This article is about the ability called "Frost Raid" in English.
You may be looking for the ability called "Frost Raid" in Japanese.

Freeze Raid
(フリーズレイド Furīzu Reido?)

Freeze Raid KHBBS.gif

Cloak the Keyblade in ice and throw it at the enemy. Freezes foes.
LV CP Required Attack No. of Hits Power
LV1 Throw 1 2.0
Return 1 2.0
LV2 340 Throw 1 2.1
Return 1 2.1
LV3 360 Throw 1 2.2
Return 1 2.2
LV4 380 Throw 1 2.3
Return 1 2.3
Element Status Effect Reload Speed Command Gauge
Attack Command Blizzard Freeze (Symbol - Crown.png/5s) 15 seconds +20
Buy Sell
Price Shop LV Base LV Bonus Ability Bonus
200 6 100 25 50
Frost Raid
(フリーズレイド Furīzu Reido?, lit. "Freeze Raid")
Frost Raid gif
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Speed Upright All 5 7★: x9.14
7★: Deals 8 hits that ignore targets' attributes. 3 turns: ↑ U-STR by 3, PSM-STR by 1, ↓ targets' PSM-DEF by 1.
Power Upright All 5 7★: x9.14
7★: Deals 8 hits that ignore targets' attributes. 3 turns: ↑ U-STR by 3, PSM-STR by 1, ↓ targets' PSM-DEF by 1.
Magic Upright All 5 7★: x9.14
7★: Deals 8 hits that ignore targets' attributes. 3 turns: ↑ U-STR by 3, PSM-STR by 1, ↓ targets' PSM-DEF by 1.

Frost Raid, also called Freeze Raid, is a technique introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It allows the user to cloak the Keyblade in ice and throw it at enemies, potentially freezing them.


In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Freeze Raid is an Advanced attack command that takes up one slot in the Command Deck, has a maximum level of 4, a normal reload time of 15 seconds, and fills the Command Gauge by 20%.

In Kingdom Hearts Union χ, Frost Raid is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 5 special attack gauges to perform. It deals immensely powerful hits that ignore targets' attributes.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Frost Raid +5 6★ x3.68 x3.74 x3.80 x3.86 x3.92 x3.98 8
Frost Raid +6 7★ x9.14 8

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+5 +5-6
Frost Raid Frost Raid +5: Power-strength +1, Speed-strength +1, Magic-strength +1
Frost Raid +6: Power-strength +1, Speed-strength +1, Magic-strength +1, Upright-strength +3
Power-defense -1, Speed-defense -1, Magic-defense -1 3 turns

Learning Frost Raid

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

  • Terra, Ventus, and Aqua can create Freeze Raid through Command Melding.
  • Terra, Ventus, and Aqua can purchase Freeze Raid from the Moogle Shop for 200 munny once six worlds are cleared or the command has already been obtained elsewhere.
  • Terra, Ventus, and Aqua can purchase Freeze Raid from a panel at the Disney Town Command Board.
  • Terra, Ventus, and Aqua receive Freeze Raid after clearing "Hand in Hand" on Ice Cream Beat on Beginner mode.
  • The Ventus D-Link has Freeze Raid in its Lv.2 Command Deck.

Kingdom Hearts Union χ


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Freeze Raid is an Advanced-class Attack Command that can be melded through two different recipes, listed in the Mega Attack Recipe.

Character Command #1 Command #2 Success
Command LV Command LV Shimmering Fleeting Pulsing Wellspring Soothing Hungry Abounding
T V A Strike Raid 3 Blizzara 3 100% Thunder Boost Magic Haste Combo F Boost Air Combo Plus HP Boost Treasure Magnet Link Prize Plus
T V A Binding Strike 3 Blizzard Edge 3 100% Thunder Screen Attack Haste Finish Boost Combo Plus HP Boost Treasure Magnet Link Prize Plus

Synthesized commands

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Freeze Raid is used to meld the following commands:

See also