Captain Jack Sparrow is a crafty and potentially dangerous pirate from the Pirates of the Carrabean movie series. He believes that " can trust a dishonest pirate to be dishonest. Honestly. But with honest pirates you never know when they might do something incredibly, incredibly stupid."

Port Royal 1

Following the plot of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Jack Sparrow was arrested for piracy on Port Royal while attempting to steal a ship to go after the Black Pearl. But after Barbossa took Elizabeth Swann, Will Turner reminds Sparrow of the debt for freeing him during the attack so the two with Sora and gang hijack the HMS Interceptor to take chase.

While Sora and gang had to stand guard, though they worried the two couldn't fight the Heartless Pete gave Barbossa, Sparrow and Will infiltrate the cave on Isla de Muerta, where a ritual is underway with Elizabeth, whose blood Barbossa believes will break the curse. Mistrusting Sparrow, Will knocks him unconscious. He rescues Elizabeth, and the two escape to the Interceptor, with Jack captured and tied to the mast on Black Pearl pursues them. After a fierce battle, the Interceptor crew is captured. After learning Will can break the curse, Barbossa left the Heartless and kegs of lit gunpowder to leave Sora and gang to their fate. But the heroes managed to overcome the odds and returned to the island and rescue Will.

Sparrow more than matches the legendary swordsman blow for blow. Barbossa impales Sparrow with his sword, believing he is mortally wounded; but, when he stumbles backwards into the moonlight, Sparrow is revealed to be an immortal skeleton—having snuck a coin from the chest during the confrontation to curse himself while Sora and gang had to deal with the Illuminator Barbossa uses to conceal himself. Sparrow and Turner lift the curse just after Sparrow fatally shoots Barbossa with the shot he has carried for ten years. No longer immortal, Barbossa falls to the ground dead. Though Will offered his hand to him, Sparrow took a step back in fear Will might hit him again. Sora managed to open a new path with Jack's compass.

Port Royal 2


Sparrow's trademark physical characteristic is a slightly drunken swagger, accompanied by slurred speech and awkwardly flailing hand gestures that make him appear unfocused. But he's actually a decent, if self-serving, man who adheres to the "Pirates' Code." He believes pirates can still be "good men," seeing the Heartless causing trouble give real pirates a bad name. Though both deny it, Jack and Sora have similar personalities.

Fighting tactics


  • In the japanese version, Jack Sparrow was voiced by popular seiyuu Hiroaki Hirata, whose last involvement with SquareEnix was to voice another pirate: Balthier of Final Fantasy XII, as well as voicing Jack Sparrow in the dub of the PotC movies and many of Johnny Depp's other roles. As Johnny Depp was preoccupied at the moment, Jack Sparrow was voiced in the English version by James Arnold Taylor, who voiced Tidus of the Final Fantasy X series and Milo in Altantis 2.