Hey there all you little Shadows! Today at exactly 5:30, Sunday October 25 2009, I, D.Dark will start my Kingdom Hearts II walktrough. Now I'd have started at the first game but unfortunately... my older sister own sthe only copy that works but she doesn't play it and pretty much has never passed the fucking Destiny Islands.
TNE's note : Let's get as many people to chip in this project, though believe me, I think this'd be an M-rated walkthrough. Frequent editors are invited !
How to Play
To start up you need these six things.
- A television.
- A Playstation 2/3. (2 recommended.)
- A copy of Kingdom Hearts II.
- A pair of functioning eyes.
- And functioning hands.
- Ears are optional altough I recommend you have them cause the soundtracks are truly wonderful.
Next turn on your TV and Playstation 2/3 put the Kingdom Hearts II disc in CAREFUL....dont scratch it. Once you see the main menu click new game and put on the settings. I recommend if you are new to start in Beginner Mode but if you want a bit of a challenge use Standard Mode and if you dont wanna play this game you might just as well play in Proud Mode.
This walktrough will contain some profanities such as shit, crap, hell and if you have never heard of the word fuck you have now.
Read at your own risk.
The controls are pretty simple and will be explained in-game but if you want to know now read the content below and if not you are wasting your time.
is simply used for attacking.
is used to jump. Caused me some trouble before getting used to it but you can get pretty adept at this fast.
can be used for a number of abilities such as Guard, Dodge Roll (in KH1 and Re:Chain), Superglide, among many other combat abilities.
is used for the very important Reaction commands which contain talking,combat actions among others.
- See section by section
[[Part 1]]
[[[:Walktrough: Kingdom Hearts II/D.Dark/Part 1|[]]http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/User:D.Dark./Walkthrough:_Kingdom_Hearts_II/Part_2]]