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1. Post the article, category, or media to a new section. To add a new heading, click the "+" button at the top of the page or click here. You will be given a box to input a header or topic.
2. In the heading or right under it, place a link to the article or media in question. If we can't find it, we can't delete it! Also, please do not give a URL link, or we won't know it has been deleted afterwords!
- To list an article, type [[article title]].
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- To list a template, type {{tname|name of template}} to generate a link to the template.
3. Post Keep, Delete, or Merge and a short reason that action should take place. Make sure to add your signature (~~~~).
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5. Once a final decision is made by the admin, the discussion is closed. Any attempts to reinstate an article require a new discussion first, or the article will be deleted immediately.
For archived discussions, see the Archives.
Userbox Categories
- Users who have completed Aqua's story (see Category:Users who completed Aqua's story)
- Users who have completed Ventus's story (see Category:Users who completed Ventus's story)
File:Halloween Town.png a newly a uploaded duplication of File:Halloween Town Logo KH.png - Joseph Thorn Dalton XCV 15:28, 8 December 2012 (UTC)
.jpg Image
Aqua RoD.jpg (see A Fragmentary Passage 06 KHBBSFM.png) --Xion4ever 04:20, 9 December 2012 (UTC)
January JPG Images
Dark Firaga KHCOM.jpg (see Dark Firaga KHCOM.png) --Xion4ever 10:34, 17 January 2013 (UTC)
JPG Images (cont.)
- RikuR-sad.jpg (see Riku Replica (Sad) COM.png)
- Moogle1.jpg (see Moogle2.png)
May JPG Images
- Piglet-Shocked2.jpg (see Piglet (Shocked 2) KHCOM.png)
- Roo-Happy.jpg (see Roo (Happy) KHCOM.png)
- Roo-Normal.jpg (see Roo (Normal) KHCOM.png)
- Xehanort'sHeartlessHappy.jpg (see Xehanort's Heartless (Happy) KHCOM.png)
- RikuR-Merci2.jpg (see Riku Replica (Merci 2) KHCOM.png)
- Piglet-Normal.jpg (see Piglet (Normal) KHCOM.png)
- Piglet2-ChofMem.png (see Piglet (Shocked) KHCOM.png)
- Piglet-Shocked.jpg (see Piglet (Shocked) KHCOM.png)
- Pooh-Happy2.jpg (see Pooh (Happy 2) KHCOM.png)
- Pooh-Happy 3.jpg (see Pooh (Happy 3) KHCOM.png)
- Pooh-Normal.jpg (see Pooh (Normal) KHCOM.png)
- Pooh-Thinking.jpg (see Pooh (Thinking) KHCOM.png)
- Riku Laughing.gif (see Riku (Laughing) KHCOM.png)
- Rabbit-Normal.jpg (see Rabbit (Normal) KHCOM.png)
- Rabbit-Sad2.jpg (see Rabbit (Sad 2) KHCOM.png)
- Rabbit-Shocked.jpg (see Rabbit (Shocked) KHCOM.png)
- Roo-Happy3.jpg (see Roo (Happy 3) KHCOM.png)
- RikuR-Angry.jpg (see Riku Replica (Angry) KHCOM.png)
- RikuR-Happy.jpg (see Riku Replica (Happy) KHCOM.png)
- RikuR-Very Angry.jpg (see Riku Replica (Very Angry) KHCOM.png)
- RikuR-Very Happy.jpg (see Riku Replica (Very Happy) KHCOM.png)
- RikuR-Normal.jpg (see Riku Replica (Normal) KHCOM.png)
Old KHCOM gifs
- Aerith-Normal-Live.gif (see Aerith (Normal Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Aerith-Sad-Live.gif (see Aerith (Sad Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Jiminy-Angry-Live.gif (see Jiminy (Angry Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Jiminy-Happy-Live.gif (see Jiminy (Happy Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Jiminy-Merci-Live.gif (see Jiminy (Merci Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Jiminy-Normal-Live.gif (see Jiminy (Normal Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Jiminy-Sad-Live.gif (see Jiminy (Sad Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Jiminy-Surprised-Live.gif (see Jiminy (Surprised Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Kairi-Happy-Live.gif (see Kairi (Happy Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Kairi-Normal-Live.gif (see Kairi (Normal Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Namine-Angry-Live.gif (see Namine (Angry Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Namine-Normal-Live.gif (see Namine (Normal Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Namine-Sad-Live.gif (see Namine (Sad Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Namine-Shocked-Live.gif (see Namine (Shocked Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Sora Shocked Left Live.gif (see Sora (Shocked Left Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Sora (Shocked Live Left).gif (see Sora (Shocked Left Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Sora-Live.gif (see Sora (Normal Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Yuffie-Normal-Live.gif (see Yuffie (Normal Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Yuffie-Happy-Live.gif (see Yuffie (Happy Live) KHCOM.gif)
- Yuffie-Surprised-Live.gif (see Yuffie (Surprised Live) KHCOM.gif)
and as soon as I finish switching the links on the old pages the link problem is fixed...
- Nammine-Happy-Live.gif (see Namine (Happy Live) KHCOM.gif)
I will be back with more tomorrow or next week! Thank you! (No problem Xion!) Remind me to write these down so I don't have to go through my contributions... ANX219 17:45, 4 June 2013 (UTC)
Keep This image should be kept because it is being used in Template:Split. --KeybladeMasterYin (talk) 01:56, 6 June 2013 (UTC)