User:TheFifteenthMember/List of Key Items Draft

Key Items have no gameplay significance and are purely plot-related.

  • Fire Arts (ファイア免許皆伝 Faia Menkyokaiden?): Proof that a White Mushroom acknowledged you a master of Fire magic. Its value is unknown.
  • Blizzard Arts (ブリザド免許皆伝 Burizado Menkyokaiden?): Proof that a White Mushroom acknowledged you a master of Blizzard magic. Its value is unknown.
  • Thunder Arts (サンダー免許皆伝 Sandā Menkyokaiden?): Proof that a White Mushroom acknowledged you a master of Thunder magic. Its value is unknown.
  • Cure Arts (ケアル免許皆伝 Kearu Menkyokaiden?): Proof that a White Mushroom acknowledged you a master of Cure magic. Its value is unknown.
  • Gravity Arts (グラビデ免許皆伝 Gurabide Menkyokaiden?): Proof that a White Mushroom acknowledged you a master of Gravity magic. Its value is unknown.
  • Stop Arts (ストップ免許皆伝 Sutoppu Menkyokaiden?): Proof that a White Mushroom acknowledged you a master of Stop magic. Its value is unknown.
  • Aero Arts (エアロ免許皆伝 Earo Menkyokaiden?): Proof that a White Mushroom acknowledged you a master of Aero magic. Its value is unknown.
  • Shiitake Rank: Proof that you satisfied a Rare Truffle by bopping it into the air 50 times. Its value is unknown.
  • Matsutake Rank: Proof that you satisfied a Rare Truffle by bopping it into the air 100 times. Its value is unknown.


  • Emblem Piece (エンブレム Enburemu?): Fragment of an emblem, found in a blue flame. There should be a matching slot for it somewhere.
  • Emblem Piece (エンブレム Enburemu?): Fragment of an emblem, found in a treasure chest. There should be a matching slot for it somewhere.
  • Emblem Piece (エンブレム Enburemu?): Fragment of an emblem, found in a stone statue. There should be a matching slot for it somewhere.
  • Emblem Piece (エンブレム Enburemu?): Fragment of an emblem, found in a fountain. There should be a matching slot for it somewhere.


  • Slide 1 (スライド1 Suraido 1?): Jane's research slide; use it in the projector.
  • Slide 2 (スライド2 Suraido 2?): Jane's research slide; use it in the projector.
  • Slide 3 (スライド3 Suraido 3?): Jane's research slide; use it in the projector.
  • Slide 4 (スライド4 Suraido 4?): Jane's research slide; use it in the projector.
  • Slide 5 (スライド5 Suraido 5?): Jane's research slide; use it in the projector.
  • Slide 6 (スライド6 Suraido 6?): Jane's research slide; use it in the projector.


  • Footprints (しょうこの足あと Shouko no Ashiato?): Evidence of the Heartless; present it to the Queen of Hearts.
  • Claw Marks (しょうこの爪あと Shouko no Tsumeato?): Evidence of the Heartless; present it to the Queen of Hearts.
  • Stench (しょうこの臭い Shouko no Kusai?): Evidence of the Heartless; present it to the Queen of Hearts.
  • Antenna (しょうこのトゲ Shouko no Toge?): Evidence of the Heartless; present it to the Queen of Hearts.
  • Forget-Me-Not (ワスレナグサ Wasurenagusa?): The "memory" given by Sally. Needed to create a heart.
  • Jack-in-the-Box (ビックリばこ Bikkuri Bako?): The "surprise" given by the mayor. Needed to create a heart.


  • Khama vol. 8 (カァマの書8巻 Kaama no Sho 8-kan?): An ancient tome containing illegible script.
  • Salegg vol. 6 (サレグの書6巻 Saregu no Sho 6-kan?): An ancient tome containing illegible script.
  • Azal vol. 3 (アザルの書3巻 Asaru no Sho 3-kan?): An ancient tome containing illegible script.
  • Mava vol. 3 (マヴァの書3巻 Mava no Sho 3-kan?): An ancient tome containing illegible script.
  • Mava vol. 6 (マヴァの書6巻 Mava no Sho 6-kan?): An ancient tome containing illegible script.
  • Theon vol. 6 (タオンの書6巻 Taon no Sho 6-kan?): An ancient tome containing illegible script.
  • Nahara vol. 5 (ナハラの書5巻 Nahara no Sho 5-kan?): An ancient tome containing illegible script.
  • Hafet vol. 4 (ハフェの書4巻 Hafe no Sho 4-kan?): An ancient tome containing illegible script.


  • Earthshine (大地のかがやき Daichi no Kagayaki?): A gem emanating a strange vitality. Give it to the Fairy Godmother.
  • Watergleam (水のかがやき Mizu no Kagayaki?): A gem emanating a strange vitality. Give it to the Fairy Godmother.
  • Naturespark (自然のかがやき Shizen no Kagayaki?): A gem emanating a strange vitality. Give it to the Fairy Godmother.
  • Fireglow (炎のかがやき Honō no Kagayaki?): A gem emanating a strange vitality. Give it to the Fairy Godmother.

Kingdom Hearts

Item Description Obtained Notes
Log (丸太 Maruta?) Raft materials, found at the Destiny Islands. Found at the duelling area of Tidus, Selphie and Wakka, on the Seashore. Kairi rewards Sora a Hi-Potion after collecting all raft materials.
Found on the miniature island across the bridge, on the Seashore.
Cloth (大きな布 Ōkina Nuno?) Found within a room of the massive treehouse, hanging from the wall, on the Seashore.
Rope (ロープ Rōpu?) On the Seashore docks.
Empty Bottle (あきビン Aki Bin?) Used to collect Drinking Water at the Destiny Islands Obtained from Kairi in order to be filled with water. Transforms into Drinking Water
Drinking Water (飲み水 Nomi Mizu?) Traveling supplies, found at the Destiny Islands. Found in the spring outside the Secret Place or from the spring within the wall of the Cove. Kairi rewards Sora a Hi-Potion after collecting all travelling supplies.
Seagull Egg (海トリのタマゴ Umi Tori no Tamago?) Found atop a tree above the Seaside Shack.
Coconut (大の実 Ō no Mi?) Drops from any palm tree, in the Seashore or Cove when attacked. Three yellow coconuts must be gathered.
Fish ( Sakana?) Found swimming around in seawater of the Seashore. Three fish must be caught.
Mushroom (キノコ Kinoko?) Found in the bushes to the left of the zip-line tower, in the Cove.
Found behind a boulder below the zip-line tower, in the Cove.
Found in front of the locked door, in the Secret Place.
Pretty Stone (きれいな石 Kireina Ishi?) A beautiful stone that glistens in the sun. It has little value. Reward for Racing Riku; Chest at Alleyway; Chest at the Red Room. Can be sold for 30 munny.
Navi-G Piece (ナビグミのかけら Nabi Gumi no Kakera?) Half of a gummi emitting a mysterious glow. Obtained after reuniting Donald and Goofy, in Deep Jungle. Allows more Worlds to be visited.
Old Book (古びた本 Furubita Hon?) Cid repairs it for Merlin; return it to the wizard. Obtained by Cid, in Traverse Town's second visit. Lost after it is delivered to Merlin, who places it on a table for Sora to see. The book is then discovered to be Hundred Acre Wood.
Torn Page (ちぎれたページ Chigireta Pēji?) A page torn out of Merlin's book. Try reattaching it. Found in chests at various locations. Allows more areas of Hundred Acre Wood to be accessible.
Footprints (しょうこの足あと Shouko no Ashiato?) Evidence of the Heartless; present it to the Queen of Hearts. Found to the right of the mushroom-steps, in Lotus Forest Only three pieces of evidence are required to continue the plot. If Sora gathers all evidence, the Cheshire Cat rewards him Blizzard.
Antenna (しょうこのトゲ Shouko no Toge?) Found atop a lily-pad platform, in Lotus Forest.
Stench (しょうこの臭い Shouko no Kusai?) On top of the stove, in the Bizarre Room. Can be reached by entering the pathway on top of the bush at the back of Lotus Forest.
Claw Marks (しょうこの爪あと Shouko no Tsumeato?) Found on top of the cabinet near the faucet, in the Bizarre Room. Can be reached by giving a Potion to the Flower that makes you larger and then attacking the tree, twisting it, and stamping on the tree stump, flattening it and opening up a new pathway that makes the doorway Sora should enter accessible.
Entry Pass (エントリーチケット Entorī Chiketto?, lit. "Entry Ticket") A ticket required to enter the games at the Olympus Coliseum. Hades gives it to Sora after Phil's Training. Allows plot to progress.
Hero License (ヒーローライセンス Hīrō Raisensu?) A certificate declaring the bearers "Junior Heroes." Reward for defeating Cerberus after the Preliminary Tournament. Allows Sora to compete in Olympus Coliseum Cups.
Crystal Trident (王家の水晶 Ōke no Suishō?) Item that reveals the Keyhole of Atlantica. Found in the Sunken Ship, in Atlantica. Was returned to Ariel's Grotto, where it is destroyed by King Triton. It was restored after Ursula's defeat, and reveals the world's Keyhole with King Triton's Trident.
Mystery Mold A puzzling substance left behind by a Black Fungus. It may be quite valuable Rarely dropped by Black Fungus. Can be sold for 9999 munny.
Postcard (ハガキ Hagaki?) Drop it into the red mailbox in Traverse Town. Various locations. Various rewards.
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