Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
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Rage Form
Japanese Sora Rage Sprite KHIII.png
Rōmaji '

Rage Form is a Formchange in Kingdom Hearts III. It is similar to AntiForm and envelops Sora's Keyblade in darkness for quick and powerful attacks. It has a chance to activate when Sora reaches critical health, regardless of current Keyblade.


Kingdom Hearts III



Main article: Form:Sora

In Rage Form, Sora’s hair, skin, and clothes turn ink black, though his pants and hood gain a swirling flame pattern that glows a fluorescent white. His eyes glow red and he constantly emits Darkness from his arms and back in the form of misty black and violet wisps. Unlike its predecessor (Anti-Form), Sora uses his Keyblade in this form (which also turns black). Template:Section-stub





