Triple Firaga
(トリプルファイガ Toripuru Faiga?, lit. "Triple Figa")
Triple Firaga KHREC.gif
Launch three consecutive balls of fire toward enemies.
Attack No. of Hits Power Critical % Clock Gauge Blocks Hit
LV 0 LV 50 LV 100
Triple Firaga 3 1.38 1.41 1.45 X +210 Single (↓)
Type Element Status Reload
Aerial Use Keyblade Reach
Magic Command Magic Fire Ignite (40%) 20 seconds O X
Max CP Memory Consumption Buy Shop LV Sell
540 16% 600

Triple Firaga is a technique that appears in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. It allows the user to launch a series of three fireballs toward enemies, dealing Fire-type damage.


In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Triple Firaga is an Advanced magic command exclusive to Aqua. It takes up one slot, has a maximum level of 4. a normal reload time of 15 seconds, and fills the Command Gauge by 15%.

  In Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, Triple Firaga is a magic command that has a memory consumption of 16% and a reload time of 20 seconds.

Learning Triple Firaga

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

  • Aqua can create Triple Firaga through Command Melding.
  • Aqua can purchase Triple Firaga from the Command Shop for 1800 Munny once the command has already been obtained elsewhere.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded

  • Data-Sora can obtain Triple Firaga as the reward for defeating the Ice Titan on Beginner mode.
  • Data-Sora can obtain Triple Firaga as the A reward for defeating the Ice Titan on Standard mode.
  • Data-Sora can obtain Triple Firaga as the B reward for defeating the Ice Titan on Proud mode.
  • Data-Sora can obtain Triple Firaga as the reward for defeating Data-Riku on Proud mode.
  • Data-Sora can obtain Triple Firaga as the A reward for defeating Data-Riku on Criritcal mode.
  • Data-Sora can create Triple Firaga through Command Conversion.
  • Data-Sora has a 6% chance of obtaining Triple Firaga from a Pair Blox in Hollow Bastion II: Sector A.
  • Data-Sora has a 1% chance of obtaining Triple Firaga from a Prize Blox on Floor 61-70 of the Avatar Sector.


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Triple Firaga is an Advanced-class Magic Command that can be melded through three different recipes, listed in the Mega Magic Recipe.

Character Command #1 Command #2 Success
Command LV Command LV Shimmering Fleeting Pulsing Wellspring Soothing Hungry Abounding
A Fira 3 Firaga 3 90% Fire Boost Magic Haste Leaf Bracer Air Combo Plus HP Boost HP Prize Plus Link Prize Plus
A Firaga 3 Firaga 3 90% Fire Boost Reload Boost Finish Boost Once More Damage Syphon HP Prize Plus EXP Chance
A Firaga 3 Blitz 3 90% Fire Screen Attack Haste Leaf Bracer Combo Plus HP Boost HP Prize Plus Link Prize Plus

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded

Triple Firaga is an Magic Command that can be converted through four different recipes.

See also