This is the page for listing articles, templates, categories, or other pages to discuss deletion. Voice your opinion on the deletion of these items by adding a bulleted comment and signing your name at the end of your comment with ~~~~. Once a discussion has concluded, an administrator will close the discussion. Discussions may be archived a week after being closed.
In order to keep things moving along on this page, the following rules are in place:
1. Post the article, category, or media to a new section. To add a new heading, click the "+" button at the top of the page or click here. You will be given a box to input a header or topic.
2. In the heading or right under it, place a link to the article or media in question. If we can't find it, we can't delete it! Also, please do not give a URL link, or we won't know it has been deleted afterwords!
- To list an article, type [[article title]].
- To list a category type [[:Category:Name of category]]. Remember the colon in the beginning or it won't link correctly.
- To list a template, type {{tname|name of template}} to generate a link to the template.
3. Post Keep, Delete, or Merge and a short reason that action should take place. Make sure to add your signature (~~~~).
4. NO talk templates (talk bubbles) may be used on this page. If one is posted, it will be removed.
5. Once a final decision is made by the admin, the discussion is closed. Any attempts to reinstate an article require a new discussion first, or the article will be deleted immediately.
For archived discussions, see the Archives.
Userbox Categories
- Users who have completed Aqua's story (see Category:Users who completed Aqua's story)
- Users who have completed Ventus's story (see Category:Users who completed Ventus's story)
File:Halloween Town.png a newly a uploaded duplication of File:Halloween Town Logo KH.png - Joseph Thorn Dalton XCV 15:28, 8 December 2012 (UTC)
.jpg Image
Aqua RoD.jpg (see A Fragmentary Passage 06 KHBBSFM.png) --Xion4ever 04:20, 9 December 2012 (UTC)
January JPG Images
Dark Firaga KHCOM.jpg (see Dark Firaga KHCOM.png) --Xion4ever 10:34, 17 January 2013 (UTC)
JPG Images (cont.)
- RikuR-sad.jpg (see Riku Replica (Sad) COM.png)
- Moogle1.jpg (see Moogle2.png)
May JPG Images
- Piglet-Shocked2.jpg (see Piglet (Shocked 2) KHCOM.png)
- Roo-Happy.jpg (see Roo (Happy) KHCOM.png)
- Roo-Normal.jpg (see Roo (Normal) KHCOM.png)
- Xehanort'sHeartlessHappy.jpg (see Xehanort's Heartless (Happy) KHCOM.png)
- RikuR-Merci2.jpg (see Riku Replica (Merci 2) KHCOM.png)
- Piglet-Normal.jpg (see Piglet (Normal) KHCOM.png)
- Piglet2-ChofMem.png (see Piglet (Shocked) KHCOM.png)
- Piglet-Shocked.jpg (see Piglet (Shocked) KHCOM.png)
- Pooh-Happy2.jpg (see Pooh (Happy 2) KHCOM.png)
- Pooh-Happy 3.jpg (see Pooh (Happy 3) KHCOM.png)
- Pooh-Normal.jpg (see Pooh (Normal) KHCOM.png)
- Pooh-Thinking.jpg (see Pooh (Thinking) KHCOM.png)
- Riku Laughing.gif (see Riku (Laughing) KHCOM.png)
- Rabbit-Normal.jpg (see Rabbit (Normal) KHCOM.png)
- Rabbit-Sad2.jpg (see Rabbit (Sad 2) KHCOM.png)
- Rabbit-Shocked.jpg (see Rabbit (Shocked) KHCOM.png)
- Roo-Happy3.jpg (see Roo (Happy 3) KHCOM.png)
- RikuR-Angry.jpg (see Riku Replica (Angry) KHCOM.png)
- RikuR-Happy.jpg (see Riku Replica (Happy) KHCOM.png)
- RikuR-Very Angry.jpg (see Riku Replica (Very Angry) KHCOM.png)
- RikuR-Very Happy.jpg (see Riku Replica (Very Happy) KHCOM.png)
- RikuR-Normal.jpg (see Riku Replica (Normal) KHCOM.png)
Old KHCOM gifs
- Aerith-Normal-Live.gif (see Aerith (Normal Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Aerith-Sad-Live.gif (see Aerith (Sad Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Jiminy-Angry-Live.gif (see Jiminy (Angry Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Jiminy-Happy-Live.gif (see Jiminy (Happy Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Jiminy-Merci-Live.gif (see Jiminy (Merci Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Jiminy-Normal-Live.gif (see Jiminy (Normal Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Jiminy-Sad-Live.gif (see Jiminy (Sad Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Jiminy-Surprised-Live.gif (see Jiminy (Surprised Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Kairi-Happy-Live.gif (see Kairi (Happy Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Kairi-Normal-Live.gif (see Kairi (Normal Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Namine-Angry-Live.gif (see Namine (Angry Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Namine-Normal-Live.gif (see Namine (Normal Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Namine-Sad-Live.gif (see Namine (Sad Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Namine-Shocked-Live.gif (see Namine (Shocked Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Sora Shocked Left Live.gif (see Sora (Shocked Left Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Sora (Shocked Live Left).gif (see Sora (Shocked Left Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Sora-Live.gif (see Sora (Normal Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Yuffie-Normal-Live.gif (see Yuffie (Normal Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Yuffie-Happy-Live.gif (see Yuffie (Happy Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Yuffie-Surprised-Live.gif (see Yuffie (Surprised Live) KHCOM.gif)
and as soon as I finish switching the links on the old pages the link problem is fixed...
- Nammine-Happy-Live.gif (see Namine (Happy Live) KHCOM.gif)
I will be back with more tomorrow or next week! Thank you! (No problem Xion!) Remind me to write these down so I don't have to go through my contributions... ANX219 17:45, 4 June 2013 (UTC)
Keep. This image should be kept because it is being used in Template:Split. --KeybladeMasterYin (talk) 01:56, 6 June 2013 (UTC)
- This image will eventually be deleted. It breaks our image policy of no fanmade/user images on the Wiki. However, I've yet to get down the to that part of the articles for deletion category. I've been taking all user images in that category and uploading the image to my own Photobucket account. Then, I go back on the Wiki and switch out any pages/templates/etc. the image was used on. After all pages are accounted for, I delete the image off the Wiki. Rest assured, no image will be deleted on the Wiki without being linked from Photobucket. Thank you.--Xion4ever 02:34, 6 June 2013 (UTC)
KingdomHeartsIIILogo.png this is a duplicate of this one: Kingdom_Hearts_III_Logo.png - JTD95 (talk) 21:08, 11 June 2013 (UTC)
Renamed Pictures
- Aladdin2-ChOfMem.png (see Aladdin (2) KHCOM.png)
- Alice2-ChOfMem.png (see Alice (2) KHCOM.png)
- Ansem ChOfMem.png (see Xehanort's Heartless (Normal) KHCOM.png)
- Ariel2-ChOfMem.png (see Ariel (2) KHCOM.png)
- Belle talk (angry) KHCOM.png (see Belle (Angry) KHCOM.png)
- Belle Amoureuse.png (see Belle (Loving) KHCOM.png)
- Belle Heureuse.png (see Belle (Happy) KHCOM.png)
- Belle Remerciement.png (see Belle (Merci) KHCOM.png)
- Belle Shocked.png (see Belle (Shocked) KHCOM.png)
- Belle Triste.png (see Belle (Sad) KHCOM.png)
- CH diz.gif (see DiZ KHCOM.png)
Hi guys I'm back. I have a couple of images that are transparent but the names just need to be moved, if anyone can help with that, please let me know! Thanks! ANX219 21:26, 3 August 2013 (UTC)
- Dude, you have to use links, or else it gets real inconvenient for whoever goes through the images. Anyways, done. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 01:52, 4 August 2013 (UTC)
See Press (Reaction Command) KHII.png--Xion4ever 23:53, 5 August 2013 (UTC)
.jpg Images
- Marluxia-Normal.jpg (see Marluxia CoM Normal.png)
- Sora-happy.jpg (see Sora-happy.png)
- Sora-Hrmph.jpg (see Sora-Hrmph.png)
- Sora-merci.jpg (see Sora-merci.png)
- Sora-More Surpized.jpg (see Sora-More Surpized.png)
- Sora-Normal.jpg (see Sora-Normal.png)
- Sora-Sad.jpg (see Sora-Sad.png)
- Sora-Sleepy.jpg (see Sora-Sleepy.png)
- Sora-Stunned.jpg (see Sora-Stunned.png)
- Sora-Super Angry.jpg (see Sora-Super Angry.png)
- Sora-superhappy.jpg (see Sora-superhappy.png)
- Sora-Suprized.jpg (see Sora-Suprized.png)
- Xehanort'sHeartlessTalk.png (see Xehanort's Heartless (Normal) KHCOM.png)
- Xehanort'sHeartlessMad.jpg (see Xehanort's Heartless (Mad) KHCOM.png)
- Mickey-Sleepy.jpg
Talk sprites
A lot of talk sprites from Days are marked for deletion. However, a lot of them are used for templates, which can cause problems if they were all deleted. I think those deletion tags should be removed. For example, the sad sprite of Mickey is on the upcoming template. I really don't think these pages should be deleted. SeanWheeler (talk) 17:20, 2 January 2014 (UTC)
- I'm not sure, but I think you're okay to remove the deletion tag on those. KeybladeSpyMaster 17:28, 2 January 2014 (UTC)
- First and foremost, unless a staff member says otherwise, assume everything in the deletion category is meant for deletion. You were right to bring the discussion up on here, instead of starting a mass removing spree. Anyways...No, do not remove the deletion tag on the Days images. Those images have to be uploaded off the Wiki and linked back to whatever templates/pages they were on. The Days images are not "real" images. Check out Spriter's Resource They are user edited images created by Xiggie/DoorToNothing to be used by users for talk templates and the like. Under our old image policy such images were allowed. However, with our new policy such images should be deleted. I've been working on uploading the images in the deletion category to my personal Photobucket account for a while now. It's taking more time than it probably should, but I promise you they will be taken care of properly.--Xion4ever 17:55, 2 January 2014 (UTC)
- So, they weren't just cropped from the game? They were completely fanmade from scratch? I find that hard to believe. But if those were fanmade, can someone use a capture card to replace them? SeanWheeler (talk) 18:44, 3 January 2014 (UTC)
- That sounds a little extreme, to require every user-edited image that is on the wiki to be uploaded off-wiki, especially when the images were talking about aren't just any images being used on just any user's talk bubbles, but they're images that (I assume) the administrators themselves chose to be used on these administrative templates. They serve a greater purpose than the passive pleasure of a few users, they actually have a purpose on the wiki, an important one at that. I think that there should be an exception for the images the administration has deemed to have an actual use on the wiki. I mean, otherwise, it sounds like we would have to remove every user-edited image on the wiki, among which include approx. 50 walkthrough images (38 of which I uploaded last week myself), the little symbols, including the one that symbolizes your status as administration (pretty sure SE never released a shiny keyblade logo), even the wiki logo itself (I know they didn't create a logo for us). KeybladeSpyMaster 02:44, 5 January 2014 (UTC)
- The images were taken from the originals which can be found Category:Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Sprite images. The images were not only flipped, but some where filled in from where the red banner used to be. As ridiculous as it sounds, if you check the older deletion logs, my personal Photobucket account, my edit count/edits you'll see exactly how many user images have been taken care of. There used to be over three pages in the Articles for Deletion category- meaning between the 401-600 image range. Now there are only 279. Heck, even check out Ultima's userpage. At least seventy five percent of the 219 deletions came from user images. It's a long process, but it's getting there.
Some "user" images have been deemed okay to remain on the site, such as the staff template and Wiki logo, as you mentioned. As for the Walkthrough images, to my knowledge internal linking is not possible if using links from Photobucket/Imageshack. This could prove problematic to the walkthrough articles since we've apparently deemed that to be the way the articles should look.
As for images being used on administrative templates/elsewhere: see the userboxes. These images used to be held on Wiki, too. Now they're linked from Photobucket.
To be quite honest, I've waited this long to delete the Days images exactly for this reason. From what I've seen on here from other users/staff, those images should be hosted elsewhere and deleted. That is what I believe, too. Perhaps we should open a forum on this...--Xion4ever 03:41, 5 January 2014 (UTC)
- The images were taken from the originals which can be found Category:Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Sprite images. The images were not only flipped, but some where filled in from where the red banner used to be. As ridiculous as it sounds, if you check the older deletion logs, my personal Photobucket account, my edit count/edits you'll see exactly how many user images have been taken care of. There used to be over three pages in the Articles for Deletion category- meaning between the 401-600 image range. Now there are only 279. Heck, even check out Ultima's userpage. At least seventy five percent of the 219 deletions came from user images. It's a long process, but it's getting there.
Then maybe we just use the original sprites from the game? And if we don't have the original sprites for the ones on the notice templates, we upload them from a capture card. And maybe move them over to the right side of the template. SeanWheeler (talk) 22:04, 6 January 2014 (UTC)