Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
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Light Form
Japanese ライトフォーム Sora Light Sprite KHIII.png
Rōmaji Raito Fōmu

Keyblades Oathkeeper

Light Form is a Formchange in Kingdom Hearts III. It is triggered exclusively by Oathkeeper's Formchange.


Main article: Form:Sora

Light Form turns Sora's clothes white and grey. The kanji for "light" (光) is visible on his pants and hood.


Light Form's attacks are light-themed and quick. With the exceptions of Black Hole in place of Dark Break and the lack of Dark Syphon, Light Form's mechanics are identical to Dark Form. Light Form's attacks utilize cross-shaped halos as well as gold, white, and pale green particle effects to symbolize the light element, in addition to summoning angelic feathers to evoke the Oathkeeper Keyblade. Light Form can further Formchange into Double Form OKP after inflicting enough damage with the Oathkeeper.


Ability Description
Quick Slash Strike a nearby target with a quick upward slash.
Flash Step Change a faraway target while blocking.
Radial Blaster Launch blade projectiles at nearby enemies.
Aerial Sweep Launch a horizontal spinning attack toward a target high above.
Aerial Dive Launch a vertical spinning attack toward a target down below.
Falling Slash While airborne, slash downward to attack targets on the ground.
Rising Spiral While performing a combo, press   to launch enemies into the air.
Groundbreaker While performing a combo, press   to slam enemies toward the ground.
Combo Master Continue combos even if your swings miss the enemy.
Hidden Potential Gain additional Strength and Magic when battling powerful foes.
Form Actions
Ability Description
Zantetsuken Hold your Keyblade in reverse grip and launch a charging strike. (Combo finisher)
Finishing Leap Plant your Keyblade and create a shockwave to blow away nearby enemies. Your magic stat determines damage. (Combo finisher)
Black Hole Summon a pillar of light that sends foes flying. Your magic stat determines damage. (Combo finisher)
Triple Edge Issue a flurry of attacks that sends enemies reeling. (Combo finisher: while airborne)
Spinning Rush Issue a flurry of attacks that sends enemies hurtling. (Combo finisher: while airborne)
Spiral Charge Spin your Keyblade while furiously charging the enemy. (Combo finisher)
Light Guard Press   to guard against attacks from all directions.
Light Burst Press   after a successful block to send surrounding foes flying. (Reprisal ability)
Sonic Dodge While grounded, tilt   and press   to roll in that direction and evade attacks.


