Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
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This page contains a list of quotes said by Roo during the course of Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts II.
Cutscene QuotesEdit
Kingdom HeartsEdit
- "Nothing beats bouncin'!"
— talking to Sora. - "But, Owl, you don't bounce around like we do!"
— talking to Owl. - "Hey, Tigger! I think he's ready for the big one!"
— talking to Tigger.
Kingdom Hearts Chain of MemoriesEdit
- "I was so busy looking for Tigger, I fell right in!"
— talking to Pooh. - "To tell the truth, I was getting a little lonely and tired of waiting for him to fall in."
— talking to Pooh and Sora. - "By the way, I found this in the hole. Why don't you take it?"
— before giving Sora an Elixir card.
Kingdom Hearts IIEdit
- "Wait, Tigger!"
— talking to Tigger. - "You have to stop Tigger, quick, or he'll drink it all!"
— talking to Sora about Tigger and the medicine. - "Yeah, let's go!"
— talking to Sora about finding Pooh. - "We sure do!"
— before Sora leaves.
Action QuotesEdit
- "Hooray!"
— random during Balloon Bounce minigame. - "Come on! Come on! Let's bounce some more!"
— random during Balloon Bounce minigame. - "Let's Bounce!"
— random during Balloon Bounce minigame. - "You and me are good bouncers, huh?"
— random during Balloon Bounce minigame. - "Yes?"
— when starting to follow Sora during the Expotition minigame. - "Can we go home now please?"
— when panicking during the Expotition minigame. - "Momma!"
— when panicking during the Expotition minigame.