The Pegasus Cup is the second tournament in Olympus Coliseum, and is opened after finishing the journey through Monstro.

Three trials eventually become avaliable. Completing the cup as a group earns Sora's Strike Raid ability. For completing it with just Sora, you will receive a Mythril. For completing it on time trial in under 3 minutes, the reward is a Defense Up.


Ranking Team Name Opponents Notes
9 Ghost Bandits 2x Search Ghosts, 1x Bandit, 3x Air Soldiers
8 Marauders 2x Bandits, 3x Pot Spiders, 4x Shadows
7 Sluggers 1x Fat Bandit, 2x Large Bodies, 1x Pot Spider, 1x Barrel Spider
6 Pots & Bolts 5x Pot Spiders, 3x Yellow Operas, 2x Green Requiems
5 The Big Combo 2x Fat Bandits, 4x Search Ghosts
4 Toadstool 3x Black Fungi
3 Pots & Barrels 5x Pot Spiders, 5x Barrel Spiders
2 Big Impact 3x Fat Bandits, 2x Large Bodies
1 Leon & Yuffie Leon, Yuffie