Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Mission 88: Eliminate the giant Heartless

(Redirected from Mission 88)
Mission 88
Eliminate the giant Heartless
Day(s): 352
Halloween Town
Ally: None
Rank Badges Chests
Master Unity Badge 1
Heart factor Munny factor EXP factor
x6.61 x19.83 x9.03
Clear Bonuses Random Bonuses
LV Quadrupler 4
Blizzaga Recipe
Blizzaga Recipe
Firaga Recipe (15%)
Megalixir Recipe (20%)
Lightning Crystal (20%)
Shining Crystal (20%)
Hi-Ether (15%)
None (10%)

Mission 88 in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days sends Roxas to Halloween Town to eliminate an Orcus.

Mission assignmentEdit


A giant Heartless has surfaced in Halloween Town. Find it and eliminate at once.


  • Track down the giant Heartless!
  • Defeat the Orcus!

Story summaryEdit

Roxas is sent to eliminate (what he thinks) is a giant Heartless. Axel comes out of nowhere, stopping the fight between Roxas and the “Orcus.” Somehow, Xion and Roxas looked like an Orcus to each other. Axel reveals the battle was a set-up by Saïx to see who was the more powerful Keyblade wielder and who would serve the Organization better. The trio returns to Twilight Town, where they promise to remember and appreciate their friendship. Meanwhile, Sora’s recovery comes to a halt.

Mission walkthroughEdit

Halloween Town is eerily quiet, with no Heartless in sight; collect the Slot Releaser and Unity Badge near the entrance then proceed towards the Graveyard. Here you will find the Orcus. This is a short and easy battle, if you are equipped properly. If you have a strong gear equipped, you are all set. You may wish to bring some Potions or Cure magic to aid you. After the cutscene, Roxas will immediately RTC.

Main article: Orcus




Type Items found Locations Notes
Panels Slot Releaser Halloween Town Entrance Right of starting point
Badges Unity Badge Halloween Town Entrance Right of starting point
Redirected from "Mission 88"