Kingdom Hearts III

Favorite Deputy

Revision as of 10:13, 19 April 2019 by Soroxas (talk | contribs)

Kingdom Hearts III
Favorite Deputy
Favorite Deputy
"A Keyblade with an emphasis on Strength."
the Keychain of the Favorite Deputy Keyblade
Japanese ファボデピュティ
Rōmaji Fabo Depyuti
Strength Magic Length
+6 +3 115
Strike Form
Hyper Hammer, Drill Punch
Ghost Horde, Drill Dive
Clear Toy Box.

The Favorite Deputy is a Keychain for Sora's Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts III. It is obtained after clearing Toy Box.


The Favorite Deputy's design combines traits associated with Woody and Buzz. Its handle is a black cylinder with coils around, and the guard consists of a white square with blue highlights. Buzz's wings are on the bottom, as are two black thrusters, and his Space Ranger logo is visible at the base of the blade. The blade is a green cactus, with Woody's hat at the top and a rope and red bandanna coiled around, and the teeth consist of the rope wrapped around Woody's Sheriff badge. The Keychain is of a black string, with the Claw attached to a Little Green Alien as the token.

The Keyblade's name is derived from "You're my favorite deputy!", one of Woody's pullstring lines. Early demo and press releases called this Keyblade "Infinity Badge", which is a combination of Buzz's catchphrase, "To infinity and beyond!", and Woody's sheriff badge.
