Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross]
Bad Guy Breaker
Bad Guy Breaker
Bad Guy Breaker's Keychain
Japanese バッドガイブレイカー
Rōmaji Baddo Gai Bureikā
Quest 880: The Large Man

Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross]
Bad Guy Breaker
Bad Guy Breaker
Bad Guy Breaker Keychain (Upgrade 2) KHX.png
Japanese バッドガイブレイカー
Rōmaji Baddo Gai Bureikā
Keyblade LV Up
Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross]
Bad Guy Breaker
Bad Guy Breaker
Bad Guy Breaker's Keychain
Japanese バッドガイブレイカー
Rōmaji Baddo Gai Bureikā
Keyblade LV Up
Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross]
Bad Guy Breaker
Bad Guy Breaker
Bad Guy Breaker Keychain (Upgrade 5) KHX.png
Japanese バッドガイブレイカー
Rōmaji Baddo Gai Bureikā
Keyblade LV Up
Lv Power
SA gauges Friend bonus
+0 x1.10 x1.10 x1.10 x1.10 x1.10
14 x???
+1 x1.20 x1.30 x1.20 x1.20 x1.50
14 x???
+2 x1.30 x1.50 x1.30 x1.40 x1.75
14 x???
+3 x1.30 x1.70 x1.40 x1.50 x2.00
14 x???
+4 x1.40 x2.00 x1.40 x1.80 x2.25
14 x???
+5 x1.40 x2.20 x1.50 x2.00 x2.50
14 x???
+6 x1.50 x2.30 x1.60 x2.10 x2.50
14 x???
+7 x1.50 x2.40 x1.70 x2.20 x2.60
14 x???
+8 x1.50 x2.40 x1.80 x2.30 x2.65
14 x???
+9 x1.50 x2.45 x1.90 x2.40 x2.70
14 x???
+10 x1.60 x2.50 x2.00 x2.50 x2.80
14 x???
+11 x1.60 x2.50 x2.00 x2.60 x2.80
14 x???
+12 x1.60 x2.55 x2.05 x2.70 x2.80
14 x???
+13 x1.70 x2.60 x2.10 x2.80 x2.90
14 x???
+14 x1.70 x2.60 x2.20 x2.80 x2.95
14 x???
+15 x1.80 x2.65 x2.30 x2.90 x3.00
14 x???
+16 x1.80 x2.70 x2.40 x2.90 x3.05
15 x???
+17 x1.80 x2.70 x2.50 x3.00 x3.10
15 x???
+18 x1.80 x2.72 x2.60 x3.00 x3.15
15 x???
+19 x1.80 x2.75 x2.70 x3.00 x3.20
15 x???
+20 x1.90 x2.75 x2.75 x3.05 x3.25
15 x???
+21 x1.90 x2.80 x2.80 x3.10 x3.30
15 x???
+22 x1.90 x2.80 x2.90 x3.15 x3.35
15 x???
+23 x1.90 x2.82 x3.00 x3.20 x3.40
15 x???
+24 x1.90 x2.85 x3.10 x3.20 x3.45
15 x???
+25 x2.00 x2.87 x3.25 x3.20 x3.50
15 x???
+26 x2.00 x2.90 x3.30 x3.20 x3.50
15 x???
+27 x2.00 x2.90 x3.40 x3.22 x3.60
15 x???
+28 x2.00 x2.90 x3.50 x3.22 x3.65
15 x???
+29 x2.00 x2.90 x3.50 x3.25 x3.70
15 x???
+30 x2.05 x2.91 x3.55 x3.25 x3.75
15 x???
+31 x2.05 x2.91 x3.55 x3.27 x3.80
16 x???
+32 x2.05 x2.91 x3.60 x3.27 x3.82
16 x???
+33 x2.10 x3.92 x3.60 x3.30 x3.83
16 x???
+34 x2.10 x3.92 x3.60 x3.34 x3.84
16 x???
+35 x2.11 x3.93 x3.62 x3.38 x3.85
16 x???
Lv Materials
1 Power Gem x1 Speed Gem x1 Magic Gem x1
2 Power Gem x1 Speed Gem x1 Magic Gem x1
3 Power Gem x1 Speed Gem x1 Magic Gem x1
4 Power Gem x1 Speed Gem x1 Magic Gem x1
5 Trophy NI x1
6 Power Gem x1 Speed Gem x1 Magic Gem x1
7 Power Gem x1 Speed Gem x1 Magic Gem x1
8 Power Gem x1 Speed Gem x1 Magic Gem x1
9 Power Gem x1 Speed Gem x1 Magic Gem x1
10 Trophy NI x1
11 Power Gem x2 Speed Gem x2 Magic Gem x2
12 Power Gem x2 Speed Gem x2 Magic Gem x2
13 Power Gem x2 Speed Gem x2 Magic Gem x2
14 Power Gem x2 Speed Gem x2 Magic Gem x2
15 Trophy CS x1
16 Power Gem x2 Speed Gem x2 Magic Gem x2
17 Power Gem x2 Speed Gem x2 Magic Gem x2
18 Power Gem x2 Speed Gem x2 Magic Gem x2
19 Power Gem x2 Speed Gem x2 Magic Gem x2
20 Trophy CS x1
21 Power Gem x2 Speed Gem x2 Magic Gem x2
22 Power Gem x2 Speed Gem x2 Magic Gem x2
23 Power Gem x2 Speed Gem x2 Magic Gem x2
24 Power Gem x2 Speed Gem x2 Magic Gem x2
25 Trophy CS x1
26 Power Gem x2 Speed Gem x2 Magic Gem x2
27 Power Gem x2 Speed Gem x2 Magic Gem x2
28 Power Gem x2 Speed Gem x2 Magic Gem x2
29 Power Gem x2 Speed Gem x2 Magic Gem x2
30 Trophy CS x1
31 Trophy CK x1
32 Power Gem x10 Speed Gem x10 Magic Gem x10
33 Power Gem x10 Speed Gem x10 Magic Gem x10
34 Power Gem x10 Speed Gem x10 Magic Gem x10
35 Power Gem x10 Speed Gem x10 Magic Gem x10

Bad Guy Breaker is a Keychain for the Player's Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts Union χ.


Bad Guy Breaker's design varies with its upgrades.

The default Bad Guy Breaker is heavily inspired by aesthetics of Niceland. Its handle is blocky and brown with two white lines running parallel, with the guard being beige and square-shaped. The top of the guard has blue horizontal lines with Felix's hammer in the middle. The blade resembles a Niceland skyscraper. The teeth consist of Wreck-It Ralph's 8-bit fist and dislocated brown bricks. The Keychain is a blue string, and Felix's medal serves as the token.

The first upgrade adds aesthetics from Cy-Bug Sector into the design. The guard's sides incorporate black cylinders with cyan lines stretching downward. The blade is mostly replaced with the Cy-Bug Sector tower, flanked by black spikes with red circuitry. Ralph's fist is accompanied by lightning bolts. The Keychain remains the same.

The second upgrade adds aesthetics from Candy Kingdom into the design. The guard gains orange filigree which connects the hilt of the weapon to the blade, which is now a bright green cup with white stripes. The connection between the hilt and blade is a trophy, while the top of the blade is an ice cream scoop. The teeth of the blade, Ralph's fist, is surrounded in a chocolate splatter. Unlike Bad Guy Breaker's previous forms, the chain becomes a pink ribbon, and the token becomes a mint-colored heart crystal. The handle is now pink checkers.
