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This article is about Simba's recurring technique.
You may be looking for the final attack of the King's Pride Limit.

Proud Roar
(プラウドロア Puraudo Roa?)
Attack Element Power Crit
Deflect Recoil
(1st stage) None Max MP x2 +22[KH I]
Max MP x2 +26[KH I FM]
(2nd stage) None Max MP x2 +24[KH I]
Max MP x2 +28[KH I FM]
(3rd stage) Stun Max MP x2 +26[KH I]
Max MP x2 +30[KH I FM]
(4th stage) Stun Max MP x2 +28[KH I]
Max MP x2 +32[KH I FM]
(5th stage) Percentage Max MP x5 +300(%)
Summon Cost MP Drain MP Cost
2 MP 1 MP per 8.3 seconds 1[KH I] / 2[KH I FM]

Proud Roar is a technique introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It allows the user to stun and deal damage to enemies with a mighty roar.


In Kingdom Hearts, Proud Roar is the ability of the Simba summon. When the "Charge Up" command is selected from the Command Menu, Simba's Charge gauge begins filling. After it is two "segments" (one fifth) full, Simba flashes and begins glowing, and "Charge Up" changes to "Proud Roar". The gauge can be charged further, up to five levels. However, the gauge which normally has ten segments is limited by maximum MP. Simba needs 10 or more MP in order to use the highest fifth level, while less will reduce the segments to how many MP he has. Each level takes 1 second to charge in Kingdom Hearts, and 0.8 seconds in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. When Proud Roar is used, Simba roars, damaging enemies within a certain radius. Each level the gauge is charged increases the damage dealt, and the third and fourth charge levels stun enemies, while the fifth level deals Percentage-type damage. Using Proud Roar costs 1 MP from Simba's MP Gauge in Kingdom Hearts, and 2 MP in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.

In Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, Proud Roar is the effect of the Simba Summon Card, while Proud Roar Lv2 and Proud Roar Lv3 are Summon Sleights. When used, Simba roars, stunning and damaging enemies in front of him. The damage increases with the level of the ability.

In Kingdom Hearts Union χ, Proud Roar is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 4 special attack gauges to use. It inflicts more damage in a higher slot number.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Proud Roar +5 6★ x2.10 - 3.28 x2.20 - 3.38 x2.30 - 3.48 x2.40 - 3.58 x2.50 - 3.68 x2.60 - 3.78 12
Proud Roar +6 7★ x7.76 - 8.94 12

Learning Proud Roar

Kingdom Hearts

  • Simba has Proud Roar as a default ability.

Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories

Kingdom Hearts Union χ

Other appearances

Kingdom Hearts Trading Card Game

In the Kingdom Hearts Trading Card Game, Proud Roar is the technique of Simba Cards. When a Simba Card is played, Proud Roar requires both players to discard Friend or Magic/Friend Cards. Higher levels of Simba Cards require more Cards to be discarded.