Kingdom Hearts
"Raises max MP by 1, and enhances magic and summon power. Also deals good physical damage."
Crabclaw Keychain KH.png
Japanese トレジャーオブシー
Rōmaji Torejā obu Shī
Translation Treasure of Sea
Strength MP Length
+6 +1 Medium
Crit. Rate Crit. Bonus Recoil
x1 +0 30
Lock the Keyhole in Atlantica.

The Crabclaw is a Keychain for Sora's Keyblade which appears in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories.

In Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, the Crabclaw is the signature Attack Card for Atlantica.


Kingdom Hearts

Ariel gives Sora the Crabclaw Keychain once he locks Atlantica's Keyhole.


The Crabclaw's handle is green and resembles seaweed, while its guard is light blue, adorned with a purple merman on the left and a purple mermaid on the right side. The shaft of the blade is light blue, thin, and resembles a jet of water. The teeth are comprised of a simple, orange crab with its claws pointing outward. The Keychain token is a light blue seashell.

The Crabclaw's name is a clear reference to the crab that make up the weapon's teeth. The Japanese name, "Treasure of Sea", reflects the fact that it is awarded to Sora after sealing Atlantica's Keyhole.


See also