Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
Prime - Maleficent 6★ Medal
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The Difficulty Level of a game in the Kingdom Hearts series determines enemy strength and limitations the player will be presented with during gameplay. In most Kingdom Hearts games, players choose a difficulty level when starting a new game, and they cannot change the level once they have started. In Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, the difficulty level is instead handled by the Difficulty Cheat, which is set to Standard by default but can be changed to "Beginner", "Proud", and "Critical" at any time.

The highest level of difficulty is Critical Mode (クリティカルモード Kuritikaru Mōdo?), followed by Proud Mode (プラウドモード Puraudo Mōdo?), Standard Mode (スタンダードモード Sutandādo Mōdo?), and Beginner Mode (ビギナーモード Biginā Mōdo?).

List of difficulties in each game

Game Available Difficulty Level(s)
Kingdom Hearts Normal Mode, Expert Mode
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Final Mix: Beginner, Final Mix, Final Mix: Proud
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories Beginning Mode, Standard Mode, Proud Mode
Kingdom Hearts II Beginning Mode, Standard Mode, Proud Mode
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Beginning Mode, Standard Mode, Proud Mode, Critical Mode
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Beginning Mode, Standard Mode, Proud Mode
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Beginner Mode, Standard Mode, Proud Mode, Critical Mode (NA/EU versions only)
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix Beginning Mode, Standard Mode, Proud Mode, Critical Mode
Kingdom Hearts coded and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Beginning Mode, Standard Mode, Proud Mode, Critical Mode

Beginner Mode

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix

Kingdom Hearts II

  • Damage dealt to enemies are twice compared to Standard Mode.
  • Damage received from enemies are half compared to Standard Mode.
  • The Gathering cannot be unlocked.

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

  • Damage dealt to enemies are twice compared to Standard Mode.
  • Damage received from enemies are half compared to Standard Mode.
  • Birth by sleep cannot be unlocked.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

  • Player sustains x0.7 damage.
  • HP prize recovery is doubled.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

  • Player deals 50% more damage.
  • All damage dealt to player is halved.
  • Blank Points cannot be unlocked.
  • On the PSP XMB, there is an omega (Ω) symbol attached to the save data file on the memory stick.

Standard Mode

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix

  • Gummi Ship takes double the damage.
  • Damage inflicted by the player is cut by a third.
  • Must complete the Hades Cup; find all 99 Puppies; seal every Keyhole; and complete Jiminy's Journal to unlock Another Side, Another Story [deep dive].

Kingdom Hearts II

  • Player deals normal damage.
  • Damage dealt to player is normal.
  • Must complete Jiminy's Journal to unlock The Gathering.

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

  • Player deals normal damage.
  • Damage dealt to player is normal.
  • Must complete Jiminy's Journal and all Gummi Missions to unlock Birth by sleep.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

  • Player sustains normal damage.
  • HP prize recovery is normal.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

  • Player deals normal damage.
  • Damage dealt to player is normal.
  • Must complete the Report Section and Final Episode to unlock Blank Points.
  • On the PSP XMB, there is an outline of a star attached to the save data file on the memory stick.

Proud Mode

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix

  • The Gummi Ship's attack deals half the damage.
  • A "Battle Report" is shown at the end.
  • "FMPR" is written on the top right of the save file.
  • Must seal every Keyhole and complete Jiminy's Journal to unlock Another Side, Another Story [deep dive].

Kingdom Hearts II

  • Compared to Standard mode, the player deals half the damage.
  • Compared to Standard mode, enemies inflict twice the damage.
  • "Proud Mode" is written on the top right side of the save file.
  • Must seal every Keyhole and finish the game to unlock The Gathering.

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

  • Compared to Standard mode, the player deals half the damage.
  • Compared to Standard mode, enemies inflict twice the damage.
  • "Proud Mode" is written on the top right side of the save file.
  • Must defeat Lingering Will and complete the game to unlock Birth by sleep.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

  • Player sustains x1.75 damage.
  • HP prize recovery is x0.7

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

  • Compared to Standard and Beginner mode, the player deals half the damage.
  • Compared to Standard and Beginner mode, enemies inflict twice the damage.
  • Must complete the Final Episode to unlock Blank Points.
  • In the PSP XMB, there is a star symbol attached to the save data file on the memory stick.

Critical Mode

Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix

  • Compared To Standard and Proud, enemies inflict twice the damage, except for the Mushroom XIII who inflict 1.25× the damage.
  • Several abilities are granted on the third day (Reaction Boost, Finishing Plus, Draw, 2x Lucky Lucky, MP Hastera and EXP Zero).
  • Roxas's initial AP is 50.
  • AP increases by increments of 3 instead of 2.
  • Compared to Standard and Proud, HP and MP quantities from Bonus Levels are halved (You only get 60 HP instead of 120 HP).
  • Compared to Standard and Proud, EXP gained is three-quarters of the normal amount.
  • Save file displays "Critical Mode".
  • Unlocking the "Birth by sleep" video just requires you to win the Gold Crown.
  • In the PlayStation 2 Browser screen, there is a symbol attached to the save data file on the memory card.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

  • Compared to Standard and Proud mode, the player deals half the damage.
  • Compared to Standard and Proud mode, enemies inflict twice the damage.
  • Compared to Standard and Proud mode, HP quantities from Bonus Levels are halved.
  • Game begins with five command slots.
  • EXP Zero is available as an ability.
  • Unlocking the Blank Points video requires you to complete the Final Episode.
  • In the PSP XMB, there is a cross symbol attached to the save data file on the memory stick.

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded

Mission Mode

Though not a difficulty level in itself, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days's Mission Mode boasts a difficulty level of its own, that surpasses even Proud Mode in the same game. Regardless of what difficulty you play on in Story Mode, Mission Mode's difficulty stays consistent. Due to its intended multiplayer purpose, designed for two or more players to cooperate, players deal far less damage than usual. With the bonus defense from automatic higher levels for enemies in Mission Mode, players only deal 0.5x damage, and take normal damage.

Related trophies

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep


Kingdom Hearts Re:coded

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