What I noticed about this ability (appearance) when replaying Final Mix+ :
When Sora (KH and Limit Form) guards, he brings the Keyblade in front of him, and holds it diagonally.
When Roxas guards, he does it the same way as Sora, but he holds his Keyblade in reverse - so instead of the blade pointing downwards, it points upwards. Tried this on the 5th day.
Sora's spin guard in KHII is never used by Roxas in KHII.
EDIT 00:28, October 5, 2009 (UTC) : Feedback please ????
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:14, 22 July 2009 (UTC)
I'm unsure of whether to place the "linkable panels" bit as part of the "learning Guard", or as its own section. Thoughts?GloriousCHAOS! 03:51, April 1, 2010 (UTC)
Neumannz — Looks like I'm gonna have to jump...! TALK — I work alone! Except when I work with Xion...which is all the time.
— 05:46, April 1, 2010 (UTC)
Unless you have more to write about each one, you should leave it as is.
Side question: "Block-Counter". Is it the same as Counterguard? If so, it should link to it.
KrytenKoro - "Hurricane beats all housing or apartments. This sucker is a Cat-6!" TALK -
Yes, it is, apparently. That's annoying.
...ooooookay, do we want to resplit these off, then, with the links in the "See Also"? It would eliminate most of the synthesis mess, and would remove the question of how to place linkable panels on the parent articles ("Don't").
Neumannz — Looks like I'm gonna have to jump...! TALK — I work alone! Except when I work with Xion...which is all the time.
— 06:38, April 1, 2010 (UTC)
I would prefer not to whenever possible, which is to say, for all of the abilities exclusive to Days panels. Otherwise there's not enough to work with for each one. We shouldn't create separate articles just for the sake of having separate articles, there has to be something to write in them. The fact that Counterguard went from a separate ability to a linked ability is coincidence. (Well not really, but you know what I mean) So that one we should link to the main article. Actually, since the fact that it's a linked ability is fairly significant, I would have Counterguard give a mention and a link to here, and we leave the info here.
KrytenKoro - "Hey, I want to settle down. And as soon as I find the right small group of girls, the seven or eight women who are right for me, my wandering days are over, buddy." TALK -
Are you sure? I mean, technically they do produce separate abilities (when you read your ability list), and with a synthesis section and nihongo bit, it should be enough for a very small page.
Then again, if everyone is fine with how Guard looks now (except that the nihongo needs to be put in), then I'll figure out a formatted way to mention it on the Counterguard page.
In Kingdom Hearts coded, you can use a Guard License upon the acquisition of the Hero's License.
To clarify this, walking counts as "holding the control stick part-way" so that you slowly move. This is how Guard can work without triggering Dodge Roll if you have them both equipped (for that to work, you need to push the stick all the way into a full run).
However, this of course, works on games that involve the control stick; 358/2 Days and Re: coded are two notable exceptions of course, since they have to use a D-Pad.
So far, I've only confirmed this with Kingdom Hearts 1; I can't confirm it on the other games and I want to get a brand new non-crooked screen 3DS before playing 3D again.
Hope this clears things up. SneaselSawashiro (talk) 03:54, 15 February 2016 (UTC)