Access the Grid
Access the Grid was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is the field theme of The Grid.
An Adventure in Atlantica
An Adventure in Atlantica was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is the battle theme of Atlantica.
Adventures in the Savannah
Adventures in the Savannah was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is the battle theme of the Pride Lands.
The Afternoon Streets
The Afternoon Streets was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is the field theme for Twilight Town when playing as Sora.
All for One
All for One was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is the battle theme for the Country of the Musketeers.
Always on My Mind
Always on My Mind was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is a theme that plays after sealing the Door of Darkness.
Another Side
Another Side was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is a theme that plays during the secret ending of the game titled Another side, Another story...
Another Side -Battle Ver.-
Another Side -Battle Ver- was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It is a battle-themed remake of Another Side.
Any Time Any Place
Any Time Any Place was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is sung acapella by Sora, Donald Duck and Goofy at the ending of Atlantica.
Apprehension was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is a theme that plays during fast-paced, intense cutscenes.
Aqua was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is the character theme for Aqua.
Arabian Daydream
Arabian Daydream was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is a rearrangement of Arabian Dream that plays during the Carpet minigame in Kingdom Hearts II.
Arabian Dream
Arabian Dream was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is the battle theme of Agrabah.
Asteroid Attack
Asteroid Attack was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is the theme that plays during the Stardust Sweep and Asteroid Sweep Gummi Routes.
At Dusk, I Will Think of You...
At Dusk, I Will Think of You... was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It is a theme that plays when Roxas, Axel (and later Xion) have their talks on the Twilight Town Clock Tower.
Battleship Bravery
Battleship Bravery was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is the theme that plays during the Assault on Dreadnaught Gummi Route.
Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is a short theme that plays at the ending of Beast's Castle. It is based on the same song from the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast.
Beneath the Ground
Beneath the Ground was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is a theme that plays during matches in the Underdrome.
Beyond the Door
Beyond the Door was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is a theme that plays towards the ending of the game after Ansem is defeated.
Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is the field theme of the Castle of Dreams. It is based on the same song from the Disney movie Cinderella.
Big Race
Big Race was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is a theme that plays during the Opening of the Rumble Races, as well as during the Results page.
Birth by Sleep -A Link to the Future-
Birth by Sleep -A Link to the Future- was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is an orchestrated theme that plays during the ending credits of Birth by Sleep.
Black Garden
Black Garden was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is the battle theme of Radiant Garden in Birth by Sleep.
Black Powder
Black Powder was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is a battle theme heard primarily in Terra's story.
Blast Away! -Gummi Ship I-
Blast Away! -Gummi Ship I- was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is a theme heard while playing the Gummi Ship routes between Traverse Town, Wonderland, Deep Jungle, and Olympus Coliseum.
Blast Away! -Gummi Ship II-
Blast Away! -Gummi Ship II- was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is a theme heard while playing the Gummi Ship routes between Agrabah, Atlantica, Monstro, and Neverland. It also plays as one of the songs in Ice Cream Beat mini-game in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.
Blast Away! -Gummi Ship III-
Blast Away! -Gummi Ship III- was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is a theme heard while playing the Gummi Ship routes between Hollow Bastion and End of the World.
Blast Off!
Blast Off! was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is a theme heard during the Gummi Ship: Blasting Off scenes.
Bounce-O-Rama was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is a theme that plays during various mini-games in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II.
Bounce-O-Rama (Speed up ver.)
Bounce-O-Rama (Speed up ver.) was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is a theme used during various mini-games in Kingdom Hearts II.
Broken Reality
Broken Reality was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is heard in a few cutscenes during Riku's story.
Bustin' Up on the Beach
Bustin' Up on the Beach was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is the battle theme of Destiny Islands.
Byte Bashing
Byte Bashing was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is the battle theme of Space Paranoids.
Byte Striking
Bye Striking was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is the theme of the Light Cycle mini-game in Kingdom Hearts II.
CALLING -KINGDOM MIX- was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is the character theme song for Joshua.
Captain Hook's Pirate Ship
Captain Hook's Pirate Ship was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is the field theme of Captain Hook's Pirate Ship in Neverland.
Castle Escapade
Castle Escapade was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is the battle theme of the Castle of Dreams.
Castle Oblivion
Castle Oblivion was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. It is the field theme of Castle Oblivion.
Cavern of Remembrance
Cavern of Remembrance was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. It is the field theme of the Cavern of Remembrance in Radiant Garden.
Cheers for the Brave
Cheers for the Brave was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is a theme that is heard upon completing the Olympus Coliseum matches.
Cloudchasers was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is a theme heard while playing the Phantom Storm and Sunlight Storm Gummi Routes.
The Corrupted
The Corrupted was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is a battle theme for a few Heartless bosses.
Courage was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is a theme heard during epic or intense cutscenes.
Critical Drive
Critical Drive was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It is an alternate version of Deep Drive, where it serves as the boss theme for Saïx.
Crossing the Finish Line
Crossing the Finish Line was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is a theme that plays during the ending of Gummi Ship missions.
Crossing to Neverland
Crossing to Neverland was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It is the battle theme of Neverland in 358/2 Days.
Dance of the Daring
Dance on the Daring was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is the battle theme of Beast's Castle.
Dance to the Death
Dance to the Death was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is a theme that plays for a select few boss battles.
Dark Impetus
Dark Impetus was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is the boss battle theme for Unknown in Birth by Sleep.
Darkness of the Unknown
Darkness of the Unknown was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is the boss battle theme for Xemnas comprised of three movements, each played during a different phase of the final battle.
Dash-a-Long was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories. It is a theme that plays during one of the mini-games in 100 Acre Wood while playing as Sora.
A Date with Fate
A Date with Fate was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is the character theme for Zack.
A Day in Agrabah
A Day in Agrabah was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is the field theme of Agrabah.
Daydream upon Neverland
Daydream upon Neverland was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is the field theme of Neverland in Birth by Sleep.
Dearly Beloved
Dearly Beloved is the main theme of the entire Kingdom Hearts series. A different version is used for each title.
Dearly Beloved -Reprise-
Dearly Beloved -Reprise- is the reprise of Dearly Beloved. It is played after the credits of every game and shows the player's overall stats.
Dearly Dreams
Dearly Dreams was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is the field theme of the Mirage Arena.
Deep Anxiety
Deep Anxiety was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. It is the battle theme of the Cavern of Remembrance in Radiant Garden.
Deep Drive
Deep Drive was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is the battle theme of The World That Never Was.
Deep Drop
Deep Drop was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is the battle theme of The World That Never Was in Dream Drop Distance.
The Deep End
The Deep End was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is a theme that plays during Heartless boss battles.
Deep Jungle
Deep Jungle was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is the field theme of Deep Jungle.
Desire for All That Is Lost
Desire for All That Is Lost was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is a theme that plays for a variety of different boss battles.
Dessert Paradise
Dessert Paradise was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is one of the themes that plays during the Ice Cream Beat mini-game.
Destati was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is theme with an Italian chorus.
Destiny Islands
Destiny Islands was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is the field theme of Destiny Islands.
Destiny's Force
Destiny's Force was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is a recurring boss battle theme.
Destiny's Union
Destiny's Union was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is a theme that plays towards the ending of Birth by Sleep, when Aqua is remembering Terra and Ventus before their unfortunate fates.
Dice and Shine
Dice and Shine was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is a theme that plays when in the Command Board "lobby".
Digital Dominance
Digital Dominance was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is the battle theme of The Grid.
Disappeared was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is the boss theme for the Unknown in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix and the first phase of Xemnas in Kingdom Harts II.
Dismiss was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is the boss theme for Terra-Xehanort in the Final Episode.
Disquieting was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. It is a theme that plays during various cutscenes.
Distant from You...
Distant from You... was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is a theme that plays at the end of Riku's story when he is questioned by Roxas, Ventus and Xion.
Dive into the Heart -Destati-
Dive into the Heart -Destati- was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is a notable reorchestration of Destati that plays in Dive to the Heart.
The Dread of Night
The Dread of Night was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is the boss battle theme for the Anti Black Coat.
The Dream
The Dream was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is a theme played during cheerful cutscenes.
Dream Drop Distance -The Next Awakening-
Dream Drop Distance -The Next Awakening- was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is an orchestrated theme that plays at the ending of Dream Drop Distance.
Dream Eaters
Dream Eaters was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is a theme that plays during Dream Eater mini-games.
Dream Matchup
Dream Matchup was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is a theme that plays when the Dream Eaters are battling.
Drops of Poison
Drops of Poison was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is a theme that plays sometimes in cutscenes featuring Master Xehanort or Braig.
The Encounter
The Encounter was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is a boss battle theme associated with Disney villains.
End of the World
End of the World was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is the field theme of the End of the World.
Enter the Darkness
Enter the Darkness was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is the boss battle theme of Vanitas.
Enter the Void
Enter the Void was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is the boss battle theme of the Vanitas Remnant.
The Escapade
The Escapade was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is a theme heard when playing mini-games in Kingdom Hearts II.
Eternal Moments
Eternal Moments was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is a theme that plays when Ventus meets Lea and Isa.
Ever After
Ever After was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is a theme that plays at the ending of La Cité des Cloches.
Extreme Encounters
Extreme Encounters was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is a boss battle theme that plays when battling the Cursed Coach and Zack.
The Eye of Darkness
The Eye of Darkness was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is a boss battle theme that plays when facing the Armored Ventus Nightmare.
Face It!
Face It! was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. It is a theme that plays before certain boss battles and during them.
Fantasia alla marcia for piano, chorus and orchestra
Fantasia alla marcia for piano, chorus and orchestra was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is an orchestrated theme that plays during the credits in Kingdom Hearts II.
Fate of the Unknown
Fate of the Unknown was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. It is an orchestrated theme that plays during the secret ending of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix.
Fields of Honor
Fields of Honor was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is the battle theme of The Land of Dragons.
Fight and Away
Fight and Away was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It is a boss battle theme that plays for a variety of different boss fights.
The Fight for My Friends
The Fight for My Friends was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. It is a boss battle theme associated with Disney villians.
A Fight to the Death
A Fight to the Death was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is the boss battle theme that plays when facing Xemnas within his Kingdom Hearts.
The Flick Finalist
The Flick Finalist was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is a theme that plays at the end of the Flick Rush mini-game.
Floating in Bliss
Floating in Bliss was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is a theme heard in the Splashing Island and Floating Island Gummi Routes.
The Force in You
The Force in You was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. It is the battle theme of the Riku Replica.
Forgotten Challenge
Forgotten Challenge was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. It is the battle theme of Castle Oblivion.
Forze del male
Forze del male was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is a boss battle theme that plays for two Ansem battles.
Forze dell'Oscurita
Forze dell'Oscurita was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix. It is the boss battle theme of No Heart in the Mirage Arena.
Fragments of Sorrow
Fragments of Sorrow was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is the battle theme of the End of the World and Dive to the Heart.
Fresh Fruit Balls
Fresh Fruit Balls was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is the theme that plays during the Fruitball mini-game.
Friends in My Heart
Friends in My Heart was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is a theme that plays during cutscenes when Sora is thinking about his friends.
The Fun Fair
The Fun Fair was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is the field theme of Prankster's Paradise.
Future Masters
Future Masters was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is the theme that plays during the tutorial segment in Birth by Sleep.
Gearing Up
Gearing Up was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is the theme that plays during Gummi Ship construction in Kingdom Hearts II.
Gigabyte Mantis
Gigabyte Mantis was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is the boss theme of Commantis in The Grid.
Go for It!
Go for It! was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is the battle theme of the Olympus Coliseum.
Go! Go! Rumble Racer
Go! Go! Rumble Racer was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is the theme of the Rumble Racing mini-game.
Graceful Assassin
Graceful Assassin was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. It is the boss battle theme for the first phase of Marluxia.
Guardando nel buio
Guardando nel buio was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is a reorchestration of Destati and the boss battle theme for the World of Chaos.
Hand in Hand
Hand in Hand was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is the battle theme of Traverse Town in Kingdom Hearts.
Hand in Hand -Reprise-
Hand in Hand -Reprise- was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is a shorter, somewhat calmer version of Hand in Hand that plays during the ending scenes of Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II.
Hand to Hand
Hand to Hand was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is a more epic version of Hand in Hand and is the battle theme of Traverse Town in Dream Drop Distance.
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays! was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. It is the battle theme of the Christmas Town area in Halloween Town.
Hau'oli, Hau'oli
Hau'oli, Hau'oli was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is the field theme of Deep Space.
Having a Wild Time
Having a Wild Time was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is the battle theme of Deep Jungle.
Having a Wild Time -Previous Version-
Having a Wild Time -Previous Version- was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It was the original battle theme of Deep Jungle, but it ended up being unused and ultimately appears as a bonus track on the original soundtrack.
Hazardous Highway
Hazardous Highway was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is the theme that plays during the Ancient Highway and Broken Highway Gummi Routes.
The Heartless Has Come
The Heartless Has Come was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is a short theme that plays before two Heartless boss battles in Kingdom Hearts.
Hero or Heel?
Hero or Heel? was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is the character theme for Pete's alter-egos: Captain Justice and Captain Dark that plays in Birth by Sleep.
He's a Pirate
He's a Pirate was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is the battle theme of Port Royal, based on the same musical piece from the Disney live action movie, Pirates of the Caribbean.
Hesitation was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is a theme that plays during cutscenes regarding disasters and dark secrets.
Hikari was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is the original (and Japanese) version of Simple and Clean written and sung by Utada Hikaru, specifically used for the opening cinematics of Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded.
Hikari -Godson Mix-
Hikari -Godson Mix- was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It is a hip-hop remix of Hikari written and sung by Utada Hikaru. It plays during the ending scenes of Birth by Sleep.
Hikari -KINGDOM HEARTS Instrumental Version-
Hikari -KINGDOM HEARTS Instrumental Version- was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is an instrumental version of Hikari that plays when Sora stabbed himself with the Keyblade of heart in order to free Kairi's heart in Kingdom Hearts.
Hikari -KINGDOM Orchestra Instrumental Version-
Hikari -KINGDOM Orchestra Instrumental Version- was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is an orchestral arrangement of Hikari that plays during the opening menu cinematic in Kingdom Hearts, the ending credits of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, the opening cinematic of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance and the final game credits in Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX.
Hikari -PLANITb Remix- (Short Edit)
Hikari -PLANITb Remix- (Short Edit) was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is a Japanese song written and sung by Utada Hikaru that plays during the opening cinematics of Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded.
Hikari -Ray of Hope MIX-
Hikari -Ray of Hope MIX- will be introduced in Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A Fragmentary Passage-. It is a remix of Hikari written and sung by Utada Hikaru. It is expected to play during the game's opening cinematic.
Hollow Bastion
Hollow Bastion was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is the field theme of Hollow Bastion in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories.
Holy Bananas!
Holy Bananas! was introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It is the theme that plays during the Jungle Slider mini-game in Kingdom Hearts.
The Home of Dragons
The Home of Dragons was introduced in Kingdom Hearts II. It is the field theme of The Land of Dragons.
Hunter of the Dark
Hunter of the Dark was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix. It is the boss battle theme for the Dark Hide in the Secret Episode.