User:LegoAlchemist/IRC/Lego's Death Archive

The first Death

October 18, 2010
[17:34] <LegoAlchemist> *shot*
[17:34]  * LegoAlchemist clutches stomach
[17:34] <LegoAlchemist> >_<
[17:34] <LegoAlchemist> I'VE BEEN SHOT!
[17:34] <LegoAlchemist> AAAUUGH...
[17:34] <LegoAlchemist> NNGH.......
[17:34]  * LegoAlchemist falls to the gound
[17:34] <LegoAlchemist> *ground
[17:34] <LegoAlchemist> Nngh....
[17:34]  * LegoAlchemist 's hand thuds to the ground
[17:34] <LegoAlchemist> Uhn...
[17:35]  * LegoAlchemist dies
[17:37]  * LegoAlchemist is steadily bleeding on the pavement. A siren goes off in the distance, cutting the silence.
[17:40]  * LegoAlchemist 's blood gets on OKH's shoe
[17:41]  * LegoAlchemist 's body is removed by the authorities. A mob surrounds the scene, a grim silence hanging over the crowd.
[17:46]  * LegoAlchemist 's body is rushed to the local hospital. The doctors there fight for several hours to save Lego's life, but the steady tone of the heart moniter signalled the end of his journey. A docter forces off his face mask, and hits the table, swearing.
[17:50]  * LegoAlchemist 's funeral is held on a grave Sunday morning. Lego's body is carried slowly in a large, wooden casket. A woman in a veil weeps as Lego's casket is gently lowered into a deep pit, and three men begin re-earthing it.
[17:52]  * LegoAlchemist 's funeral ends with the scraping of metal chairs, and the somber departure of the guests. The veiled woman reamins behind, and sinks her face into her hands, letting out a dry sob. She remains there for the rest of the day, and long after Lego's casket is covored and gone.
[17:57]  * LegoAlchemist 's death was a mild surprise to the goers of #wikia-kingdomhearts. As all of them had parely known Lego, none of them wallowed in the same grief as the veiled woman. But, upon looking up at the sky the next day, all of them realized they had never quite appreciated the beauty of it.

The Second Death

November 1, 2010
[18:03]  * LegoAlchemist steps up to the edge of the cliff, and looks over
[18:03]  * LegoAlchemist swallows
[18:03]  * LegoAlchemist closes his eyes
[18:04]  * LegoAlchemist holds out his arms, let's his body become relaxed, and leans forward off the cliff
[18:04]  * LegoAlchemist falls, a brief feeling of peace swelling inside him as the wind blows against his face
[18:05]  * LegoAlchemist hits the ground, dying instantly. The look of peace, however, remained on his face long after he hit the ground.
[18:06]  * LegoAlchemist 's broken body is smothered by a crowd forming around the body. People gasp and whisper, giving looks of both revulsion and interest.
[18:07]  * LegoAlchemist 's body is illuminated by the bright flashes of the press. The next day, a photo would appear right on the front page, under the headline "IRC CHANNEL-GOER DIES IN MYSTERIOUS FALL"
[18:08]  * LegoAlchemist 's obituary would be read with horror by the rest of the IRC channel-goers.
[18:09]  * LegoAlchemist 's funeral would be held on a bright, almost mockingly sunny Friday. Many of the #wikia-kingdomhearts-ians would attend, all clad in black and looking grim.
[18:10]  * BlackSoulBlade showed up in a bright red jacket looking very happy and/or drunk
[18:12]  * LegoAlchemist 's body, pale, silent, yet peacful looking, lay like a starved bird in the open casket. The channel-goers would not weep when they saw him, instead give looks of mild disappointment, for none of them truly knew him.
[18:15]  * LegoAlchemist 's casket is closed, and hauled into a limousine. The mourners would file out of the funeral home, still quite shaken, and get into their own vehicles, following the limo all the way to the wiki-graveyard: LegoAlchemist's final resting place.
[18:18]  * LegoAlchemist is lowered into the prepared hole while the channel-goers look on. Still, none of them would shed a tear, not even after the hole had been covered, and they all had the opportunity to let what just occured sink in.
[18:20]  * LegoAlchemist 's death itself, all the while, was never investigated. It instantly came off as a suicide. After all, why would anyone want to kill LegoAlchemist? But the authorities would have it wrong...
[18:20]  * LegoAlchemist 's death was murder.
[18:20]  * LegoAlchemist 's death was caused by one of you.

BSB's interpretation of the second Death

November 1, 2010
[18:03]  * LegoAlchemist steps up to the edge of the cliff, and looks over
[18:03]  * LegoAlchemist swallows
[18:03]  * LegoAlchemist closes his eyes
[18:04]  * LegoAlchemist holds out his arms, let's his body become relaxed, and leans forward off the cliff
[18:04]  * LegoAlchemist falls, a brief feeling of peace swelling inside him as the wind blows against his face
[18:04]  * BlackSoulBlade tosses a spear at LA, pinning him to the cliff
[18:05]  * LegoAlchemist hits the ground, dying instantly. The look of peace, however, remained on his face long after he hit the ground.
[18:06]  * LegoAlchemist 's broken body is smothered by a crowd forming around the body. People gasp and whisper, giving looks of both revulsion and interest.
[18:06]  * BlackSoulBlade stabs the body
[18:06]  * BlackSoulBlade lights LA's body on fire
[18:07]  * LegoAlchemist 's body is illuminated by the bright flashes of the press. The next day, a photo would appear right on the front page, under the headline "IRC CHANNEL-GOER DIES IN MYSTERIOUS FALL"
[18:08]  * LegoAlchemist 's obituary would be read with horror by the rest of the IRC channel-goers.
[18:08]  * BlackSoulBlade read LA's obit with glee and a need to party
[18:09]  * LegoAlchemist 's funeral would be held on a bright, almost mockingly sunny Friday. Many of the #wikia-kingdomhearts-ians would attend, all clad in black and looking grim.
[18:10]  * Griffen78 goes wearing yellow and holding balloons
[18:10]  * BlackSoulBlade showed up in a bright red jacket looking very happy and/or drunk
[18:12]  * LegoAlchemist 's body, pale, silent, yet peacful looking, lay like a starved bird in the open casket. The channel-goers would not weep when they saw him, instead give looks of mild disappointment, for none of them truly knew him.
[18:13]  * BlackSoulBlade starts dancing on LA's corpse
[18:15]  * LegoAlchemist 's casket is closed, and hauled into a limousine. The mourners would file out of the funeral home, still quite shaken, and get into their own vehicles, following the limo all the way to the wiki-graveyard: LegoAlchemist's final resting place.
[18:18]  * BlackSoulBlade blows up the limo LA's corpse is in
[18:18]  * LegoAlchemist is lowered into the prepared hole while the channel-goers look on. Still, none of them would shed a tear, not even after the hole had been covered, and they all had the opportunity to let what just occured sink in.
[18:20]  * LegoAlchemist 's death itself, all the while, was never investigated. It instantly came off as a suicide. After all, why would anyone want to kill LegoAlchemist? But the authorities would have it wrong...
[18:20]  * LegoAlchemist 's death was murder.
[18:20]  * LegoAlchemist 's death was caused by one of you.

The Third Death

January 5, 2011
[21:33]  * Reeves|Editing steps up onto the ledge of a building top, loses his step, and gets back on.
[21:33]  * Reeves|Editing poises over the edge of the building, looking around, admiring the view.
[21:33]  * Reeves|Editing sighs
[21:33] <Reeves|Editing> ...there just isn't anything left.
[21:33]  * Reeves|Editing holds his arms out, gracefully, and lets his body go limp
[21:34]  * Reeves|Editing falls in a splendid arc, off the building and to the concrete below.
[21:34]  * Reeves|Editing feels a moment of peace as the air flies past him. He smiles slightly, despite the inevitable.
[21:35]  * Reeves|Editing reaches the end of the rope-
[21:35]  * Reeves|Editing lands in a truck full of fluffy pillows
[21:35] <Reeves|Editing> .....what?
[21:35] <Reeves|Editing> Is this hell?
[21:35]  * Reeves|Editing watches as the building he just jumped from is demolished. It crumbles to the ground in a heap of rubble.
[21:35]  * Reeves|Editing dissolves into tears.
[21:36]  * Reeves|Editing , that night, sneaks into his garage.
[21:37]  * Reeves|Editing grabs a simple garden hose, inserts the nozzle into the exhaust pipe of his Honda '95, and gets into his car.
[21:38]  * Reeves|Editing feeds the other end of the hose through his open window, and closes it as far as it can go.
[21:38]  * Reeves|Editing sighs.
[21:38]  * Reeves|Editing starts the ignition. The car splutters, and fails to start. he tries again, successfully starting the car, and waits for the noxious gasses to suffocate him.
[21:39]  * Reeves|Editing sits in the car, wating for the inevitable..... when his parents enter the garage.
[21:39]  * Reeves|Editing 's mom says, in a low whisper... "Are you sure we should do this?"
[21:40]  * Reeves|Editing 's father replies, "Oh, yes, it'll be fine..."
[21:40]  * Reeves|Editing 's parents, right there, get on the car and start doing it.
[21:40]  * Reeves|Editing can see the whole thing in the rear-view mirror.
[21:40]  * Reeves|Editing tears up.
[21:41]  * Reeves|Editing 's mother, suddenly... "Kain- KAIN?!"
[21:41]  * Reeves|Editing dissolves into tears.
[21:41]  * Reeves|Editing , later that day, stops taking chances, and finally hangs up a noose in his room.
[21:42]  * Reeves|Editing steps up to a chair and puts the noose around his neck
[21:42]  * Reeves|Editing sighs.
[21:43]  * Reeves|Editing jumps and kicks the chair from underneath him, hanging limply from his neck. However...
[21:44]  * Reeves|Editing 's cieling breaks open from the strain, a good amount of rubble falling on top of him. His father, complete with a bathtub, falls right on top of him as well.
[21:44]  * Reeves|Editing , later that evening, lays in the hospital in a full body caste, listening the doctor tell him about all the severe injuries he was inflicted upon, and how miraculous it was that he survives.
[21:45]  * Reeves|Editing tries to tell the doctor to finish him off, but his speech is muffled and the doctor cannot understand. The doctor leaves, and Reeves silently weeps.
[21:45]  * Reeves|Editing , just then, suddenly hears a sound outside...
[21:46]  * Reeves|Editing hears the sound of screams... and a chainsaw!
[21:47]  * Reeves|Editing listens to a doctor, screaming in horror, as he runs by - "IT'S THE DELLBERRY DISMEMBERER!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!"
[21:48]  * Reeves|Editing watches as doctors and nurses alike stream through the hallway, accompanied by bits of flayed pieces of bloody flesh. The chainsaw continues to revv, and more screams are heard.
[21:49]  * Reeves|Editing finally sees him: the masked madman steps right into the view of the open door. It's the Dellberry Dismemberer - he's covered in blood, and his chainsaw is slowly buzzing. He looks directly at Reeves, his eyes glinting with insanity.
[21:49]  * Reeves|Editing tries to call out to him, ask him to kill him for him, but his speech is still muffled.
[21:49]  * Reeves|Editing watches as - miraculously, the Dellberry Dismemberer passes him by.
[21:50]  * Reeves|Editing loudly sobs as more screams are heard, and a spray of blood drenches his bandaged face.
[21:51]  * Reeves|Editing , still sobbing, was SO sure that there was no way he could EVER die... death would just keep passing him by, cruelly... when suddenly...
[21:51]  * Reeves|Editing is killed instantly when an airstrike demolishes the hospital. His body is burned up, and the remains are never found.
[21:52] <Reeves|Editing> The End.
[21:52] <Reeves|Editing> Wasn't that a great story?