Kingdom Hearts Mobile

Kingdom Hearts Pair Card Battle

KH Pair Card Battle logo

Kingdom Hearts Pair Card Battle (キングダム ハーツ ペアカードバトル Kingudamu Hātsu Pea Kādo Batoru?), also written as KH Pair Card Battle, is a mini-game application available through Kingdom Hearts Mobile. It is a puzzle game loosely based on the Mahjong variant Nikaudori/Shisen-Sho.

Kingdom Hearts Pair Card Battle was released on February 26, 2009. It was discontinued on April 30, 2013 along with the rest of Kingdom Hearts Mobile.


Examples of valid matches. The connecting lines bend two or fewer times.
Examples of invalid matches. The connecting lines bend three times.

The goal of the game is to eliminate matching pairs of cards. A pair can only be eliminated if they can be connected by a line that bends two or fewer times, and the line cannot cut through other cards. There are six types of cards with unique effects.

The main content of the game is Free Mode, which features five levels with five round each. Each round has an enemy target, a number of enemy card matches that must be made to clear the round. The level ends the timer runs out before the enemy target is reached. In Challenge Mode, there is a fixed five-minute timer; instead of reaching an enemy card quota, the goal is to match as many cards as possible within the time limit. Making multiple matches in quick succession will start a combo, which gives more points. Sora starts every level with 100 HP, and dropping to 0 HP causes a game over. He also has access to Drive Forms, which activate powerful abilities when the Drive gauge is filled.

Enemy Cards (エネミーカード Enemī Kādo?) feature one of 31 Heartless from Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories. Eliminating a pair of enemy cards will increase the enemy count by one in Free Mode (or increase the score by a base of 15 points in Challenge Mode) and increase the Drive gauge by 1/15th of a bar. Selecting an enemy card that has no valid matches will deal 20 HP of damage to Sora.

Organization XIII Cards (XIII機関カード Jūsan Kikan Kādo?) feature one of the members of Organization XIII, excluding Roxas. They will warp to another position after being connected, only being eliminated after five successful matches. Eliminating a pair of Organization XIII cards will increase the enemy count by one in Free Mode (or increase the score by a base of 79 points in Challenge Mode) and increase the Drive gauge by 1/15th of a bar. Selecting an Organization XIII card that has no valid matches will deal 40 HP of damage to Sora.

Teeming Darkness Cards (ひしめく闇カード Hishimeku Yami Kādo?, lit. "Crowding Darkness Card") are based on the Teeming Darkness Map Card from Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories. They cannot be matched. The only way to eliminate Teeming Darkness cards is with a Drive Form power. They give no reward for clearing, but there is no penalty for attempting to match a Teeming Darkness card.

Potion Cards (ポーションカード Pōshon Kādo?) restore 30 HP to Sora when matched. Keyblade Cards (キーブレードカード Kīburēdo Kādo?) increase the Drive gauge by a full bar when matched. Treasure Chest Cards (宝箱カード Takarabako Kādo?) activate one of three random effects: +1-3 Munny, -20 HP, or +1 Drive Gauge. The effects of these cards cannot be activated with a Drive Form ability.

Drive FormsEdit

Drive Form Gauge Consumption Ability Description Obtained
  1 Delete (デリート Derīto?) Eliminates all cards of the selected type from the field. Clear Level 1.
  2 Bomb (ボム Bomu?) Eliminates the selected card, the 8 cards around it, and one pair of corresponding cards. Clear Level 2.
  3 Cross (クロス Kurosu?) Eliminates the selected row and one pair of corresponding cards. Clear Level 3.
  4 All Delete (オールデリート Ōru Derīto?) Eliminates all cards on the field. Unlocked randomly when selecting another Drive Form after clearing Level 5. Once activated for the first time, it will appear in the Drive menu.
  1 Hint (ヒント Hinto?) For a certain period of time, hints for cards that can be erased are displayed randomly. Activated randomly when selecting another Drive Form. Does not appear in the Drive menu.

Free ModeEdit

Level Round Time Limit Enemy Target Enemy Cards Organization XIII Cards Teeming Darkness Cards Keyblade Cards Potion Cards Treasure Chest Cards
Enemies Spawn Rate Max Cards Spawn Rate Max Cards Spawn Rate Max Cards Spawn Rate Max Cards Spawn Rate Max Cards Spawn Rate
1 1 1:00 10     8s
2 1:00 15      8s
3 1:00 20         8s
4 1:00 25           8s
5 1:00 30       8s
2 1 1:00 20             10s 2 30s
2 1:30 30                     10s 2 30s
3 2:00 40                   8s 2 30s 2 60s
4 2:30 50                            8s 2 30s 2 60s
5 3:00 60                              8s 2 30s 2 30s 2 60s 2 60s
3 1 1:00 30             10s 2 5s 2 30s 2 30s
2 1:30 40                     10s 2 5s 2 30s 2 30s
3 2:00 50                   8s 2 30s 2 5s 2 30s 2 30s 2 60s
4 2:30 60                            10s 4 5s 2 30s 2 60s
5 3:00 70                                 8s 4 60s 4 5s 2 30s 2 60s 2 60s
4 1 1:00 30             3s 2 30s 2 30s
2 1:30 50                     3s 2 30s 2 20s
3 2:00 70                   4s 2 60s 2 30s 2 30s 2 60s
4 2:30 90                            4s 2 50s 2 30s 4 30s 2 30s
5 3:00 110                                 4s 2 60s 2 30s 4 30s 2 30s 4 60s
5 1 1:00 30                      20s 2 30s 2 40s
2 1:30 50                       20s 2 30s 2 40s
3 2:00 70                           20s 2 15s 2 30s 2 40s 2 60s
4 2:30 90                            20s 4 15s 2 30s 2 40s
5 3:00 50               15s 12 5s 4 30s 4 60s

Challenge ModeEdit

Time Remaining Enemy Cards Organization XIII Cards Teeming Darkness Cards Keyblade Cards Potion Cards Treasure Chest Cards
Enemies Spawn Rate Max Cards Spawn Rate Max Cards Spawn Rate Max Cards Spawn Rate Max Cards Spawn Rate Max Cards Spawn Rate
5:00 – 4:30                                 10s
4:30 – 4:00                     11s 2 30s 2 30s
4:00 – 3:30                                 10s 2 30s 2 30s
3:30 – 3:00                                 8s 2 30s 2 30s 2 30s
3:00 – 2:30                                 15s 2 30s 4 30s 2 30s 2 30s
2:30 – 2:00                                 12s 2 30s 4 30s 4 15s
2:00 – 1:30                     10s 2 30s 4 30s 4 30s 2 30s
1:30 – 1:00                                 8s 2 30s 2 30s 2 30s
1:00 – 0:30                                 10s 4 15s 4 30s 4 30s 2 30s
0:30 – 0:00                                 8s 4 15s 2 30s 4 30s



Enemy CardsEdit

Organization XIII CardsEdit

Other CardsEdit

Unused CardsEdit