Premium Orb
Premium Orb
"A rare, spherical gem treasured above all others. You can use this material to synthesize panels."
Japanese プレミアムオーブ
Rōmaji Puremiamu Ōbu

Item Buy Sell
Premium Orb X Munny

Premium Orb is a material type available in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. The Premium Orb is a rare, spherical gem treasured above all others, and is colored aqua.


A Premium Orb is represented by a dark blue panel with a violet symbol. This symbol resembles a sphere placed on an M-shaped pedestal with two angular pieces on either side.

The name "Premium Orb" references the sphere symbol on the panel and the material's rarity and use in synthesizing high-level panels—the word "premium" means "of superior quality" or "a prize or reward".



Clear bonuses

Synthesized items

Premium Orb panels are used to synthesize the following panels:

Notes and References

  1. ^ The Dustflier drops a Premium Orb in Mission 89.
  2. ^ The Sky Grappler drops a Premium Orb in Mission 73.