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Consider this a formal Wiki-Break,
It's official. The KH IRC is the worst place on this whole wiki, and it's shameful that they actually represent us.
Sims • Library • LOST • Comics • Drawing • School • Friends • Life
And, of course, this wiki.
You guys are life-stealers.
Best RP Ever
User:LegoAlchemist/IRC/Best RP Ever'
Lego's Death
[18:03] * LegoAlchemist steps up to the edge of the cliff, and looks over [18:03] * LegoAlchemist swallows [18:03] * LegoAlchemist closes his eyes [18:04] * LegoAlchemist holds out his arms, let's his body become relaxed, and leans forward off the cliff [18:04] * LegoAlchemist falls, a brief feeling of peace swelling inside him as the wind blows against his face [18:05] * LegoAlchemist hits the ground, dying instantly. The look of peace, however, remained on his face long after he hit the ground. [18:06] * LegoAlchemist 's broken body is smothered by a crowd forming around the body. People gasp and whisper, giving looks of both revulsion and interest. [18:07] * LegoAlchemist 's body is illuminated by the bright flashes of the press. The next day, a photo would appear right on the front page, under the headline "IRC CHANNEL-GOER DIES IN MYSTERIOUS FALL" [18:08] * LegoAlchemist 's obituary would be read with horror by the rest of the IRC channel-goers. [18:09] * LegoAlchemist 's funeral would be held on a bright, almost mockingly sunny Friday. Many of the #wikia-kingdomhearts-ians would attend, all clad in black and looking grim. [18:10] * BlackSoulBlade showed up in a bright red jacket looking very happy and/or drunk [18:12] * LegoAlchemist 's body, pale, silent, yet peacful looking, lay like a starved bird in the open casket. The channel-goers would not weep when they saw him, instead give looks of mild disappointment, for none of them truly knew him. [18:15] * LegoAlchemist 's casket is closed, and hauled into a limousine. The mourners would file out of the funeral home, still quite shaken, and get into their own vehicles, following the limo all the way to the wiki-graveyard: LegoAlchemist's final resting place. [18:18] * LegoAlchemist is lowered into the prepared hole while the channel-goers look on. Still, none of them would shed a tear, not even after the hole had been covered, and they all had the opportunity to let what just occured sink in. [18:20] * LegoAlchemist 's death itself, all the while, was never investigated. It instantly came off as a suicide. After all, why would anyone want to kill LegoAlchemist? But the authorities would have it wrong... [18:20] * LegoAlchemist 's death was murder. [18:20] * LegoAlchemist 's death was caused by one of you.