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Important IRC events needed to be recorded.


  2. NO BOTS
  3. Don't talk about religion.
  4. No BEN
  5. No olos.
  6. Don't click on any links that are posted after 9:30.

Memorable IRC moments

<SquareEnixRocks> Justin Bieber broke his foot because he was climbing up the ladder to puberty, but failed.
<SquareEnixRocks> I have a sweet tooth the size of Justin Bieber's brain...-_-"
<maggosh> So, you don't have one?
<SquareEnixRocks> No, not really.
<maggosh> A sweettooth, I mean.
[20:46] == UnknownEnigma [44dab3be@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: I have overstayed my welcome. Good bye. LA, I will be in your sleep. I will be in your dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream.]
[20:48] <DoctorReeves> INCEPTION

Awesome People

This is a list containing the awesome people on the IRC.

  • Tabbeh
  • Randomnessity
  • DoorToNothing
  • SquareEnixRocks
  • maggosh
  • ErryK
  • Dan36
  • DSS
  • Evnyofdeath