User:Darth - Riku
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MY KINGDOM HEARTSI'll admit it, I am a sheltered child, when it comes to video games I have so many restrictions it's not even funny! When I was 11 I was at the library in Apache Junction, AZ and I found a video game called Kingdom Hearts, besides Star Wars Disney had always been my favorite movies so I asked my mom if I could rent the game, I had just gotten a PS2 from a friend and I didn't have much experience with it. I took that game home and played it every day until it was due, I kept trying to rent the game again but I never got the chance and finally I moved to Globe, AZ where the library hardly had books let alone games! One of my friends knew I liked that game so he bought me Re:Chain of Memories for my 14th birthday, it was nothing like the Kingdom Hearts I knew but it was still great. Then on a trip to Kentucky I stopped at a GameStop and found it! As soon as I got home I put it in and played it until I beat the game (even though it took a few weeks with only an hour a day on the PS2). Around Christmas time I went up to Mesa, AZ to do my shopping and at GameStop I found Kingdom Hearts II, the best game I ever played, and I play it all the time. Then being bored and with money I bought Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories for the GameBoy Advance off of Ebay, but I'm still trying to beat it. Finally after all the hubub of Kingdom hearts Birth By Sleep I bought it from Target over the Internet and I just love that game, I'm trying to beat it right now, but I'll play it for years I know. |
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