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Kingdom Hearts III
Advent Red
Advent Red
"A Keyblade that courses with mystic power."
Japanese アドベントレッド
Rōmaji Adobento Reddo
Second Form
Second Form A
King of Hearts, Ragnarok

Advent Red is a Keychain for Sora's Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts III.


Advent Red is a Nintendo Switch-themed palette swap of Star Cluster. Its handle is black with both ends capped with light blue. The guard is red and light blue, with the edges at the bottom tipped with black circles and a black crescent moon in the center, and the edges on the top capped with black stars. The base of the blade is light blue with black. The blade is black with red and light blue stars of varying sizes, and the teeth are similar to the Kingdom Key's, except colored red.

The name references the 20th anniversary of Kingdom Hearts and Nintendo's use of red to represent the Switch's official color theme. When summoned, the Keyblade appears in a burst of confetti and fireworks, continuing the 20th anniversary theme.

See also

Notes and references

  1. ^ TWITTER (@KINGDOMHEARTS): "Grab Kingdom Hearts III + Re Mind (DLC) either standalone or as part of the all-in-one Kingdom Hearts Intergrum Masterpiece on Nintendo Switch to receive the new Advent Red Keyblade to wield in the game!"