Gender Male
Also Known As RadiantChaos, Ostrich
Birthday May 10
Religion Christian
Other Games Minecraft, The Legend of Zelda, Mario, Epic Mickey, Metroid, Terraria, Portal, Cave Story
Non-Gaming Interests Chuck, Bone comics, Chess, Detroit Tigers Baseball, Harry Potter, Calvin and Hobbes, Star Wars, Whose Line, The Hunger Games
Keyblades Two Become One, Twilight Blaze, Bond of Flame
Signature LightSymbol Character - Roxas.pngRoxas
User Box
Orb of Light (Corrupted) KHBBS.png This user has been blinded by the ultimate radiance of LightRoxas.

"I am me! Nobody else!" - Roxas

Welcome to the realm of light! I am an avid Kingdom Hearts fan!

I also happen to be a loving person, and if you ever need a friend, I make a pretty good listener.

My user name comes from the power of Light, which is wielded by awesome people such as Eraqus, Mickey, Ven, and Roxas, and from my favorite character, Number XIII himself.

I also go by the name of RadiantChaos - although that is more of a title.

This, my user page, is where you can find out about me, and my likes and dislikes. If you want to talk, or need any assistance, please contact me on my talk page. I might not get back to you immediately but I will try my best.

I was the Featured User of June 2012, yo! I love you guys, you make me enjoy being a part of this place, even if the part I play is incredibly minuscule.

Web Presence

  • Facebook: Yes, I have one, but good luck finding me on it.
  • E-mail: I have a back up e-mail at that I check once every couple months.
  • GameInformer Online: RadiantChaos (friend me!)
  • Minecraft: RadiantChaos
  • Minecraft Forums: RadiantChaos (friend me!)
  • YouTube: RadiantXChaos (please sub to HerdzOfNerdz!)
  • Photobucket: RadiantXChaos
  • Steam: RadiantChaos (friend me!)
  • Fanon Wiki: LightRoxas
Sora_%28Sprite%29_KHCOM.png This user is male.
en This user is a native speaker of English.

Template:User WikiGnome Template:User WikiGryphon

ipuOopZ.png This user is a fan of Disney movies.
760n2Dk.png This user defeated Ansem and started the epic story of Kingdom Hearts.
Symbol_-_Keyhole.png This user has locked every single Keyhole.
qk6vzKA.png This user defeated Xemnas and restored peace to the worlds.
viFYwhx.png This user took on Riku and discovered the secrets of Xion.
zn52UZf.png This user has taken on the Dustflier, and won multiple times!
NyLVYjw.png This user has unlocked The King in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
gOA7JF1.png This user has unlocked Sora in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
weWh9JY.png This user has obtained Mission Crowns!
6LR24Jg.png This user has obtained Challenge Sigils!

Template:User HBRC Template:User Twilight

Places-userDestinyIslands.png This user is a resident of Destiny Islands.

Template:User Dark Margin Template:User Keyblade Master

7MydijL.png This user is a fan of Roxas.

LxMZOrR.png This user is a fan of Ventus.

QZbVJv5.png This user wants to let the flames burn you! Got it memorized?

gMI0bQJ.png This user is a fan of Riku.

GdY8DfL.png This user is a fan of Aqua.

Template:User Roxas Quote Template:User Roxas XIII

5tQNubv.png This user is a fan of Seifer.

QlbSyv5.png Gawrsh! This user is a fan of Goofy.

C67aCxq.png C:\Users\LightRoxas > run TRON.exe

sG24dhw.png This user is a fan of Mickey Mouse.

axc7YdX.png This user trusts Naminé.

SElHt8u.png Who is this user? What are they here for?

eqiFYch.png This user wonders if you've been a good boy.

mdhkF7B.png This user is a fan of Sora.
Bzyb62y.png This user is a master of water.
M1W9Bdq.png This user is a fan of Terra.
HdZsMHu.png This user is a master pilot of Gummi Ships.
Xsb2q89.png This user loves the PlanitB Remix of Simple and Clean.
zd3Hu7n.png This user loves the song Sanctuary.
0cTFzTM.png This user loves the song Destati.
Lg1wOCW.png This user loves the song Dearly Beloved.
gTYgWcQ.png This user loves Riku's character theme.
3u4SbQd.png This user loves the song Musique pour la tristesse de Xion.
o44Aqo8.png This user loves Terra's character theme.
fx0rSiF.png This user loves Roxas's character theme.
4Dq1gQV.png This user loves the song The Other Promise.
4p3lLuc.png This user loves the song Vector to the Heavens.

Template:User Deprived

DpXp3fI.png This user works for Aperture Science, and knows how to think with portals.
H0rfu.png This user is addicted to building in Minecraft!
roxas4roxas.jpg This user sits on top of the Clock Tower to eat Ice-Cream with their good friend Roxas.
This user battled their way through the End of the World to reach FinalRest.
DaysDemyxHappy.png This user helped Synchblade on his quest to find Sora, the key bearer.
joshua_by_hnfnation-d2z23wf.gif This user is a trusted colleague, companion, associate, and friend of The Ever-Present Gnome.
Crown (Silver) KHIIFM.png This user had an audience with the mighty King of the Darkness.
SXteg.png This user is stuck at home with Erry.
Orb of Light (Corrupted) KHBBS.png This user has been blinded by the ultimate radiance of LightRoxas.

Game Achievments

Kingdom Hearts

  • Beat on Standard mode
  • Beat on Expert mode
  • Beat Riku on Destiny Islands
  • Beat Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie simultaneously
  • Beat Riku in race on Destiny Islands
  • Defeated Leon in Traverse Town
  • Defeated Cloud in first battle at Coliseum
  • Beat Hades Cup
  • Beat all Coliseum cups using only Sora
  • Beat all Coliseum cups within designated time limits
  • Defeated Kurt Zisa
  • Defeated Phantom
  • Defeated Ice Titan
  • Defeated Sephiroth
  • Unlocked all Keyblades
  • Reached level 100

Kingdom Hearts II

  • Beat on Standard mode
  • Beat on Proud mode twice
  • Beat Sephiroth in Proud mode
  • Beat the Hades Paradox Cup in Proud mode without dying
  • Beat Proud mode using only the Kingdom Key
  • Unlocked all Keyblades
  • Reached level 13 with Roxas in the intro
  • Reached level 99

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

  • Beat on Standard mode
  • Beat on Proud mode
  • Defeated the Dustflier
  • Unlocked Sora
  • Unlocked King Mickey
  • Reached level 79
  • Collected 358 Mission Crowns

Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance

  • Beat Standard Mode
  • Defeated Julius
  • Beat all Secret Portals

Talk Bubble, Signature, and Userbox.

Kingdom Hearts Related

LightRoxas - "I'm proud to be a small part of something bigger - the people it did choose.
TALK - "I am who I am, because of them."
My first, regular talk bubble. The original was indeed made by Lapidothtill, but I have now edited it so many times only the smallest resemblance remains. The sprite was made by me.

Roxas (Oathkeeper and Oblivion)
LightRoxas Talk! — "Get real! Look which one of us is winning!"

Axel went somewhere. He went to sleep.

A talk bubble made myself by following JFHavoc's Talk Bubble 101. It too has gone through changes. I generally use this when serious, frustrated, or a Roxas-mood.

LightRoxas - "My friends are my power! And I'm theirs!"
TALK - "Just... put an end to me."
My Ventus bubble, for which I made the sprite. I use this most often for when I am stern, frustrated, or for Ven-related topics.

LightRoxas - "Go ahead, you just keep running! But I'll always be there to bring you back!"
TALK - "He made me feel... like I had a heart."
My Axel bubble. This usually means I am angry, trying to convince someone of something, sentimental, or speaking in an Axel-related discussion.

Riku (Battle) KH3D.png
LightRoxas "Lead me into everlasting darkness!"
My Riku bubble, originally made to celebrate his trip to the finals in The Keyblade War. Also my only skinny bubble. This is normally used for short, sweet quips and replies.

LightRoxas - "One day when you're in trouble, the light within you will lead you to the light of another. Someone to keep you safe."
TALK - "Ven, I'm sorry... I might not make it back as soon as I thought. But I promise I'll be there, one day, to wake you up."
Aqua is awesomesauce, so I made this sprite and bubble for her. I use this bubble generally when being friendly, for general conversation, and Aqua-related messages.

Partway Kingdom Hearts Related

Tron KHII.png
LightRoxas - "I fight for the Users!"
TALK - "I'm also better than you!"
My Tron bubble; when I first made it I hadn't seen the movie, but now I have and it is AWESOME! I use this mostly when speaking about wiki stuff or Tech jargon.

Room Core.png
LightRoxas BOOP! A Hero has Fallen

I can't believe I miss bald jokes

Originally an Oswald the Lucky Rabbit bubble, then a Heartless bubble, now a bubble to honor the legendary Door who put so much work into this place.

Mickey Mouse TR KHII.png
My inverse bubble, originally a card bubble but is now for Goofy Mickey. This is mostly used for short, friendly/comic messages.
LightRoxas"So many are still waiting for their new beginning, their birth by sleep. Even me... and even you."

LightRoxas - "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack. I'm thinking maybe pancakes."
TALK - "I don't like feeling like Team Chuck's little fat kid!"
A mobile bubble; the sprite is made by me and represents my roleplay character on the other wiki. The colors/quotes are from Chuck. This is usually for official messages or for point-making.

LightRoxas - "I hope they become friends and perhaps more. Perhaps even brothers."
TALK - "It was kind of a budget issue."
An Epic Mickey bubble. Don't you just love these two?

LightRoxas - "This may seem like just a game to you, but to me, it's horror! Just go along and have your play time, but remember: I never asked for this!"
TALK - "The experiences we've had - they're what make us who we are. And while I may have failed here, I'll make sure the same mistake never happens again."
The bubble from the Roleplay that Never Was.

Non-Kingdom Hearts Related

LightSamus - "Any objections, Lady?"
TALK - "I'm sorry that I cooked your dog."
Metroid is action packed, and this bubble signifies excitement! The bottom quote is from Whose Line.

LightRoxas - "WHAT? I get to wear a COW SUIT?! COOL!"
TALK - "Sounds like they were out for steak and eggs!"
Go Bone!! This bubble signifies humor.

LightRoxas - "It was the sound of books... pages being turned. So, that's just what I was doing, just reading, uh... books. So not a moron."
TALK - "Apparently when you scream at a marshmallow, all you get is a scared marshmallow."
I AM NOT A MORON!! This bubble signifies attempts at official messages.

LuigiRoxas - "It's-a-me! Mario!"
TALK - "Mamma mia!!"
1UP!! This bubble signifies joy!

LinkRoxas - "Nice pants!"
TALK - "My antiques!"
This Link bubble only reminds me of my love for Skyward Sword!

LightGroose - "I like to call... the Legend of Groose."
TALK - "I think I'll call this place... Grooseland."
This Groose bubble is rockin' the pompadour!

Light_Roxas - "I'm a dwarf and I'm digging a hole! DIGGY DIGGY HOLE!!"
"SWAMPY AAAWWWWAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!" This Honeydew bubble is used for extremely humorous situations.

LightRoxas - "Humans can be terrible creatures indeed."
TALK - "Now, kill me... or I... shall kill YOU!"
This bubble has changed a lot, but it currently is a Balrog bubble. Expect to see this used miscellaneously.

Best and Worst

Credit to Soxra, whose section this was.


Category Best Worst
Overall Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts coded
Story Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Kingdom Hearts coded
Graphical Style Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Battle System Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Soundtrack Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts coded
Cast Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts coded


Category Best Worst
World Twilight Town Atlantica
Keyblade Twilight Blaze Gull Wing
Drive Form Master Form Anti Form
Boss Axel (Two Keyblades as Roxas) Cerberus


Category Best Second Best Third Best Worst
Male Protagonist Roxas Axel/Lea Riku Terra
Female Protagonist Aqua Naminé Xion Snow White
Overall Protagonist Roxas Axel/Lea Riku Snow White
Male Antagonist Xigbar Xemnas Saïx Captain Hook
Female Antagonist Maleficent Larxene Queen of Hearts Ursula
Overall Antagonist Xigbar Xemnas Saix Ursula
Org. XIII Member (Excluding Roxas) Axel Demyx Xigbar Xaldin
Org. XIII Somebody (Excluding Sora) Lea Braig Isa Dilan
Disney Hero Goofy King Mickey Tron Snow White
Disney Villain Maleficent Hades Barbossa Ursula
FF Character Beat (don't care if he's TWEWY, yo) Leon Yuffie Aerith
Overall Character Roxas Axel/Lea Riku Snow White
Heartless Cymbal Monkey Gargoyle Shadow Hot Rod
Nobody Sniper Sorcerer Assassin Dancer

User Pages
Roxas's Symbol small.png Home | Talk Page | Roxas Petition | DTN Memorial | Editcount | ContributionsRoxas's Symbol small.png
Roxas's Symbol small.png Talk Bubbles | Friend Userbox | Signature | Gummi Highway Roxas's Symbol small.png