
Sadly, she's busy with a friend, so we can't converse. I have MLK Day off, so I can stay up late and hopefully talk with her tomorrow :P
SquareEnixRocks - Look sharp! TALK - Come on!
Well, I hope you get to talk with her soon! Bounds of curiosity, what time is it where you live?
Eternal Nothingness XIII Organization XIII has no further use for you... Just look there. Our Kingdom Hearts... Thanks to you, we've collected countless hearts... Can you hear their euphoria? — 00:20, January 17, 2010 (UTC)
7:20 pm. Bed's at 10:00 pm tonight. I'll be offline until then, most likely.
SquareEnixRocks - Look sharp! TALK - Come on!
Ah. I just stay up like super late. :P And the time where you live is just an hour ahead of where I live.
SquareEnixRocks - Why am I so tiny... TALK - ...and why is my head so big?
Hey! Did you get to talk with her yet?
SquareEnixRocks - Why am I so tiny... TALK - ...and why is my head so big?
Well, I have this feeling that the girl likes you back. :) But, she's just trying to hide it. :P I'm sure she'll talk to you when you go to school tomorrow.
SquareEnixRocks - Are you done rambling? TALK - You sure do like to talk a lot. Well, at least I'm never lonely.KingdomKeyDarkside has awarded this user the Talkative Friend Award.
Ha, yea. And I don't have a middle name, and I'm serious about that. Well, doesn't hurt to say stuff that might happen. If anything bad happens to you tomorrow at your school, just come and tell me. I'm here to cheer you up.
Eternal Nothingness XIII Like I asked! Know-it-all. — 02:53, January 18, 2010 (UTC)
Well, here's hoping what you had said originally is what happens! That'd certainly make my day. And sure thing. I'll hold you to that.
SquareEnixRocks - Are you done rambling? TALK - You sure do like to talk a lot. Well, at least I'm never lonely.KingdomKeyDarkside has awarded this user the Talkative Friend Award.
Yea, I love to cheer my friends up. Especially when they're really negative. Lol. Not pointing any fingers! It takes a lot for something to make up my day.
Maleficent as a D-Link?
How is Maleficent a d-link?
I'm new to all of this how do I do that?
Eternal Nothingness XIII The fun is in not knowing, isn't it? What is the point of betting on something if you already know the outcome? — 20:22, January 18, 2010 (UTC)
Simply place four tildes, or "~~~~"
Any luck?
SquareEnixRocks - Are you done rambling? TALK - You sure do like to talk a lot. Well, at least I'm never lonely.KingdomKeyDarkside has awarded this user the Talkative Friend Award.
Hey, hey! School any better for you today? Did the girl talk to you?
Eternal Nothingness XIII Pity to be so ignorant. As you're only able to see the surface of things, I should not expect you to appreciate my true might. — 20:21, January 18, 2010 (UTC)
Today's MLK Day, so I had no school. Tomorrow I don't see her, either, but I do on Wednesday. I have a feeling that she will not talk to me. I know she won't as I know how my class runs. She walks in and just spends her time with the more popular boys and girls.
SquareEnixRocks - Why am I so tiny... TALK - ...and why is my head so big?
Oh, you don't have school today. I thought you did. Sorry.
Hmm...I dunno what to say...you don't see her today or tomorrow...wait, does that mean you don't have school tomorrow?
I think popular kids are just spoiled. Most popular kids at my school aren't school smart. :P
SquareEnixRocks - Why am I so tiny... TALK - ...and why is my head so big?
Oh, Mid-Exams. Good luck with that. :)
Ha! So right! Popular girls can name each type of lipstick brand and popular clothes, but they can't tell the difference between an A and an F. Example is of a popular girl, "Oh! I got an F! I'm so smart!" LOL.
SquareEnixRocks - Why am I so tiny... TALK - ...and why is my head so big?
F also means Fail. :P
Well, work hard and you'll accomplish what you have to finish.
TheLunarEclipse - Dont I even warrant a hello? TALK - Surely, you must have know this was going to happen.
Hello and happy MLK day. I am new to Kingdom Hearts Wikia, and I wanted to know if you would like to be my
friend. Can I ask you a question? How do you get those little "This user is a Nobody" boxes on your userpage. I only joined
yesterday, and I am trying my best to learn. Thank You^_^.
TheLunarEclipse - Dont I even warrant a hello? TALK - Surely, you must have know this was going to happen.
Hey, thanks. I am going to try to make a friend list and thanks for the help on those. I have found codes like that on the user pages so I will go there. Thanks^_^ and see you around.
Eternal Nothingness XIII Like I asked! Know-it-all. — 10:14, January 20, 2010 (UTC)
Not a problem! Glad to be of service!
TheLunarEclipse - Dont I even warrant a hello? TALK - Surely, you must have know this was going to happen.
Hey thanks again for your help. I am probably asking too much of you, but how to you change your talk
bubble template to show the different emmotions. I am pretty sure you can get the images of google, but I don't know how to put
them on a template thing and then change the signature. Thank you and hope you had a cool school day^_^.
Eternal Nothingness XIII Let's see, here... "If the subject fails to respond, use aggression to liberate his true disposition"... Right. Did they ever pick the wrong guy for this one... — 00:35, January 21, 2010 (UTC)
Don't worry, you're fine. To change emotions, all you need do is add a lot of extra coding to your talk bubble template, which I'm sure my dear friend Xion4ever would be willing to help you with. It operates the same way, but all you need do is tell her which character you want emotions for, along with what colors you want the template and what quotes you would like.
TheLunarEclipse - Dont I even warrant a hello? TALK - Surely, you must have know this was going to happen.
Hey, thanks for the help. I will go to her in a bit. She is one of my friends too. Well I will see ya
later and thanks again for you assistance^_^.
Eternal Nothingness XIII Does that mean...it's time for me to go back to where I belong? — 09:17, January 21, 2010 (UTC)
Not a problem, but there appears to be something wrong with your talk bubble. Extra brackets are appearing. Is Xion4ever working on this issue?
Eternal Nothingness XIII Why do I always get stuck with the icky jobs? — 00:39, January 21, 2010 (UTC)
I can honestly say it sucked. Big time. Those stupid mid-terms are giving me a massive stress overload, as I'm 95% sure I failed each one of them. My parents keep telling me to study to the point of bursting, which is over-studying, something SCIENTISTS have proven reduces information retainment (if that's a word). They won't believe it, and expect me to get all A's, or I'm grounded for who knows how long.
In terms of the girl, she hasn't e-mailed me in a few days. I know I should give her time and all that, and she has more to do than just e-mail me, but she's annoying in the sense that she answers/responds to one part of the whole e-mail, and makes it sound as if she's doing this as a favor, rather than what she had said was to become friends. I plan to talk to her ex about this some time, if I ever get the chance.
SquareEnixRocks - Why am I so tiny... TALK - ...and why is my head so big?
Oh wow...I'm really sorry. Right now..in real life..I'm about to burst into tears...I'm really sorry! *starts to cry a little*
Eternal Nothingness XIII My show now, Keyblade master. Who am I? Oh, my name's Axel. Got it memorized? — 09:18, January 21, 2010 (UTC)
I'm honored that you care so much. Settle down, though. It's not like this is your problem. Cheer up, or I'll force you too (now this seems to be a mirrored conversation :P)
SquareEnixRocks - Why am I so tiny... TALK - ...and why is my head so big?
Ha, yea. Normally I'm the one to cheer you up. But, today at school, it only made things worse for me. Getting embaressed infront of class...getting yelled at...my day was pretty miserable. And how was your day? (Besides the exams and all.)
Eternal Nothingness XIII Pity to be so ignorant. As you're only able to see the surface of things, I should not expect you to appreciate my true might. — 21:23, January 21, 2010 (UTC)
Ignoring the girl and test stuff, my day has been pretty dull. I have tons of homework to do, and I'm really tired, because my nerves have been waking me up well before I should be doing so. I'm just glad exams are over tomorrow, and it's a Friday :D
SquareEnixRocks - Why am I so tiny... TALK - ...and why is my head so big?
Of course everybody loves Friday! My brain is totally dead after all the work and things I've been learning in school. And I have a math quiz tomorrow and a swimming competition on Saturday which will make me extremely tired. And I have chinese school on Sunday, and then I have NO SCHOOL on Monday. Whew...lot'sa talking! Lol.
What's up?
LegoAlchemist - They changed "Snipe Magnet" to "Magnet Grab"? Who's translating this game, 4kids? TALK - Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you.
Hey, ENX. How've you been?
Eternal Nothingness XIII Why do I always get stuck with the icky jobs? — 09:15, January 21, 2010 (UTC)
I can honestly say that I've been better.
LegoAlchemist - They changed "Snipe Magnet" to "Magnet Grab"? Who's translating this game, 4kids? TALK - Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you.
Is something wrong? Do you want to talk about it?
EDIT: *reads TFO's and your conversation* ... *smacks forehead* Your templates! I'm sorry, I forgot! I have all of the images done, I forgot to post them! I'll get them up as soon as I can get to the computer with the files. And you're right, I have had other things on my mind.
LegoAlchemist - They changed "Snipe Magnet" to "Magnet Grab"? Who's translating this game, 4kids? TALK - Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you.
I'm uploading them right now, so when I'm finished, I will hand them over.
Bad grades? So you don't think you did too well on exams? That's too bad. I always fear the wrath of my parents when I get bad grades, because afterwords it's always the same discussion: I'm-very-disappointed-but-not-angry talk and the you-need-to-take-initiative-or-else-you-will-fail-in-life talk. It's just... blah.
LegoAlchemist - They changed "Snipe Magnet" to "Magnet Grab"? Who's translating this game, 4kids? TALK - Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you.
*cue trumpeting sounds* Okay, I finally have your images! They're all here, and if there's anything you want changed about them, just let me know.
LegoAlchemist - They changed "Snipe Magnet" to "Magnet Grab"? Who's translating this game, 4kids? TALK - Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you.
That's what I was talking about before. Unfortunately, that is one skill I do not have. I tried on a couple, and it didn't turn out too well.
I'm really sorry.
Terra Fae Odosson - One day the light- it will be ours, and it will bring us together. TALK - Follow the darkness, Riku. It'll show you the way to the friends you miss.
How have you been? I missed you! My best friend joined the wiki this week. I was making the account for her and was amazed she wasn't bombared with welcome messages like I was. I actually was able to fully set her up, then log into me and welcome her. Tehe. She still hasn't gotten many messages if you want to say hi. Her username is Zexy Heartless. LOL. We are parctically cousins. I just thought you might get along. I don't know where I would be if all those people didn't welcome me when I joined. I knew nothing. She has me for the basics. Man I am dragging on again! I just thought you might want to meet her. Moving on.....
Your Terra template coming along nicely? I need to beef up my Lea bubble soon. Did the Vanitas thing surprise you? I saw it and kinda was freaked. I never thought he would look like that. How is Crisis Core?
Terra Fae Odosson - One day the light- it will be ours, and it will bring us together. TALK - Follow the darkness, Riku. It'll show you the way to the friends you miss.
Thanks, I'm sure she'll appreciate it. I am about half way thorugh Final Fantasy VII. I know when I had to watch part of a walkthrough on youtube to find out where to go I was several levels higher then they were. But that's because I kept wandering around wondering what to do! Zack has just been introduced really. Like I know I have been to house and met his parents, and I know Aerith was thinking about him, and that Sephiroth replayed Cloud's memories with him as Zack. I kinda know about it but not really sure where the lines fall. I mean I don't know how crazy Cloud is at the moment. I'll just have to keep going. I have had the flu for a few days and then went to see Zexy for her birthday. So I haven't played in over a week.
Sorry about your template. I'll always be your friend! So how is your emails going with that girl? You don't have to answer if you don't want to. It might be private.
Terra Fae Odosson - One day the light- it will be ours, and it will bring us together. TALK - Follow the darkness, Riku. It'll show you the way to the friends you miss.
Yeah, I's sure I'll understand Zack soon. I just get a little hurried. I am just so glad I unlocked Vincent. He is my favorite party member. The turk Rude admitted he had a thing for Tifa a while back. LOL. I only have a playstation 1 because my brother gave it to us years ago. Honestly I was surpised it still worked and I could find all the piece. They are supposed to be remaking it for the ps3. It's not officially announced but seems like a move they might make. I know you can download the original for the playstation network. It's not like I have a PS3 but I like to know what's going on or find out randomly. Man I drag on alot!
You must really like that girl. I wish you luck. I hate when people act like friendships are favors. I always try to reply to all email parts. I mean I love to type. I have actually not been getting much email lately. Tear Tear.
Vanitas does look awesome with black hair and yellow eyes. I don't get why he looks like Sora though. I mean I get why Roxas looks like Ventus (pretty much) but that shouldn't work both ways. I mean he was never directly connected to Sora like Ventus later is. Sometimes it's just anime stuff you have to just expect for the way things are. I know in shows that happens. You just go with it or go a little crazy trying to understand. XD
Terra Fae Odosson - One day the light- it will be ours, and it will bring us together. TALK - Follow the darkness, Riku. It'll show you the way to the friends you miss.
Yeah I don't have one. I'm sure I'll get one eventually though. I mean honestly I am only really into certain games and don't really care about many more.
Nice. I'm sure she is pretty. I hope her personality is just as gorgeous. LOL. I have really been meaning to take some new pictures of me. The only nice one I have is like six months old. Sigh. I hope you and her can become closer.
I know some people are really sick of the character thing too. I agree that the whole Xehnaort is like 7 people and the main villian every time is getting a bit much. I mean he is cool and all but Marluxia is my favorite because he is so different. I also like the Ansem heartless just because he was so tough and idk. Xemnas is kinda a joke with me and all my friends. Like sorry but I can't take him seriously half the time. But then I make fun of Marluxia and Zexion all the time too. LOL
Happy Friday!
SquareEnixRocks - Look sharp! TALK - Come on!
Hey! Happy Friday! Hope your Friday is going great so far!
Eternal Nothingness XIII Like I asked! Know-it-all. — 21:03, January 22, 2010 (UTC)
Well, considering past events, it is...
SquareEnixRocks - Why am I so tiny... TALK - ...and why is my head so big?
Well, you never know what's going to happen in the future. Anything's possible. Am I right?
Eternal Nothingness XIII So...it seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that. — 21:19, January 22, 2010 (UTC)
I guess you're right! Although, there are some instances where it's like I can see my future. I visualize something happening, and it ACTUALLY HAPPENS...
SquareEnixRocks - Why am I so tiny... TALK - ...and why is my head so big?
Wow! Are you like psycic or something? I keep on thinking these things will happen, but they don't happen! Maybe you can predict my future for me. I'm just kidding. =)
Archive image
Hey. Do you know how to make an archive image? I asked Xiggie a couple of days ago but I don't think he's been on since then.
Randomnessity Looks like you're already prepared.
Eternal Nothingness XIII Soon the emptiness will shatter your heart—here in this world of nothingness! As lightless oblivion devours you, drown in the ever-blooming darkness! — 21:18, January 22, 2010 (UTC)
I do know how. I assume you want Isa/Saïx? If so, I'll get on it as soon as I am able.
Yeah. Isa/Saïx. Just so long as it isn't like maggosh's it'll be perfect. And maybe an archive count to if you don't mind.
Randomnessity Looks like you're already prepared.
Terra Fae Odosson - One day the light- it will be ours, and it will bring us together. TALK - Follow the darkness, Riku. It'll show you the way to the friends you miss.
So how was your day? Sorry if I upset you making fun of Xemnas. I hope I didn't. I got farther in FFVII. Cloud came back. Yay!
Eternal Nothingness XIII Let's see, here... "If the subject fails to respond, use aggression to liberate his true disposition"... Right. Did they ever pick the wrong guy for this one... — 22:39, January 22, 2010 (UTC)
It was really stressful, considering I had more hard exams. I'm just glad they're over. I now have to worry about facing the rath of my parents when grades come in.
And don't worry, you're fine. I like Mansex, er, Sexman, er, Xemnas. I also like Sexion Zexion :P
Congrats on FFVII!
Terra Fae Odosson - I have identified the scent. It is.. TALK - No one's ever worn the Darkness like he does. It's impossible!
Yay! Well I'm happy there are over for you. I haven't started yet. Next week for science and most likely English. Thanks for the FFVII thing. It is so much better playing as Cloud than Cid. I don't dislike Cid, Cloud is just more fun. I also found out how he go all crazy and confused. Stupid mako. LOL.
Me and my best are all about Sexion. We are always like Zexion......more like Sexion. LOL
Just give me a second *pants*
LegoAlchemist - They changed "Snipe Magnet" to "Magnet Grab"? Who's translating this game, 4kids? TALK - Friendships are in direct contravention of mercenary conduct as delineated in your contracts, and on a personal note: I am very, very, disappointed with you.
Sure, I'll try to make those, just give me a minute or so. I'm exhausted, having just made about 13 new talk templates for someone, and I'm kind of out of steam. I'll get to finishing the rest tomorrow, okay?
Eternal Nothingness XIII Soon the emptiness will shatter your heart—here in this world of nothingness! As lightless oblivion devours you, drown in the ever-blooming darkness! — 03:48, January 23, 2010 (UTC)
Take your time. I'm in no rush.
Canon Fanon
Eternal Nothingness XIII Cast away your useless fear. Open your heart. Embrace the darkness. — 04:18, January 23, 2010 (UTC)
I too, have seen your page. I looked at it, and am afraid the answer is no. The website is meant to host a story that we plan to send to Square Enix to see officialism. You're welcome to check out some of the character bios I have there so far. Your story is better suited on the Kingdom Hearts Fanon Wiki.
Can you come on da irc
please? —DemonicKunai 15:15, January 24, 2010 (UTC)
- Sorry. I'm only here for a few minutes. - EternalNothingnessXIII 15:16, January 24, 2010 (UTC)
Hey Man
Terra Fae Odosson - Imbeciles. You would knowingly shackle your heart with a chain of memories born of lies? You would be one who has a heart, yet cast aside your heart's freedom? You turn from the truth because your heart is weak. You will never defeat me! TALK - Your heart shall be judged!
I just saw the discussion about the talk pages and warnings. I have to ask you somethings. Okay?
I read what you said about feeling obligated to respond to other users because you don't want to come off rude but also don't want to raise your edits in a talk bubble way. You want to be a wikian. In all honesty I can't do that. I try to add and help but I am never there fast enough, I have loved talking to people and making friends. Do you feel obligated when we talk and annoyed or do you do it because we are friends? I don't mean to upset you but this thing has me worried sick.
If you don't want to run your edits up talking to me why not just exchange emails? I check mine several times a day while I am on here and doing school. I was just so happy meeting people and talking about the new games and why we loved certain characters. I would hate it to pieces if I couldn't any more.
Eternal Nothingness XIII Does that mean...it's time for me to go back to where I belong? — 10:18, January 25, 2010 (UTC)
Let me clarify :
When I said "obligated", I meant it's polite to respond, especially if you're friends with the messager. You are in no way an annoyance to me. If this is to be our policy, merely let me know when you want to start a chat-type-thing on my talk page, and then we can decide either to carry it out on the IRC or e-mails. The whole point is to free up the IRC to more Main Space edits.
I personally feel that this Wiki is starting to bite off more than it can chew. Several Wiki's aren't as strict of policy as we are, as I edit on several fancy-shmancy ones, particularly the Star Wars Wiki. We're just opening ourselves to more complaints and problems, really, as people still break the image policy, and will soon start to break the talk page policy. Only limit it to Wiki-based talk? Really?! Limiting our conversations to one topic is sort of stupid...
Terra Fae Odosson - One day the light- it will be ours, and it will bring us together. TALK - Follow the darkness, Riku. It'll show you the way to the friends you miss.
Well that makes me feel much better. Thanks. Usually we do keep to semi wiki or related topics. I agree that if we were only aloud to talk about KH it would be kinda dumb. Plus I know what you mean about policies. Even the FF wiki has less strict image rules than this wiki. I just hope that this works has a wake up call to keep users from over chatting but doesn't hault it entirely. That might be good. I think they should try to set up the Recent Changes page show it excludes talk pages. Not all users have an email button. I noticed you now do. If I have ever have random chat I'll write you there. Thanks again!
Me again
Me again. I just wanted to say that if you couldn't make the image I could ask Xiggie again.
Randomnessity Looks like you're already prepared.
Eternal Nothingness XIII Talk about blank with a capital B. Man, oh, man. Not even the Dusks are gonna crack this one... — 19:36, January 26, 2010 (UTC)
Oh shi**! I completely forgot! I'll get to working on it as soon as my homework's done. I promise!
Eh, it's fine. I probably would have done the same thing. Don't rush yourself.
Randomnessity Looks like you're already prepared.
Terra Fae Odosson - Are sins ever forgiven? TALK - I think... I wanna be forgiven. More than anything.
Hey ENX, I was wondering if anything could be done to help me organize my userboxes. They are all over the place. Is it possible to make any kind of arangement like this on this wiki?
If not I know some people have tables running down their whole page with userboxes in them. Do you think you could give me a hand with making one? Thanks. ttyl. Holly~
Eternal Nothingness XIII So...it seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that. — 09:16, January 29, 2010 (UTC)
I tried taking a look, but it's merely a copying of the coding (but exchange FF Wiki Userboxes for KH ones, and change the template name to that of the ones used on KH Wiki).
Terra Fae Odosson - Are sins ever forgiven? TALK - I think... I wanna be forgiven. More than anything.
Would I just need to copy it to my page and change the template name there, or do I need to save it somewhere else first?
Eternal Nothingness XIII Why is it that you always have to glare at me like that? — 21:43, January 29, 2010 (UTC)
Copy the coding for the table from someone's user page on this Wiki that has a set-up you like. Simply change their codes to yours and arrange them as you see fit.
Your canon fanon
Hey! This really isn't much, but I had the smallest idea for a boss for your canon fanon. Ok. I don't know if you're going to put Radiant Garden in the game, if not switch to another original world, but a monster-like thing of pure darkness would attack the world and it would be called the Lost Follower. It would be the last boss of whatever world (preferably Radiant Garden) it appeared in. It just sounded cool to me. It wouldn't have too much health, but it would have high defense and would be hard to hit.
Well do you like it? If not, that's cool. I can find somewhere else to put it.
Randomnessity Looks like you're already prepared.
Eternal Nothingness XIII My show now, Keyblade master. Who am I? Oh, my name's Axel. Got it memorized? — 09:14, January 29, 2010 (UTC)
Radiant Garden does appear, but it's an "evolution stage" of it, similar to Hollow Bastion. It's called the Graceful Borough, which is just the town with the castle starting to be built. Several new characters appear there, including one of my favorite personality ideas, Ruldo, Luxord's orginal being.
I'll contemplate the boss's inclusion. You seem to have good ideas. Care to join?
Interesting. Ruldo, huh? Is he like a teenager? He'd sort of have to be if it's twenty years before. Luxord isn't that old. But sure, I'd love to join! I'll have to read the articles so I know what's going on. And a quick question. I saw that Xehanort is in the game. I assume that's a younger MX?
Randomnessity Looks like you're already prepared.
Eternal Nothingness XIII Pity to be so ignorant. As you're only able to see the surface of things, I should not expect you to appreciate my true might. — 21:14, January 29, 2010 (UTC)
Many issues are there with timing. I may change it to 10 or 5 years... And he is cast into the Realm of Darkness, where beings don't age (as seen with Aqua and Ansem in BBS). Master Xehanort does appear, as the guy we see Riku turn into in BBS.
Ah. I see. It seems that the Keyblade War happened a few years before BBS anyway. Although that is just speculation. Speculation is almost like the F word on this wiki.
Randomnessity Looks like you're already prepared.
Eternal Nothingness XIII So...it seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that. — 21:22, January 29, 2010 (UTC)
Exactly. Well, let's get started. I need to affiliate with this Wiki, and before this can be done, a lot more information needs to be added. This Wiki seems a bit quiet now, so let's just edit over there for a bit, if you're willing.
Remodelling of the MOS
We were supposed to remodel the MOS somewhere last October but it turns out that the games have been released before we deliberated on anything.
Please join me on this page and raise the issues that you believe need to be raised in the MOS, or anywhere at all.
I'll be waiting ! Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban ! 04:20, January 30, 2010 (UTC)
- I just responded a little while ago, and will add anything else I come up with. Please come on the IRC ASAP. I need to talk to you. - EternalNothingnessXIII 16:30, January 30, 2010 (UTC)
- I'll be there, if you're there. Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban ! 03:23, January 31, 2010 (UTC)
- Well, I'm there right now, but have church in a little bit. I should be back around noon, if not 11:00. - EternalNothingnessXIII 12:14, January 31, 2010 (UTC)
I'm Super Super Sorry!!
OathkeeperKH Hello
PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! THE COMPUTER BROKE DOWN AND I WAS TRYING TO FIX IT BUT IT WOULDN'T WORK. THEN WHEN MY MOTHER CAN HOME SHE WAS BROKENHEARTED (family problems) AND WHEN SHE TOLD ME I COULD BARELY SPEAK FOR DAYS!!! I cried alot and I didn't feel like typing are talking to anyone. Then the internet finial cameback on today. I'm still sad but not as sad as before. Any way I'm sorry because before any of that happen I wanted to ask you a quesion and when you anwsered the computer brokedown. The question was (it's your personal opinion) Do you think Roxas ans Ventus are some how related?
OathkeeperKH Hello
Okay. Well now I'm calm but I'm stil sad. Is the anwser in the game?? Eh...Good things happen today! I can finaly sign in now and I can edit. :D I'm so happy(and sad)YAY!!
Eternal Nothingness XIII Is it that I'm not supposed to exist? — 10:17, February 1, 2010 (UTC)
I merely asked if you'd like me to spoil how they're connected for you.
OathkeeperKH Hello — 12:44, February 1, 2010 (UTC)
Oooooooooooooh...I had a HAHA moment....please do!
Eternal Nothingness XIII Let's see, here... "If the subject fails to respond, use aggression to liberate his true disposition"... Right. Did they ever pick the wrong guy for this one... — 19:36, February 1, 2010 (UTC)
Well :
At the end of BBS, Ven loses his heart. It finds its way to Sora, Ven speaking to Sora through it. Ven's heart then goes into Sora. This contribute to why Roxas looks like him.
Spoilers end here
There you go :P
OathkeeperKH Hello — 21:52, February 2, 2010 (UTC)
Oooooooooooooooooh.Welp that sure filled meh with quetions. I'll just have to find out when i get BBS!
Hiya! ..do you think you could maybe please make me an Aqua Talk Bubble? if thats alright.... this is just a request, you don't have to do it. COuld my colors if you do it be navy blue and light blue w/ torquise?And switchteh colors for teh words??? Sorry, I sound really commanding...-Master Aqua 02:47, January 31, 2010 (UTC)
- Sure, I don't mind. I'm busy at the moment, but as soon as I find some spare time, I will. - EternalNothingnessXIII 12:15, January 31, 2010 (UTC)
Orpheus of the Lyre Let's Talk ! — Prepare to scream ! Sally, why didn't I listen to you?
Sorry man the IRC won't work for some reason but how are you? Things get better for you over here?
Thanks for being my friend!
SquareEnixRocks - Why am I so tiny... TALK - ...and why is my head so big?
Thanks for being an awesome friend!
Terra Fae Odosson - Too much hope is the opposite of despair. An overpowering love may consume you in the end. TALK - Where can I buy a phone?
Like my dream talk bubble? Saxisai got me the image! I shall now almost always be this emo vampire. Swoop! I have been meaning to email you again. Sorry. I got a new fanart pic up so please take a look. Hope your doing well!
Eternal Nothingness XIII Okay... Have it your way. More pain for you means more fun for me! — 19:41, February 2, 2010 (UTC)
Looks great! Don't worry about it. I see you drew Vincent! I drew him, too. It's decorating my English binder as we speak XD
Terra Fae Odosson - Too much hope is the opposite of despair. An overpowering love may consume you in the end. TALK - Where can I buy a phone?
Well isn't that epic! If I had a binder he would be there. I beat Final Fantasy VII! It was so epic! Vincent was the only character to survive. He was in limit form. Cloud and Cid were knocked out. Stuck in limit I couldn't heal them. By all rules I should have lost. But for some miraculous reason Sephy's last attack missed and Vincent took him down! Man you should have seen my face. I might also order a psp tomarrow! I am getting kinda excited. Wish me luck!
Eternal Nothingness XIII Like I asked! Know-it-all. — 22:07, February 2, 2010 (UTC)
Congrats :P
Reminds me of the time I was trying to beat the 4th Riku Replica battle in Re:CoM. I was at 1 HP with no Cure cards left, only one Lethal Frame Sleight, and it was a 5,4,3. His next card was a 0, and he had Dark Aura ready. He was about to activate his Shadow card, and for some reason, it wouldn't activate! All he could do was jump, so I was able to kick his butt! Man was I happy :P
Good luck :D
Terra Fae Odosson - Too much hope is the opposite of despair. An overpowering love may consume you in the end. TALK - Where can I buy a phone?
Okay, I tired to send you a youtube link but the dumb computer won't let me. It's the first video on my userpage. please watch. About the above conversation. Thanks! I just got past Axel in CoM. Thought I would take a breather before the Marly clone.
You really need to archive. I mean no more stuff will fit. I hope this does! Are sins ever forgiven? 20:03, February 4, 2010 (UTC)
- I typically archive when I have 40+ sections. For now, just send regular posts, not talk bubbles. - EternalNothingnessXIII 23:11, February 4, 2010 (UTC)
Small Plothole
I noticed a small plothole about what you told me about Chernabog. I'll be busy until Monday and I'll talk to you about it then.--Random!to a point! 19:46, February 6, 2010 (UTC)
Kingdom200's Edits
Why Are You And NinjaSheik Changing My Edits?
- Because you are placing information that is false as of now! No voice actors except for those listed on the BBS page have been confirmed. And please don't say "I saw it on IMDB!", because that is an independable site. - EternalNothingnessXIII 22:20, February 6, 2010 (UTC)
You all right? I just archive when I find it difficult to get to the bottom of the page. Yep. I almost beat Dirge of Cerberus. Did you start? They have made a couple hints to Genisis. :D . If you want you can email me instead. What ever works. Are sins ever forgiven? 00:32, February 8, 2010 (UTC)
- No, I'm not. I've caught myself a cold D: Anyways, I started it, and I'm embarassed to say I'm stuck in Edge, trying to kill those Snipers :P - EternalNothingnessXIII 00:46, February 9, 2010 (UTC)
A new friend?
Hello, I must say that I understand how are you feeling, I read your userpage and the same things always happens to me at school, althought I'm a bit cocky. If you want to talk about stuffs, I'm not doing anything, I have 5 days free of school! Yahoo! - User:TenzaZangetsu/Sig
- How ironic! Me too! Sure, I'll keep it in mind. - EternalNothingnessXIII 23:09, February 12, 2010 (UTC)