Final Form
Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
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Final Form (ファイナルフォーム Fainaru Fōmu ) is a Drive Form which appears in Kingdom Hearts II. It uses Goofy and Donald Duck, and consumes five of Sora's Drive Bars. It represents Sora's completion[1], and is unlocked after Sora and Roxas come to terms at the Dive to the Heart.
Final Form can only be obtained by luck. While attempting to transform into a form, Sora may transform into a white form with two keyblades floating behind his back. Immediatly reverting will make Final Form accessible through the drive menu unless defeated by a boss(if it is obtained while fighting a boss).
Final Form gains experience by defeating Nobodies; each Nobody defeated, including bosses, gives Sora one experience point towards Final Form. Template:Section-stub
Sora's clothes in this form are white/silver and black, with the symbols on his pants somewhat resembling an eye with a wind pattern. This may be referenced to the fact that while Anti-Form resembles a Heartless, Final Form, which is silvery white and possesses the traits of Nobodies, can be obtained after Roxas comes to terms with Sora. Each Keyblade seems to move with an arm, though when Sora stops moving they hover behind him. Thus, every move is an attack in itself. No matter what world Sora is on, while in Final Form he never touches the ground unless he lands from a jump. Sora's hair and clothes slowly flow as if he is being held by the wind. His clothes also systematically glow white on and off for the duration of the time he is in the form. There are also two large sparkles of pure white light that move randomly around Sora with a white wisp following them. When Sora is standing still, the position of his Keyblades seem to represent folded angel wings. When he floats (walks/runs), they open, as if Sora is flying.
- Halloween Town: Sora's mask transforms into a copper crown.
- Christmas Town: An N-shaped rune appears on Sora's hat, while a pair of silver wings appear on the back of his shirt.
- Space Paranoids: Sora's circuit lines turn silver.
- Timeless River: Sora's health icon becomes lighter, as if it gained luster.
- Sprite Sora N Final.png
Final Form's sprite.
- Sprite Sora HT Final.png
Vampire Sora's sprite in Final Form.
- Sprite Sora CT Final.png
Santa Sora's sprite in Final Form.
- Sprite Sora SP Final.png
Data Sora's sprite in Final Form.
- Sprite Sora TR Final.png
Retro Sora's sprite in Final Form.
- Sora HT Final.png
Vampire Sora in Final Form.
- Sora CT Final.png
Santa Sora in Final Form.
- Sora SP Final.png
Data Sora in Final Form.
Ability | Description |
Final Arcana | Handling the Keyblade with great skill, Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move to a single target. |
Final Strike | While spinning in midair, deals a powerful finishing combo move to a single target. |
Final Arts | Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move to get rid of several targets at once. |
Auto Assault | The Keyblade automatically unleashes attacks in various situations. |
Crime & Punishment | A Keyblade held in each hand unleashes powerful magic spells. |
Actions can be executed while moving. |
Ability | Description |
Glide | By pressing ![]() |
Ability | Description |
Synch Blade | Allows Sora to wield two Keyblades at once. |
MP Haste | MP charges at 1.25 times faster than its original speed. |
Notes and References
Forms |
Drive Forms |
Valor | Wisdom | Limit | Master | Final | Anti |
Formchanges |
Second | Guardian | Strike | Element | Blitz | Ultimate | Rage | Light | Dark | Double |
Sora's other forms |
Lion | Card | Die |
Costumes and world changes |
Sora | Donald Duck | Goofy | Riku | Mickey Mouse | Pete |