Kingdom Hearts (game)
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX


Revision as of 06:11, 12 January 2015 by EternalNothingnessXIII (talk | contribs) (This whole article needs to be revised. Blegh. Ah well, fixed the captions.)
Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
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In Kingdom Hearts, Ragnarok causes the user to strike the enemy with the Keyblade before launching several projectiles at the foe.

Ragnarok (ラグナロク Ragunaroku?), known as "Infinity" in Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX, is a special technique introduced in Kingdom Hearts. It allows the user to fire a cluster of energy bullets from the tip of their Keyblade.


In Kingdom Hearts, Ragnarok is a Special Ability. When close to an airborne enemy, selecting the Ragnarok command will cause Sora to automatically jump up to the enemy and deliver an aerial attack combo, after which he will hover while charging energy. Unlike Sonic Blade or Ars Arcanum, it requires no timing to execute the finisher, Impact; however, the longer Sora charges before using Impact, the more projectiles are fired and the heavier the damage, with the optimal time being immediately after the Keyblade releases a circular burst of light. The projectiles home in on enemies after being fired, while Sora can move freely. Waiting too long to use Impact causes the energy to dissipate without releasing the projectiles. It costs 4 AP to equip and 3 MP to use. Sora is invincible during the initial weapon combo, but when Sora is charging the projectiles, he is left vulnerable to damage.

In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Ragnarok causes the user to fire several projectiles from the tip of the Keyblade that travel in a straight line towards the enemy.
In Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, Ragnarok causes the user to launch projectiles that travel outwards before homing in on a single enemy.

In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Ragnarok is an attack sleight. Pressing  ,   in Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories, fires the projectiles sooner, although there is no difference in damage. Waiting too long causes Sora to fire the projectiles automatically. Sora can also fly around and adjust his position to aim better if need be. In Re:Chain of Memories, the rays home in on enemies, and letting it charge until the burst of light appears launches the most rays, and Sora takes to the air higher and slower than other incarnations of the attack, but flies around much slower than in the previous version. However, it's possible to aim the attack left or right. The initial weapon combo from the Kingdom Hearts version of Ragnarok is not executed in both versions. The card combination for Ragnarok is:

  +   +   (7-9)
File:Ragnarok KHIIFM.gif
In Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, Infinity causes the user to strike the foe several times before lifting off the ground and launching several projectiles from the tip of the Keyblade that slowly spiral towards the enemy.

In Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, Infinity is an action ability available while in Limit Form, either from the Limit menu or by pressing   in the Shortcut menu. Using Infinity will trigger an aerial attack combo, followed by Sora charging energy while in the air. Executing one of the Reaction Commands that appear, Shoot, Impact, or Giga Impact, will fire the charged projectiles. Waiting until Giga Impact before pressing   will fire the most rays. The projectiles home in on enemies. Ragnarok costs 80 MP to use.

In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Ragnarok causes the user to shoot projectiles multiple times from the tip of the Keyblade that travel in all directions.

In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Ragnarok is Sora's Limit Break. The Final Limit version fires larger, faster shots that lose their homing ability but are propelled together in a drilling formation, piercing through enemy guards. For both, allowing it to charge before pressing   will fire a larger number of projectiles.

In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Ragnarok causes the user to lift off the ground and launch several projectiles at the opponent in rapid succession; as in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, these projectiles spiral towards their intended target.

In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Ragnarok is a Shotlock that has a maximum level of 4 and max lock of 16. Once the attack has begun, the player can perform extra attacks by pressing   at the right time to fire additional projectiles.

In Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, Ragnarok is a Dual Attack that allows Sora and the Spirits to launch a devastating salvo of light at the enemy. Template:Section-stub

Learning Ragnarok

Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

  • Sora can learn Ragnarok after reaching level 47.

Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories

  • Sora can learn Ragnarok after reaching level 52.

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

  • Limit Form has Infinity as a default ability accessible from the Limit menu.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

  • Sora has Ragnarok as his Limit Break.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Other appearances

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Xion's version of Ragnarok causes her to launch long-lasting projectiles from the tip of her weapon that slowly home in on the player character.

In her second form, Xion can use Ragnarok; the attack is Nil-based and ignores defense completely.


Ragnarök is an event in Norse mythology that is similar to the Apocalypse. It is an event that is set off by the death of the god Balder, which was orchestrated by Loki. The Ragnarok was a final clash of all the major entities of Norse mythology. This caused all of the human spirits up in Valhalla to come down for the final battle. This bloody encounter ebbs with the destruction of the universe and Balder along with a little handful of entities that are put in the bodies of children and only contain memories of the world before Ragnarok. Those entities would become mortal.

Ragnarok is also a recurring Summon and weapon that appears in various games in the Final Fantasy series. It also appears as an airship and a legendary beast.


  • In Kingdom Hearts, when Ragnarok is fired just after enemies are cleared in a room, the projectiles will fly and lock on to a specific spot often out of Sora's reach, as opposed to scattering in random directions.