File:KH2FM Slapshot.gif
In Kingdom Hearts II, Slapshot consists of a quick uppercut.
Slapshot (スラップショット Surappushotto ) is a technique that appears in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts II. It allows the user to execute a special attack with their weapon.
In Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Slapshot is a unique ability that costs 1 AP to equip. It is a swing with a wide, upward arc, used when Sora is faced with multiple enemies, or is near an opponent. It is useful for landing a quick and instant blow to intercept enemies and to isolate a foe from multiple targets. It also has a chance of landing a Critical Hit.
In Kingdom Hearts II, Slapshot is an action ability that costs 2 AP to equip. It is a quick uppercut slash that gets the first hit in ofter near enemies.
Learning Slapshot
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
- Sora learns Slapshot at level 6 with the Dream Shield, 12 with the Dream Sword, and 69 with the Dream Rod.
Kingdom Hearts II
- Sora learns Slapshot after freeing the Cornerstone of Light from Pete.
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
- Sora learns Slapshot after clearing the Nobodies from Betwixt and Between.
- Limit Form has Slapshot as a unique ability.
- In Kingdom Hearts II, the in-game descriptions for Slapshot and Dodge Slash are switched around via a typo.
- Slapshot has a slightly longer delay before initiating the next attack in a combo in Kingdom Hearts II in comparison to Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix.
Other Appearances
- In 358/2 Days, Roxas also has an attack with some of his weapons that is reminiscent of Slapshot (an upward launching slash from his stance).-->