This is the page for listing articles, templates, categories, or other pages to discuss deletion. Voice your opinion on the deletion of these items by adding a bulleted comment and signing your name at the end of your comment with ~~~~. Once a discussion has concluded, an administrator will close the discussion. Discussions may be archived a week after being closed.

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2. In the heading or right under it, place a link to the article or media in question. If we can't find it, we can't delete it! Also, please do not give a URL link, or we won't know it has been deleted afterwords!

  • To list an article, type [[article title]].
  • To list a category type [[:Category:Name of category]]. Remember the colon in the beginning or it won't link correctly.
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5. Once a final decision is made by the admin, the discussion is closed. Any attempts to reinstate an article require a new discussion first, or the article will be deleted immediately.

For archived discussions, see the Archives.

Sora Happy Sprite-1.png

Duplicate- see "Sora (Talk sprite) 10 KHCOM.png" Xion4ever 02:46, 22 December 2017 (UTC)

Meteor Mirage KHD.png

Duplicate; Japanese version; still image - see "Meteor Mirage KHD.gif" Xion4ever 04:41, 22 December 2017 (UTC)

Image Reno Part 1

  • Optimized-GIF.ezgif.gif - Serves no purpose (the video on the Julius article covers this); superseded; incorrect naming system; unused.
  • Dark World KH0.2BBS.png - Duplicate; see File:Dark World Logo KH0.2BBS.png
  • Sora COM Happy Sprite.png - Duplicate; see File:Sora (Talk sprite) 7 KHCOM.png
  • Kingdom Bites Logo.jpg - .jpg/incorrect name; see File:Kingdom Hearts Manga Kingdom Bites.png
  • The Icky Jobs 05 KH3D.png - Superseded/duplicate; The content covered in this image [a still of Axel] is already covered in The Icky Jobs 02 KH3D.png and The Icky Jobs 03 KH3D.png
  • File:Nocturne Melody Demyx 01 KHII (KHIIFM) KHIIHD.png - Duplicate; see policy posted on Forum:Image Renovation/Forum:HD image parsers and Nocturne Melody Demyx 01 KHII.png
  • Teaser 02 KHIII.png - Superseded by Teaser 01 KHIII.png
  • Castle Oblivion 01 KHREC.png - Superseded by An Unexpected Bond 01 KHRECHD.png
  • Beneath the Hood 01 (KHREC) KH2HD.png - Duplicate of Beneath the Hood 01 KHREC.png; due to conversations on Image Renovation and HD image parsers forums, this image can be re-uploaded over the original version

Xion4ever 16:39, 22 December 2017 (UTC)

Policy and Help pages

  • KHWiki:Image Policy - See KHWiki talk:Media
  • Help:Writing - This last one may still need to be discussed, but it's been previously mentioned that it can easily be replaced with Help:Editing, and to a certain extent, already has been.  KeybladeSpyMaster   16:59, 22 December 2017 (UTC)
Request completed and red links are removed! Thank you very much. :)--NinjaSheik 20:55, 22 December 2017 (UTC)

User sandbox

  • User:Doggieboy9/Sandbox - Probably not going to get used --Doggieboy9 (talk) 16:07, 25 December 2017 (UTC)

Request completed and red link removed. Thank you very much! :)--NinjaSheik 19:41, 25 December 2017 (UTC)

Should we delete these?

Kryten marked these pages for deletion last year.

Should we ask him if he still wants them deleted? --Doggieboy9 (talk) 16:12, 25 December 2017 (UTC)

Yeah, just to make sure if he hasn't changed mind about about them deleted.--NinjaSheik 19:42, 25 December 2017 (UTC)
For ReCOM, just needs to be confirmed that all of it has been pushed out to the articles. For the gummi ship, go ahead."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 18:09, 4 January 2018 (UTC)
I deleted the template for the Gummi and removed its red link. Once it's confirmed the Attack cards been incorporated to the articles, I'll delete that one.--NinjaSheik 19:42, 4 January 2018 (UTC)

Begone .jpg!

  • Toy Story Concept.jpg - See Toy Story Concept.png
Deleted Xion4ever 00:13, 4 January 2018 (UTC)

Image Reno continued

  • At Dusk, I Will Think of You KHD.ogg - Incorrect name; duplicate - see At Dusk, I Will Think of You... KHD.ogg; also, this version was a minute long = breaks copyright (has to be 30 seconds or less)
  • Where Is This KH.ogg - Proper name, but a duplicate of Where Is This.ogg (which I will be renaming here in a second); this original version was a minute long = breaks copyright
Deleted Xion4ever 02:42, 4 January 2018 (UTC)

Image Reno Music Files

  • No More Bugs!! KHRECOM.ogg - Incorrect name; breaks policy [should be 30 seconds long, not one minute]; duplicate [see No More Bugs KHREC.ogg]
  • Wonder of Electron -Bug Ver- KHREC.ogg - Breaks policy [should be 30 seconds long, not one minute]; duplicate [see Wonder of Electron -Bug Version- KHREC.ogg]
Deleted Xion4ever 02:25, 3 February 2018 (UTC)

KHUX character art

  • File:Skuld (Art) KHUX.png - Delete
    File:Brain (KHUX).png - Delete

Both nominated for deletion because they're edited versions of File:App Icon 5 KHUX.png and File:2nd Anniversary artwork KHUX.png, with the former sourced to a fan publication on Tumblr. The reasoning, as I understand it was at the time, was to post a more accurate image of the characters instead of their appearances in KHUX, see Talk:Skuld. I'm still in disagreement with using the artwork. We've always used latest in-game appearance renders, not artwork, so I'm in favor of removing these images. Additionally, the Skuld image is sourced, again, to a fan Tumblr image, which makes it fanart (I don't see an official artwork image for this on the wiki or otherwise). I did want to open it to discussion, though, since it was agreed recently to upload the images in the first place.  KeybladeSpyMaster   06:00, 28 February 2018 (UTC)

Both images have been deleted per our policy (fanarts are not allowed on the wiki, after all), and red links are removed. You know, KSM, with your admin rights back, you have the function to delete images now, too. In any case, thank you very much. :)--NinjaSheik 19:47, 28 February 2018 (UTC)
I actually posted it here in the spirit of having an open discussion, since uploading the Skuld art had actually been agreed upon by a majority of the users then involved, before the images were deleted. But oh well.  KeybladeSpyMaster   19:20, 1 March 2018 (UTC)
Ah. The Pages of Deletion isn't really used for that sort of thing, since it's primarily used for users to requests and notify admins if they need something deleted off the KHWiki. If you wanted to have an open discussion about whether an image should be allowed on the KHWiki, then that's something that needs to be brought on the file's talk page. You can still bring it, if you want.--NinjaSheik 22:08, 1 March 2018 (UTC)
  • File:Sora Toy Form KHIII.png 05:24, 10 March 2018 (UTC)
    File:Mickey Donald Goofy Keychain (Funko Pop Figure).jpg --yAgIogp.pngANX219 05:47, 10 March 2018 (UTC)

Thank you very much! :) Red links removed!--NinjaSheik 21:53, 10 March 2018 (UTC)


  • Marluxia Fades.png - See "Into Oblivion 01 KHREC.png"
  • Gravity Drop KHREC.png - See "Gravity Drop KHREC.gif"
  • Aqua in the beginning of 0.2.png - See "Castle of Dreams 01 KH0.2.png"
  • Aqua and Ansem 0.2.png - See "A World Restored 01 KH0.2.png"
  • Mickey in 0.2.png - See "Closing the Door 01 KH0.2.png"

-Xion4ever 19:36, 10 June 2018 (UTC)

File:AntiSora Appears 02 KH.png is a duplicate of File:AntiSora Appears 01 KH.png. Was my fault. - JTD95 (talk) 13:48, 24 February 2019 (UTC)

Deleted. TheSilentHero 14:27, 24 February 2019 (UTC)

File:The Start of an Adventure 03 KH.png is a duplicate of File:All for One, One for All 03 KHHD.png. - JTD95 (talk) 15:59, 24 February 2019 (UTC)

Deleted. Thanks!--NinjaSheik 23:35, 24 February 2019 (UTC)

File:Vexen's End 01 KHRECOM.png is a duplicate of File:Vexen's End 01 KH HD.png- - JTD95 (talk) 14:01, 25 February 2019 (UTC)

Deleted. Thank you very much!--NinjaSheik 23:11, 25 February 2019 (UTC)
  • File:Kingdom Hearts 04 KHBBS.png is a duplicate of File:Kingdom Hearts 01 KHBBS.png
  • File:Peas in a Pod 02 KHBBS.png is a duplicate of File:Another Keyblade Wielder 01 KHBBS.png
  • File:Leaving Him Behind 01 KHIIFM.png is a duplicate of File:Leaving Him Behind 03 KHIIFM.png

-JTD95 (talk) 12:41, 27 February 2019 (UTC)

Deleted. Thanks. In the future, it'd be helpful if you just link the images that need to be deleted on the page. :)--NinjaSheik 23:43, 27 February 2019 (UTC)
  • File:Promise_of_a_Reunion_02_KHHD.png is a duplicate of [1]
  • File:Vexen_and_His_Replica_01_KH_HD.png is a duplicate of [2]
  • File:Day_94_KH_HD.png is a duplicate of [3]
  • File:Xion_and_Axel_Face_Off_01_KH_HD.png is a duplicate of [4]
Was this what you meant? Also, seems like most of these duplicates are my fault over the years, so sorry about that. - Joseph Thorn Dalton XCV 
That's fine, but you can also link using this method: [[File:Promise of a Reunion 02 KHHD.png|like this]], with how we do with normal linking rather than copying and pasting the URL. Afterwards, I can just remove it when it becomes broken/removed link. Anyway, files are deleted. Thanks!--NinjaSheik 23:28, 4 March 2019 (UTC)
  • File:Sora 02 KHIII.png|150px is a duplicate of Sora's current infobox image.
  • File:No Name (Trailer) KHIII.png|150px is a duplacte of this one File:Gambit 01 KHIII.png|150px
  • File:Overdrive KHII.gif|150px I don't believe we need this as we currently have a video in use on the Overdrive (Limit) page.
  • File:Master's Defender (Trailer) KHIII.png|150px is a duplicate of File:Teaser 01 KHIII.png|150px
- Joseph Thorn Dalton XCV  23:17, 20 March 2019 (UTC)
Deleted and red links removed. Thanks!--NinjaSheik 22:24, 21 March 2019 (UTC)

Forgot there already was an existing image I could re-upload over. File:The Expotition KHII.png is a duplicate of File:The Expotition 01 KHII.png

- Joseph Thorn Dalton XCV  JTD95 11:25, 8 April 2019 (UTC)
Deleted. When linking image, place a : before File to make it show up as a link instead of the image. TheSilentHero 18:15, 8 April 2019 (UTC)
File:Sprite KH2 Sora N1.png is a duplicate of File:Sprite Sora N1.png
File:Sprite KH2 Sora N2.png is a duplicate of File:Sprite Sora N2.png
File:Sprite KH2 Sora N3.png is a duplicate of File:Sprite Sora N3.png
- Joseph Thorn Dalton XCV  20:55, 5 May 2019 (UTC)
Deleted. - JTD95 (talk) 09:48, 6 May 2019 (UTC)


File:HUD Terra KHBBS.png
File:HUD Roxas KHD.png
File:HUD Sora KHREC.png
File:HUD Sora KHCOM.png
File:HUD Sora KHII.png
File:HUD Sora KH.png
These images are not in use. Nor are they needed as the Gauges page covers anything related to the game's HUD. - Joseph Thorn Dalton XCV  20:55, 5 May 2019 (UTC)
Deleted. - JTD95 (talk) 09:48, 6 May 2019 (UTC)
File:World Order KH3D.png
Useless - JTD95 (talk) 21:29, 5 May 2019 (UTC)
Deleted. - JTD95 (talk) 09:48, 6 May 2019 (UTC)


Not sure how to properly link to redirects. Not even sure if it's necessary for me to add them here.

  • File:Promotional 3 KH3D.png
  • File:Riku in Traverse Town KH3D.png
  • File:Sora surrounded by Heartless KH3D.png
  • File:NotreDame Trailer3D 1.png
  • File:NotreDame Trailer3D 2.png
  • File:NotreDame Trailer3D 3.png
  • File:Sora Xemnas KH3D.png
  • File:Riku AnsemSoD KH3D.png
  • - Joseph Thorn Dalton XCV  22:12, 20 March 2019 (UTC)
Redirects deleted. Thanks!--NinjaSheik 22:29, 21 March 2019 (UTC)
  • File:Rare Nut 01.png
  • File:Rare Nut 02.png
  • File:Rare Nut 03.png
  • File:Rare Nut 04.png
  • File:Rare Nut 05.png
  • - Joseph Thorn Dalton XCV  00:05, 31 March 2019 (UTC)
Deleted. TheSilentHero 00:20, 31 March 2019 (UTC)
  • File:The Hunny Pot KHII.png
  • File:Pooh's Swing KH.png
  • File:Block Tigger KH.png
  • File:Hunny Slider KHII.png
  • File:Balloon Bounce KHII.png
  • File:A Blustery Rescue KHII.png
  • - Joseph Thorn Dalton XCV  11:22, 8 April 2019 (UTC)
  • User:Master Riku the Bloody/Accessories
  • User talk:Master Riku the Bloody/Accessories
- Joseph Thorn Dalton XCV  20:57, 5 May 2019 (UTC)
Deleted. - JTD95 (talk) 09:48, 6 May 2019 (UTC)

Cleaning out unused images category

TY! yAgIogp.pngANX219 00:43, 11 June 2019 (UTC)
Deleted and red links are removed! Thanks! :)--NinjaSheik 02:08, 11 June 2019 (UTC)