"A commonplace material used in panel synthesis. It sparkles with the power of light."
Japanese 光かがやく
Rōmaji Hikarikagayaku

Item Buy Sell
Shard 100 Munny
Gem 400 Munny
Crystal 800 Munny

Shining is a material type available in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. Shining materials contain the essence of light.


Shining materials are colored green. A Shining Shard is a blocky, crescent-shaped jewel. A Shining Gem consists of four jewels, a large facet cut jewel, with two smaller facet cut jewels at the sides, and a small, diamond-shaped jewel at the bottom. A Shining Crystal consists of a large star-shaped jewel, with a smaller facet cut jewel at the bottom, and a diamond-shaped jewel on either side.

The material's name refers to the essence of light it contains.


Kingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysEdit




Synthesized itemsEdit

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysEdit

Shining materials are used to synthesize the following items: