Good Evening KH Wiki, my name is Bud0011, or tacopill. It is nice to meet all the editors who have joined since I was last here 4 years ago. I want to give people noticed about what happened with SEIWA, from my perspective, as I have recently been getting back to my plans with everything. I apologize in advanced if I don't recall everything correctly.
As some of you are aware, we started SEIWA in the spirit of NIWA, with the hopes to grow as more wikis joined. FF Wiki was approached on Wikia to go independent, but they had no interest in it. So, I talked with the other people in my group about possibly starting out own FF Wiki, and but they all said it was not a good idea (sheer amount of work involved and everything).
In 2014, and through out 2015, things got bad for me. Work was getting horrible, but I couldn't find another job to get to. Family wasn't being helpful at the time, due to their own trouble. I was just seeping more and more into a depressive state.
I went inactive on all the wikis I was on and started to design games as a stress reliever.
In December of 2015 I got a new job, moved to a new place, and since then, have been focusing on improving my mental health. I still design games, but now more as hobby instead of an escape.
With in the past month, I have been trying to get back into the wiki scene. For Each site I host (wikis included), one person is asked to represent their site on the Grifkuba Discord server, to help improve communication between us and the sites. I have also been working with StrategyWiki to form formal Partnerships with their site.
As part of this, I would like to redo the SEIWA website sometime later this year or early next year, and see how Square Enix Wiki might be improved.