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Double Form
Japanese ダブルフォーム Sora Double Sprite KHIII.png
Rōmaji Daburu Fōmu

Keyblades Oathkeeper, Oblivion

Double Form is a Form in Kingdom Hearts III. It allows Sora to dual-wield Oathkeeper and Oblivion, gaining access to attacks of light and darkness. Double Form OKP (ダブルフォームY Daburu Fōmu Y?, lit. "Double Form Y") is the second Formchange of Oathkeeper, while Double Form OBV (ダブルフォームS Daburu Fōmu S?, lit. "Double Form S") is the second Formchange of Oblivion.


Double Form resembles a fusion of Light Form and Dark Form, with Light Form on Sora's right side and Dark Form on his left. A heart symbol is visible on Sora's sleeves and hood. Sora has a stance similar to Roxas's while idle, although instead of holding Oblivion in his right hand and Oathkeeper in his left, he does the opposite.


The fighting style of Double Form is very similar to Roxas's fighting style.


Ability Description
Aerial Sweep Launch a horizontal spinning attack toward a target high above.
Spinning Strike Launch a vertical spinning attack toward a target down below.
Launching Thrust While performing a combo, press the circle button to launch enemies into the air.
Combo Master Continue combos even if your swings miss the enemy.
Guardbreaker Prevent your weapon from being deflected.
Dark Syphon Recover MP when you take dark damage. Stack the ability to increase its effect.
Ultimate Finish Unlock your Keyblade’s full potential and perform a powerful move.
Hidden Potential Gain additional Strength and Magic when battling powerful foes.
Form Actions
Ability Description
Double Blast Unleash a forward shockwave to send enemies flying. Your magic stat determines damage. (Combo finisher)
Equilibrium Burst Call forth both the light and darkness to attack the enemy. Your magic stat determines damage. (Combo finisher)
Flash Charge A sweeping strike followed by a devastating thrust. Your magic stat determines damage. (Combo finisher)
Mirage Thrust Pierce the enemy with light and darkness. Your magic stat determines damage. (Combo finisher)
Dual Guard Press   to guard against attacks from all directions.
Dual Smasher Press   Press the x button after a successful block to counter with crossed Keyblades. (Reprisal ability)
Sonic Dodge While grounded, tilt   and press   to roll in that direction and evade attacks.
