Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

Abilities (KHII)

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The Ability system in Kingdom Hearts II has received both minor aesthetic upgrades, as well as major mechanical changes. An Ability can now be equipped or unequipped simply by pressing Triangle while highlighting its entry in the Ability menu, and are now separated into Action, Growth, and Support sets, which are distinguished by the color of their entry (red for Action, yellow for Growth, blue for Support). Action Abilities are those which are used directly in combat, and are often tied to button-presses, while Support Abilities are those which enhance the character's stats, and are often passive. Kingdom Hearts II also expands Abilities such as Dodge Roll and Glide into Growth Abilities, which affect Sora's movements, and can be upgraded by leveling up his Drive Forms. Kingdom Hearts II also introduces Equipment Abilities, which are automatically equipped when using a specific weapon. These abilities require no AP, though they are not able to be replaced or unequipped without taking off the weapon as well. while each of his Keyblades possesses a Support Ability. Donald and Goofy's strongest weapons also possess Equipment Abilities, as well as some of the rarer Armors and Accessories.

While Sora can still learn most of his Support and Growth Abilities through leveling up, all of his standard Action Abilities are learned after completing certain events. However, allies no longer gain abilities by leveling, and instead gain them solely from events. Finally, each of Sora's Forms possesses its own Ability set, which temporarily replaces his normal set of Action and Growth Abilities; while the Forms also possess unique Support Abilities, they do not replace those that equipped to Standard From. Like Equipment Abilities, the Abilities belonging to each Form require no AP, though they cannot be replaced or unequipped. These Ability sets also include the Growth Ability linked to that Form, in a version stronger than Sora can use in Standard Form.

The AI used to determine when allies use their Abilities has also been made more controllable. Each Action Ability can now be switched between frequent, moderate, rare, and no use.


Action abilities

Ability AP Description Obtained
Guard (リフレクトガード Rifurekuto Gādo?,
lit. "Reflect Guard")
2 Blocks and shoots back enemy attacks using a parrying action with Square. Roxas[1], Limit Form
Upper Slash (スラッシュアッパー Surasshu Appā?,
lit. "Slash Upper")
4 Knocks a target into the air during a combo with Square. Sora[2]
Horizontal Slash (エアサイドスラッシュ Ea Saido-Surasshu?,
lit. "Air Side-Slash")
2 Attacks a target from left to right during a midair combo with Square. Sora[3]
Finishing Leap (フィニッシュライズ Finisshu Raizu?,
lit. "Finish Rise")
5 Jumps high into the air while attacking at the end of a combo with Square. Sora[4]
Retaliating Slash (リベンジスラッシュ Rebenji Surasshu?,
lit. "Revenge Slash")
3 When knocked down, quickly regains balance and counterattacks with Square. Sora[6], Valor Form, Wisdom Form, Lion Form
Slapshot (スラップショット Surappushotto?) 2 Rapidly attacks a target. Sora[7], Limit Form
Dodge Slash (ドッジスラッシュ Dojji Surasshu?) 2 Unleashes an attack that deals damage to nearby enemies. Sora[8]
Flash Step (フラッシュステップ Furasshu Suteppu?) 2 Sora does an extremely fast step attack to uppercut and break the enemy's Guard from a certain distance. Sora[9]
Sliding Dash (スライドダッシュ Suraido Dasshu?,
lit. "Slide Dash")
2 Instantly closes in on and attacks a far target. Sora[10], Limit Form
Round Break (ラウンドブレイク Raundo Bureiku?) 3 If there are many enemies around Sora, Sora will do a spin slash to hits enemies who surround him. Sora[11]
Guard Break (ストライドブレイク Sutoraido Bureiku?,
lit. "Stride Break")
3 Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that pierces through a target's guard. Sora[12]
Explosion (エクスプロージョン Ekusupurōjon?) 3 Unleashes a finishing combo move that knocks down several enemies. Damage dealt is relative to magic skill. Sora[13]
Aerial Sweep (エリアルスイープ Eriaru Suīpu?) 2 Unleashes a powerful leaping attack on targets in midair. Sora[14], Limit Form
Aerial Dive (エリアルダイヴ Eriaru Daivu?) 2 While standing on the ground, Sora jumps and hits with 3 diagonal slashes towards an aerial enemy. Sora[15]
Aerial Spiral (エアスパイラル Ea Supairaru?,
lit. "Air Spiral")
2 Closes in on far targets in midair and unleashes spinning attacks. Sora[16]
Aerial Finish (エリアルフィニッシュ Eriaru Finisshu?) 3 Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move to a single target in midair. Sora[17]
Magnet Splash (マグネスプラッシュ Magune Supurasshu?) 3 Air combo finisher; When there are multiple enemies near him, Sora spins around while creating a magnetic force which explodes. Sora[18]
Counterguard (ガードカウンター Gādo Kauntā?,
lit. "Guard Counter")
4 Counterattacks nearby enemies with Attack while performing Guard. Sora[19]
Auto Valor (オートブレイヴ Ōto Bureivu?,
lit. "Auto Brave")
1 Automatically sets the Reaction Command to Valor in a pinch, if Valor Form is usable. Sora[20]
Auto Wisdom (オートウィズダム Ōto Wizudamu?) 1 Automatically sets the Reaction Command to Wisdom in a pinch, if Wisdom Form is usable. Sora[21]
Auto Limit (オートリミット Ōto Rimitto?) 1 Automatically sets the Reaction Command to Limit in a pinch, if Limit Form is usable. Sora[22]
Auto Master (オートマスター Ōto Masutā?) 1 Automatically sets the Reaction Command to Master in a pinch, if Master Form is usable. Sora[23]
Auto Final (オートファイナル Ōto Fainaru?) 1 Automatically sets the Reaction Command to Final in a pinch, if Final Form is usable. Sora[24]
Auto Summon (オートサモン Ōto Samon?) 2 When a friend is down, automatically sets the Reaction Command to Summon, in the column that contains Summon, if Summon is usable. Sora[25]
Trinity Limit (トリニティリミット Toriniti Rimitto?) 5 A Limit Command that uses teamwork to unleash the powerful Trinity attack. Consumes all of Sora's MP. Sora[26]
Brave Shot (ブレイヴシュート Bureivu Shūto?,
lit. "Brave Shoot")
Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move and knocks a single target off its feet. Valor Form
Brave Beat (ブレイヴビート Bureivu Bīto?) Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that successively attack several targets at once. Valor Form
Sonic Strike (ソニックストライク Sonikku Sutoraiku?) Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that pierces through a single target. Valor Form
Sonic End (ソニックエンド Sonikku Endo?) Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move in a rapid midair attack to several targets at once. Valor Form
Over the Horizon (オーバーホライズン Ōbā Horaizon?,
lit. "Over Horizon")
Leaps towards a target in a rapid attack with Square. Valor Form
Omega Finale (フリーフィニッシュ Furī Finisshu?,
lit. "Free Finish")
Deals finishing combo moves in the middle of a combo with Square. Valor Form
Wisdom Shot (ウィズダムショット Wizudamu Shotto?) Changes the command Attack to Shoot. Wisdom Form
Mobile Action (アクティブホバー Akutibu Hobā?,
lit. "Active Hover")
Actions will be enabled while moving. Wisdom Form, Final Form
Magic Haste (マジックヘイスト Majikku Heisuto?) Shortens magic casting time and enables rapid magic combos. Wisdom Form
Magic Spice (マジックスパイス Majikku Supaisu?) Powers up the finishing move of magic combos. Wisdom Form
Sonic Blade (ソニックレイヴ Sonikku Reivu?) Limit command (Circle) - Up to 7 quick dashes with the Keyblade. Sora is invulnerable during the dashes (60 MP). Limit Form
Ars Arcanum (ラストアルカナム Rasuto Arukanamu?,
lit. "Last Arcanum")
Limit command (Triangle) - Massive Keyblade combo (75 MP). Limit Form
Strike Raid (ストライクレイド Sutoraiku Reido?) Limit command (Square) - Throw the Keyblade up to 5 times. Just as in Kingdom Hearts, this command ends with Judgment, a critical finisher (65 MP). Limit Form
Ragnarok (ラグナロク Ragunaroku?) Limit command (X) - Short aerial combo leading to a reaction command of light laser bursts. Select the third of four reaction commands for maximum damage (80 MP). Limit Form
Zantetsuken (ザンテツケン Zantetsuken?) Finishing move - a powerful thrust, the strongest single hitting finishing move in the game. Limit Form
Ripple Drive (リップルドライヴ Rippuru Doraivu?) Finishing move - Hits multiple enemies with an aura attack. Limit Form
Hurricane Period (ハリケーンピリオド Harikēn Piriodo?) Aerial finishing move - Sora spins with the Keyblade 1080 degrees vertically. Limit Form
Zantetsu Counter (ザンテツカウンター Zantetsu Kauntā?) After blocking with Guard, press Circle to counter with Zantetsuken. With Finishing Plus equipped, you may perform multiple combo finishers. Limit Form
Reflect Combo (リフレクトコンボ Rifurekuto Konbo?) Allows Guarding during a ground Combo. Limit Form
Master Strike (マスターストライク Masutā Sutoraiku?) Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that successively attacks a single target. Master Form
Disaster (ディザスター Dizasutā?) Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that draws in several enemies and successively deals damage. Master Form
Master Magic (マスターマジック Masutā Majikku?) Powers up magic. Master Form
Final Arcana (ファイナルアルカナム Fainaru Arukanamu?,
lit. "Final Arcanum")
Handling the Keyblade with great skill, unleashes a powerful finishing combo move to a single target. Final Form
Final Strike (ファイナルオーバー Fainaru Ōbā?,
lit. "Final Over")
While spinning in midair, deals a powerful finishing combo move to a single target. Final Form
Final Arts (ファイナルアーツ Fainaru Ātsu?) Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move to get rid of several targets at once. Final Form
Auto Assault (オートアサルト Ōto Asaruto?) The Keyblade automatically unleashes attacks in various situations. Final Form
Crime & Punishment (クライムペナルティ Kuraimu Penaruti?,
lit. "Crime Penalty")
A Keyblade held in each hand unleashes powerful magic spells. Final Form
Combo Upper (コンボアッパー Konbo Appā?) Knocks a target into the air during a combo with Square. Lion Form
Aerial Impulse (エアインパルス Ea Inparusu?,
lit. "Air Impulse")
Tackles and attacks a target in midair during a combo with Square. Lion Form
Finishing Blast (フィニッシュバースト Finisshu Bāsuto?,
lit. "Finish Burst")
Deals damage to nearby enemies at the end of a combo with Square. Lion Form
Running Tackle (ダッシュインパクト Dasshu Inpakuto?,
lit. "Dash Impact")
Unleashes a rapid tackle on a single target during Dash. Lion Form[27]
Dash (ダッシュ Dasshu?) Moves rapidly while pressing down Square. Lion Form[28]


Ability Description
High Jump Allows Sora to jump higher. (From Valor Form)
Quick Run Allows Sora to execute a quick dash. (From Wisdom Form)
Aerial Dodge Allows Sora to execute a dodge in mid-air. Becomes immune to attacks briefly while doing so. (From Master Form)
Glide Allows Sora to glide in the air. (From Final Form)
Final Mix exclusive Description
Dodge Roll Allows Sora to execute a quick roll.


Ability/Level Learnt AP Cost Description
Scan 2 AP The HP gauge of the targeted enemy is displayed on screen.
Aerial Recovery 2 AP When Sora is knocked back by hit, you can make a recovery with Circle . Casting magic is available after air recovering.
Combo Plus 1 AP The maximum number of attacks with ground-based combos increases by 1. The ability can be acquired twice
Air Combo Plus 1 AP The maximum number of attacks with aerial combos increases by 1. The ability can be acquired twice.
Combo Boost 3 AP The damage inflicted by the finishing attack increases relative to the number of hits in the combo on the ground.
Air Combo Boost 3 AP The damage inflicted ny the finishing attack increases relative to the number of hits in the combo in the air
Reaction Boost 2 AP The damage inflicted by Reaction Commands increased by 50%.
Finishing Plus 5 AP Combo finish technique with Attack or Magic can be carried out twice in a row.
Negative Combo 2 AP The maximum number of combos on the ground and in the air is reduced by 1.
Berserk Charge 5 AP During MP Charge, the strength value increases by 1 point and the maximum number of combos in unlimited. (There is no combo finish.)
Damage Drive 3 AP The Drive gauge is replenished when HP is lost
Drive Boost 3 AP The Drive gauge fills up 20% faster during MP Charge.
Form Boost 5 AP The Form gauge depletion rate is 20% slower. The ability can be acquired twice.
Summon Boost 5 AP The Summon gauge depletion rate is 20% slower.
Combination Boost 4 AP The Limit gauge depletion rate is 20% lower.
Experience Boost 3 AP When Sora's HP flashes red, EXPs gained are doubled; if two Experience Boosts are equipped (accessible via Gull Wing) EXP earned is tripled.
Leaf Bracer 1 AP Allows Sora to cast Cure without being interrupted.
Magic Lock-On 1 AP Automatically targets and fires Magic cast to the nearest enemy, even it is not locked on manually.
Draw 3 AP Automatically attracts HP, MP, Munny, and Drive Orbs towards Sora.
Jackpot 4 AP Raises the amount of HP orbs, MP orbs etc. dropped by slain foes.
Lucky Lucky 5 AP Raises percentage of enemy dropping rare items. See also: Seven Lucky Lucky combo
Fire Boost 3 AP Increase the potential of Fire capabilities.
Blizzard Boost 4 AP Increase the potential of Blizzard capabilities.
Thunder Boost 5 AP Increase the potential of Thunder capabilities.
Item Boost 2 AP Increase the effect of healing items.
MP Rage 3 AP Sora's MP gauge recovers when he is hit by an enemy. This, however, does not work during MP charge.
MP Haste 3 AP Hasten the recharge speed when the MP gauge hits zero.
Defender 3 AP Defense increases when HP flashes red.
Second Chance 4 AP Retain 1 HP after receiving a critical blow (provided Sora has 2 or more HP left *combine with Once More ability*).
Once More 4 AP Retain 1 HP after receiving a combo.
Final Mix exclusive AP Cost Description
Combo Master 4 AP Enables Sora to execute a combo even if he doesn't hit an enemy.



Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Donald Fire 2 AP Allows Donald to cast a fire elemental spell; Cost 10MP. Beat the Possessor
Donald Blizzard 2 AP Allows Donald to cast a blizzard elemental spell; Cost 10MP. Clear Stone Guardian trap
Donald Thunder 2 AP Allows Donald to cast Thunder elemental spell; Cost 10MP. Available from start
Donald Cure 3 AP Allows Donald to cast Cure element at expense of all MP. Available from start
Fantasia 3 AP Enables the "Comet" Limit Command. Free the Cornerstone
Flare Force 3 AP Enables the "Duck Flare" Limit Command. Beat the Grim Reaper at the Harbor


Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Draw 3 AP Attracts Prize balls towards Donald. Save the medallion
Jackpot 4 AP Chance of receiving prize balls is increased. Beat the Experiment
Lucky Lucky 5 AP Chance of receiving prize boxes is increased. Beat the Heartless at the Old Mansion
Fire Boost 3 AP Increase the potential of fire based capabilities. Beat Scar
Blizzard Boost 4 AP Increase the potential of blizzard based capabilities. Beat Demyx in Hollow Bastion
Thunder Boost 5 AP Increase the potential of thunder based capabilities. Freeze the computers in Space Paranoids
MP Rage 3 AP Restores MP for each hit taken from enemies. Beat Demyx in Olympus Coliseum
MP Hastera 4 AP MP recovers at a very fast rate. Defend the Solar Sailor
Auto Limit 1 AP Allows Sora and Donald to use appropriate Limit move by pressing Triangle. Free the Cornerstone
Hyper Healing 3 AP When knocked out, Donald recovers at a faster rate and more HP is restored. Beat Prison Keeper
Auto Healing 3 AP When Donald is switched for a member, his HP is automatically recovered. Beat Xaldin



Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Goofy Tornado 2 AP Goofy spins himself in a tornado fashion, damaging nearby enemies; cost 10MP. Beat Pete in Timeless River
Goofy Bash 2 AP Goofy tosses his shield at a targeted enemy, damaging and recoiling them; cost 10MP. Available from start
Goofy Turbo 2 AP Goofy makes a powerful blow with his shield; cost 10MP. Beat Shan-Yu
Tornado Fusion 3 AP Enables the "Whirli-Goof" Limit Command. Beat Storm Rider
Teamwork 3 AP Enables the "Knocksmash" Limit Command. Beat Captain Barbossa


Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Draw 3 AP Attracts prize orbs towards Goofy Beat Grim Reaper on the Black Pearl
Jackpot 4 AP Raises chance of receiving more MP, HP, or Drive orbs. Beat Hostile Program
Lucky Lucky 5 AP Raises percentage of obtaining rare items from slain enemies. Beat the Hyenas in King's Den
Item Boost 2 AP Items used on the field have greater effect. Available from start
MP Rage 3 AP MP recovers faster when taking damage. Beat the Hyenas in the Graveyard
Defender 3 AP Raises defense when HP hits critical. Beat Beast
Second Chance 4 AP Retain 1 HP after suffering from a critical blow. Clear the explosives from the Black Pearl
Once More 4 AP Keeps Goofy at 1 HP after a combo that would normally kill Goofy. Beat Oogie Boogie
Auto Limit 1 AP Sora and Goofy can use the appropriate Limit move by pressing Triangle. Beat Captain Barbossa
Auto Change 5 AP Goofy automatically changes with another party member when at critical HP. Capture Lock, Shock and Barrel
Hyper Healing 3 AP When knocked out, Goofy recovers at a faster rate and more HP is restored. Beat Pete in Olympus Coliseum
Auto Healing 3 AP When Goofy is switched for a member, his HP is automatically recovered. Clear the Heartless in the Treasure Room



Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Furious Shout 2 AP Beast bellows a ferocious roar, creating a shockwave that damages nearby enemies; 10MP cost. Available from start
Ferocious Rush 2 AP Beast makes a powerful lunge, attacking the enemies targeted with his claws. 10MP cost. Available from start
Howling Moon 3 AP Sora and Beast can use the Limit Command "Twin Howl." Available from start


Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Item Boost 2 AP Items used on the field have greater effect. Available from start
Defender 3 AP Raises defense when HP hits critical. Available from start
Second Chance 4 AP Retain 1 HP after suffering from a critical blow (provided that Beast has 2 or more HP left). Available from start
Auto Limit 1 AP Limit command is accessible via Reaction Command. Available from start
Hyper Healing 3 AP When knocked out, Beast recovers at a faster rate and more HP is restored. Available from start



Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Mushu Fire 2 AP Mulan summons Mushu, blasting nearby enemies with fireballs; 10 MP Cost. Mulan loses her disguise
Flametongue 2 AP Mulan summons Mushu, firing a stream of fire burning in front of her; 10MP Cost. Mulan loses her disguise
Dragonblaze 3 AP Soran and Mulan can use the Limit Command "Red Rocket" Mulan loses her disguise


Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Draw 3 AP Attract nearby orbs. Available from start
Fire Boost 3 AP Increase the potential of Fire-based capabilities. Mulan loses her disguise
Item Boost 2 AP Items used on the field have greater effect. Available from start
Auto Limit 1 AP Limit Command is accessible via Reaction Command. Mulan loses her disguise
Hyper Healing 3 AP When knocked out, Mulan recovers at a faster rate and more HP is restored. Mulan loses her disguise



Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Divider 2 AP Auron leaps onto a targeted enemy and delivers a flurry of sword slashes. Available from start
Healing Water 3 AP Fully recovers allies HP; Cost at 99MP. Available from start
Overdrive 3 AP Sora and Auron can use the limit command "Bushido." Available from start


Ability AP Cost Description Learned
MP Rage 3 AP Recovers MP for every hit taken from enemies. Available from start
MP Haste 3 AP Hasten the reload speed of MP gauge. Available from start
Once More 4 AP Retain 1 HP after taking a critical combo. Available from start
Auto Limit 1 AP Limit Command is accessible via Reaction Command. Available from start

Jack Sparrow


Ability AP Cost Description Learned
No Mercy 2 AP Punishing sword attack. Available from start
Rain Storm 2 AP Throw multiple knives at enemies. Available from start
Bone Smash 2 AP Throw bombs at enemies. Available from start
Treasure Isle 3 AP Sora and Jack can use the Limit Command "Bluff." Available from start


Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Draw 3 AP Attract nearby orbs. Available from start
Draw 3 AP Attract nearby orbs. Available from start
Draw 3 AP Attract nearby orbs. Available from start
Lucky Lucky 5 AP Raises percentage of obtaining rare items from slain enemies. Available from start
Item Boost 2 AP Items used on the field have greater effect. Available from start
Defender 3 AP Raises defense when HP hits critical. Available from start
Auto Limit 1 AP Limit Command is accessible via Reaction Command. Available from start
Auto Healing 3 AP When Jack is switched for a member, his HP is automatically recovered. Available from start



Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Slash Frenzy 2 AP Stun enemies with repeated attacks. Available from start
Quickplay 2 AP Force enemies to drop Orbs. Available from start
Trick Fantasy 3 AP Sora and Aladdin can use the limit command "Trickster." Available from start


Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Jackpot 4 AP Raises chance of receiving more MP, HP, or Drive orbs. Available from start
Item Boost 2 AP Items used on the field have greater effect. Available from start
MP Haste 3 AP Hasten the reload speed of MP gauge. Available from start
Once More 4 AP Retain 1 HP after taking a critical combo. Available from start
Auto Limit 1 AP Limit Command is accessible via Reaction Command. Available from start
Auto Change 5 AP Aladdin automatically changes with another party member when at critical HP. Available from start

Jack Skellington


Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Blazing Fury 2 AP Use Fire magic while dashing at enemy. Available from start
Icy Terror 2 AP Use homing Blizzard magic against enemy. Available from start
Bolts of Sorrow 2 AP Use Thunder magic. Available from start
Applause, Applause 3 AP Sora and Jack can use the limit command "Dance Call." Available from start


Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Lucky Lucky 5 AP Raises percentage of obtaining rare items from slain enemies. Available from start
Fire Boost 3 AP Increase the potential of fire based capabilities. Available from start
Blizzard Boost 4 AP Increase the potential of blizzard based capabilities. Available from start
Thunder Boost 5 AP Increase the potential of thunder based capabilities. Available from start
MP Hastera 4 AP MP recovers at a very fast rate. Available from start
Auto Limit 1 AP Limit Command is accessible via Reaction Command. Available from start
Auto Healing 3 AP When Jack is switched for a member, his HP is automatically recovered. Available from start



Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Fierce Claw 2 AP Repeated attacks against a single enemy. Available from start
Groundshaker 2 AP Attack surrounding enemies with battle cry. Available from start
Healing Herb 3 AP Restore party's HP at double power. Available from start
King's Pride 3 AP Sora and Simba can use the Limit Command "Wildcat." Available from start


Ability AP Cost Description Learned
MP Rage 3 AP Restores MP for each hit taken from enemies. Available from start
Defender 3 AP Raises defense when HP hits critical. Available from start
Auto Limit 1 AP Limit Command is accessible via Reaction Command. Available from start
Hyper Healing 3 AP When knocked out, Simba recovers at a faster rate and more HP is restored. Available from start
Auto Healing 3 AP When Simba is switched for a member, his HP is automatically recovered. Available from start



Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Scouting Disk 2 AP Throwing disc attack homes in on enemy. Access the DTD
Pulsing Thunder 2 AP Attack nearby enemies with Thunder. Access the DTD
Complete Compilement 3 AP Sora and Tron can use the limit command "Setup." Access the DTD


Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Jackpot 4 AP Raises chance of receiving more MP, HP, or Drive orbs. Available from start
Thunder Boost 5 AP Increase the potential of thunder based capabilities. Download the MCP-killer program
Item Boost 2 AP Items used on the field have greater effect. Available from start
MP Haste 3 AP Hasten the reload speed of MP gauge. Download the MCP-killer program
Auto Limit 1 AP Limit Command is accessible via Reaction Command. Access the DTD
Auto Change 5 AP Tron automatically changes with another party member when at critical HP. Available from start



Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Dark Aura 2 AP Stop enemy movements/damages them, initiate by Sora command. Available from start
Dark Shield 2 AP Block enemy attacks, intitate by Sora command. Available from start
Cure Potion 3 AP Restore party's HP. Available from start
Eternal Session 3 AP Sora and Riku can use the limit command "Session." Available from start


Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Item Boost 2 AP Items used on the field have greater effect. Available from start
MP Hastega 5 AP MP charges at 1.75 times faster than its original speed. Available from start
Defender 3 AP Raises defense when HP hits critical. Available from start
Second Chance 4 AP Retain 1 HP after suffering from a critical blow (provided that Riku has 2 or more HP left). Available from start
Once More 4 AP Retain 1 HP after taking a critical combo. Available from start
Auto Limit 1 AP Limit command is accessible via Reaction Command. Available from start
Hyper Healing 3 AP When knocked out, Riku recovers at a faster rate and more HP is restored. Available from start



Ability AP Cost Description Learned
Scan N/A Allows enemy's HP bar to be viewable while locking on it. Available from start
Air Combo Plus N/A Adds 1 hit to max air combo. Available from start

Notes and References

  1. ^ Defeat Twilight Thorn
  2. ^ Defeat Possessor and Thresholder.
  3. ^ Defeat Hostile Program (Kingdom Hearts II). / Defeat Grim Reaper on the Black Pearl (Final Mix).
  4. ^ Defeat The Experiment (Kingdom Hearts II). / Defeat Blizzard Lord and Volcanic Lord in Agrabah (Final Mix).
  5. ^ In Lion Form, this is translated as "Retaliating Smash".
  6. ^ Defeat Dark Thorn.
  7. ^ Free the Cornerstone of Light (Kingdom Hearts II). / Clear the Nobodies in the Betwixt and Between (Final Mix).
  8. ^ Defeat Cerberus in Olympus Coliseum (Kingdom Hearts II). / Free the Cornerstone of Light (Final Mix).
  9. ^ Defeat Prison Keeper (Final Mix).
  10. ^ Survive the Village Cave trap.
  11. ^ Defeat Hostile Program (Final Mix).
  12. ^ Defeat the Army of 1000 Heartless.
  13. ^ Defeat Blizzard Lord and Volcanic Lord in Agrabah (Kingdom Hearts II). / Defend the Solar Sailer (Final Mix).
  14. ^ Defeat Shan-Yu.
  15. ^ Clear "Maniac" Phil Training test (Final Mix).
  16. ^ Clear "Maniac" Phil Training test (Kingdom Hearts II). / Save the Medallion (Final Mix).
  17. ^ Defeat Captain Barbossa.
  18. ^ Defeat Hades (Final Mix).
  19. ^ Defeat Hades (Kingdom Hearts II). / Defeat Cerberus in Olympus Coliseum (Final Mix).
  20. ^ Valor Form (LV 2)
  21. ^ Wisdom Form (LV 2)
  22. ^ Limit Form (LV 2) (Final Mix)
  23. ^ Master Form (LV 2)
  24. ^ Final Form (LV 2)
  25. ^ Get Queen Minnie safely to the throne.
  26. ^ Defeat Pete in Olympus Coliseum.
  27. ^ Restore Simba's confidence.
  28. ^ Reach Wildebeest Valley.

See Also