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Episode 25: What It Means To Be a Hero

« Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Episode 25: What It Mean To Be a Hero
Japanese 第25話 それが英雄
Rōmaji Dai 25-wa Sore ga Eiyū
Translation Episode 25: That's a Hero
Tokyopop Episode 25: That's What a Hero's All About

Episode 25: What It Means To Be a Hero, also called Episode 25: That's What a Hero's All About, is the twenty-fifth chapter in the Kingdom Hearts manga.

The front page shows Sora, Donald, and Goofy undergoing Phil's training. The back page shows two wooden targets used in Phil's training.


During their training, Phil explains what it means to be a hero. He then introduces them to Hercules, who notices a lot of suspicious entries in the Games. Meanwhile, Hades is going over his plan to have Cloud take out Sora and Hercules, so he can get the Keyblade to release the Titans and rule the cosmos.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy are fighting their way through the tournament. The amount of Heartless that are competing makes them realize they need to find the world's Keyhole. In their next match, they are easily defeated by Cloud, who then questions Hades's motives. Realizing his plan is going wrong, Hades sends Cerberus to the arena, who takes out Cloud. As it preprares to attack Sora, Hercules appears and keeps it busy so the others can run away. Back inside, they hear the sounds of the fight, and Sora decides to go back to help Hercules, with Donald and Goofy tagging along. In the arena, the three prepare to fight Cerberus.

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