
From the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, the Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia
Revision as of 05:12, 19 July 2014 by LightRoxas (talk | contribs)
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I don't show up here as often as I'd like anymore. I do still occasionally pop in and recognize the great work that still gets done here. Well done guys, and thanks for the memories.
Gender Male
A.K.A. RadiantChaos, Ostrich, Doctor Cephalopod
Birthday May 10
Religion Christian
Other Games Minecraft, The Legend of Zelda, Mario, Fire Emblem, Metroid, Mass Effect, Portal, Cave Story, Pokémon
Non-Gaming Interests Chuck, Bone comics, Chess, Detroit Tigers Baseball, Harry Potter, Calvin and Hobbes, Star Wars, Whose Line, The Hunger Games
Signature LightSymbol Character - Roxas.pngRoxas

"I'm proud to be a small part of something bigger - the people it did choose."

I'm gonna keep this brief: I love Kingdom Hearts, and I frequent the wiki from time to time. A lot of people here are good cyber-friends of mine, and this is my main stopping place for Kingdom Hearts news. That's about all.

STEAM DESCRIPTION INCOMING: RadiantChaos is a nerd who loves a large variety of games, regardless of genre or type. A self-proclaimed "geek walking among mere mortals," RC is very approachable and kind, provided you agree with his opinions - because they are, of course, correct. The Internet said so.

In addition to games, RadiantChaos also enjoys music, Chuck, rain, animated movies, naps, pizza, salvation, comics, ostriches, baseball, riding a Taun Taun, musicals, and sunlight - in no particular order. He also has apiphobia, as well as an addiction to Jolly Rancher chews.

I was the Featured User of June 2012 - what an honor! I love you guys, you make me enjoy being a part of this place, even if the part I play is incredibly minuscule.

June 2012 Featured User Medal.png

Web Presence

I'm fairly present all over the web and most of the sites I'm on are fairly useless. However, here are a few game-related sites and accounts where you can find me.

  • E-mail: I have a back up e-mail at that I check once every couple months.
  • GameInformer Online: RadiantChaos
  • Minecraft: RadiantChaos
  • YouTube: RadiantChaos
  • Steam: RadiantChaos
  • EA Origin: BioticQuarian
  • LIVE Gamertag: BioticQuarian
  • PSN: Radiant_Chaos
  • Raptr: RadiantChaos
  • 3DS Friend Code: 4639-9292-1237
  • IRC: RadiantChaos

Game Achievments

Kingdom Hearts

  • Beat on Standard mode
  • Beat on Expert mode
  • Beat Riku on Destiny Islands
  • Beat Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie simultaneously
  • Beat Riku in race on Destiny Islands
  • Defeated Leon in Traverse Town
  • Defeated Cloud in first battle at Coliseum
  • Beat Hades Cup
  • Beat all Coliseum cups using only Sora
  • Beat all Coliseum cups within designated time limits
  • Defeated Kurt Zisa
  • Defeated Phantom
  • Defeated Ice Titan
  • Defeated Sephiroth
  • Unlocked all Keyblades
  • Reached level 100

Kingdom Hearts II

  • Beat on Standard mode
  • Beat on Proud mode twice
  • Beat Sephiroth in Proud mode
  • Beat the Hades Paradox Cup in Proud mode without dying
  • Beat Proud mode using only the Kingdom Key
  • Unlocked all Keyblades
  • Reached level 13 with Roxas in the intro
  • Reached level 99

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

  • Beat on Standard mode
  • Beat on Proud mode
  • Defeated the Dustflier
  • Unlocked Sora
  • Unlocked King Mickey
  • Reached level 79
  • Collected 358 Mission Crowns

Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance

  • Beat Standard Mode
  • Defeated Julius
  • Beat all Secret Portals
  • Got Gold Rankings on all Dives for Riku.
Sora_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is male.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
760n2Dk.png This user defeated Ansem and started the epic story of Kingdom Hearts.
Symbol_-_Keyhole.png This user has locked every single Keyhole.
qk6vzKA.png This user defeated Xemnas and restored peace to the worlds.
viFYwhx.png This user took on Riku and discovered the secrets of Xion.
LiyFa5c.png This user destroyed the χ-blade and completed Aqua's story.
CIMLDgU.png This user passed the Mark of Mastery exam and emerged as a true Keyblade Master!
7MydijL.png This user is a fan of Roxas.
roxas4roxas.jpg This user sits on top of the Clock Tower to eat Ice-Cream with their good friend Roxas.
This user battled their way through the End of the World to reach FinalRest.
DaysDemyxHappy.png This user helped Synchblade on his quest to find Sora, the key bearer.
joshua_by_hnfnation-d2z23wf.gif This user is a trusted colleague, companion, associate, and friend of The Ever-Present Gnome.
Crown (Silver) KHIIFM.png This user had an audience with the mighty King of the Darkness.
SXteg.png This user is stuck at home with Erry.
nfbdfcdfd_zps636f4e33.jpg This user is a fan of the three rather young keyblade wielders: Sora, Master Riku, and Kairi.

Talk Bubbles

LightRoxas - "I'm proud to be a small part of something bigger - the people it did choose.
TALK - "I am who I am, because of them."
As a new beginning of sorts, I've revamped my default talk bubble and hidden the clutter of all the previous ones.

Best and Worst

Credit to Soxra, whose section this was.


Category Best Second Best Third Best Worst
Overall Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Kingdom Hearts coded
Story Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts coded
Graphical Style Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Battle System Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Soundtrack Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Kingdom Hearts coded
Cast Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Kingdom Hearts coded


Category Best Second Best Third Best Worst
World Twilight Town Traverse Town Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden Atlantica
Keyblade Twilight Blaze Bond of Flame Unbound Gull Wing
Boss Young Xehanort (KH3D) Axel (KHII) Xemnas (KH3D) Spellican


Category Best Second Best Third Best Worst
Male Protagonist Roxas Axel/Lea Riku Terra
Female Protagonist Aqua Naminé Xion Snow White
Overall Protagonist Roxas Axel/Lea Riku Snow White
Male Antagonist Xigbar Xemnas Saïx Captain Hook
Female Antagonist Maleficent Larxene Queen of Hearts Ursula
Overall Antagonist Xigbar Xemnas Saix Ursula
Org. XIII Member (Excluding Roxas) Axel Demyx Xigbar Xaldin
Org. XIII Somebody (Excluding Sora) Lea Braig Isa Dilan
Disney Hero Goofy King Mickey Tron Snow White
Disney Villain Maleficent Hades Barbossa Ursula
FF Character Beat (don't care if he's TWEWY, yo) Leon Rhyme Aerith
Overall Character Roxas Axel/Lea Riku Snow White
Heartless Cymbal Monkey Gargoyle Shadow Hot Rod
Nobody Sniper Sorcerer Assassin Dancer
Dream Eater Eaglider Keeba Tiger Meow Wow Me Me Bunny

User Pages
Roxas's Symbol small.png Home | Talk Page | Roxas Petition | DTN Memorial | Editcount | ContributionsRoxas's Symbol small.png
Roxas's Symbol small.png Talk Bubbles | Friend Userbox | Signature | Gummi Highway Roxas's Symbol small.png