We-We're back! -- Luxris 17:28, 17 January 2012 (UTC)
Hello! Welcome to the Kingdom Hearts Wiki! I see you are from the Keyhole, wel it's good to see more people coming over :) We have not met but I am from the Keyhole as well, so good to meet you! If you need any help with anything on here, with coding problems or anything, you can ask me.
Thanks! I'm not as much of a genius as I try to be so coding really isn't my forte (I've just never needed to do it!) I'll probably take you up on that offer someday but for now I'm about to go to 4TH period, TTFN! Darth - Riku 17:53, 17 January 2012 (UTC)
Hey, man. Just wanted to let you know, you can only hold onto one talkbubble template. Since the two that you have are nearly identical, that shouldn't be too much of a problem, but let me know which one you want to keep. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 17:37, 18 January 2012 (UTC)
Actually I was trying to delete the (Darth Riku) one and keep the (Darth - Riku) one, also I think I messed them up because I really have no clue how to use them, if you'd be so kind as to show me if I messed up any of the coding. And if you know how to put my signature on the one I want to keep, my old one from the Keyhole is on there right now. Well thanks, I have actually been trying to get rid of (Darth Riku), and I don't know how, I feel pretty stupid. Darth - Riku 17:42, 18 January 2012 (UTC)
The only really stupid thing you did was make yourself two usernames. Please don't ever do that again.
As for your talkbubble, the issue are these two lines:
time=Come to the Dark Side! We have cooler Keyblades! [[User:Darth - Riku|Darth - Riku]] 17:42, September 29, 2011 (UTC)
I'm not sure why you want your signature in it at all, since it's redundant to your talkbubble, but the problem is there's no place for any input from you, which means it will always say the exact same thing. What you need to do is insert {{{time}}} into that first (time=) line and {{{text}}} into the second (text=) line, so that you can input them when you use the template. (Example, {{(Darth - Riku)|time=SOME INPUT|text=SOME OTHER INPUT}})
At the very least, you'll want to get rid of the time and date, but most likely you'll want to get rid of your entire pre-written signature so that you don't have to worry about it.
Darth - Riku - This battle isn't over. And until it is, I still need the power of darkness! TALK - Come to the Dark Side! We have cooler Keyblades!
YES! I have been trying to find that junk out forever! Thank You! And that last sig. was from the Keyhole I didn't mean to bring it over, and now I know why I could never use this bubble to actually talk, Thanks again! I'm only good at information carrying and language, I'm new to coding.
I'm glad you got it working. One more suggestion: if you're going to have "Come to the Dark Side! We have cooler Keyblades!" be the only thing appearing on that line, you may as well put it back into the template's code and forget the time= input altogether, since having {{{time}}} is only for things that are likely to change often, like a timestamp. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 17:33, 19 January 2012 (UTC)
Darth - Riku - This battle isn't over. And until it is, I still need the power of darkness! TALK - Come to the Dark Side! We have cooler Keyblades!
Thanks you've been a big help, I'll probably change it eventually but right now I'm trying to block math as a web search on my school's network! TTFN!
While editing your userpage, you accidentally edited out a line of coding. I just added it back in for you, which fixed the problem you were having with your user box.
By the way, it's nice to meet you. If you need anything, just tell me.
Darth - Riku - This battle isn't over. And until it is, I still need the power of darkness! TALK - Come to the Dark Side! We have cooler Keyblades!
Thanks! Man I really need to learn how to do all of this coding stuff! Um... You wouldn't happen to know what I need to do to put a picture on my Userpage would you?
Darth - Riku - This battle isn't over. And until it is, I still need the power of darkness! TALK - Come to the Dark Side! We have cooler Keyblades!
Well I suppose I'm allowed to rant here right!? Well I want to know why Japan gets all the good stuff? Manga, Final Mixes, and other stuff! why, Why, WHY!?
You expect us to know? Erry♓ 15:51, 2 February 2012 (UTC)
Darth - Riku - This battle isn't over. And until it is, I still need the power of darkness! TALK - Come to the Dark Side! We have cooler Keyblades!
No, I'm just mad that I can't aquire everything I want, pretty childish I suppose, but hey, I just wish I could get it, oh well. Oh and sorry about breaking the rules earlier.