Kingdom Hearts
"Has a long reach and the ability to deal a string of critical blows."
Pumpkinhead Keychain KH.png
Japanese パンプキンヘッド
Strength MP Length
+7 +0
Crit. Rate Crit. Bonus Recoil
x0 +0 1
Lock the Keyhole at Halloween Town.

The Pumpkinhead (パンプキンヘッド Panpukinheddo?) is a Keychain for Sora's Keyblade which appears in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.

In Kingdom Hearts, Jack Skellington gives Sora the Pumpkinhead after he locks Halloween Town's Keyhole. In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, the Pumpkinhead is the signature Attack Card for Halloween Town.


The Pumpkinhead is almost entirely black in color. It has a simple handle, a facsimile of Jack Skellington's head adorning the hilt, and a jagged guard with thin, white veins that is modeled after Jack's bowtie. The shaft of the blade is thin and long, and the teeth resemble a stylized bat hanging from the blade. The Keychain token is a jack o' lantern.

The name "Pumpkinhead" references Jack's position in Halloween Town, the "Pumpkin King". Both Jack's head and a jack o' lantern are part of the Keyblade's design.

Other Appearances

Pumpkinhead is the Keyblade packaged with the Series 3 Play Arts Figures Halloween Town Sora.

See Also