Magic Panels are part of the Panel System found in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. Equipping magic panels allows the player to cast magic during missions.

Magic panels may be equipped on their own or linked to modifying panels, such as Magic LV2 ④ or Doublecast ④. The number of times you can cast a particular magic depends on the number of panels for that magic that are equipped, and on how many are linked to certain multiple-cast panels. Magic casts can be replenished during a mission by using Ethers, Hi-Ethers, Mega-Ethers, Elixirs, and Megalixirs. Magic panels are not used up when their magic has been cast.

The effects of the modifying panels are cumulative. For example, linking one Fire panel to a Magic LV2 ④ panel and a second to a Doublecast ④ panel will provide a total of three casts of Fire LV2.

Basic Magic

Leveling Magic

When basic Magic panels are equipped normally, they provide casts of Magic at LV1. By linking them to certain multi-slot panels, you can increase the level of the linked Magic, increasing the amount of damage dealt or health restored. The maximum level that can be reached is LV5.

Magic LV2

File:Magic LV2.png

Magic LV2 ④ (魔法LV2プラス④ Mahō LV2 Purasu ④?, lit. "Magic LV2 Plus ④") doubles the level of magic panels linked to it. Linking more of the same magic stacks the effect. Linking one panel provides a cast of LV2 magic, linking a second panel raises the level to LV4, and linking any more panels raises the level to LV5.

There are three Magic LV2 ④ panels available, each with a different configuration of its link zone.

  •   Received as a clear bonus for Mission 21.
  •   Available for purchase for 840 Heart Points from the Moogle Shop once Roxas is promoted to Rookie rank.
  •   Available for purchase for 2400 Heart Points from the Moogle Shop once Roxas is promoted to Master rank.

Magic LV3

File:Magic LV3.png

Magic LV3 ④ (魔法LV3プラス④ Mahō LV3 Purasu ④?, lit. "Magic LV3 Plus ④") triples the level of magic panels linked to it. Linking more of the same magic stacks the effect. Linking one panel provides a cast of LV3 magic, and linking any more panels raises the level to LV5.

There are two Magic LV3 ④ panels available, each with a different configuration of its link zone.

  •   Available for purchase for 840 Heart Points from the Moogle Shop once Roxas is promoted to Agent rank.
  •   Available for purchase for 1400 Heart Points from the Moogle Shop once Roxas is promoted to Expert rank.

Magic LV4

File:Magic LV4.png

Magic LV4 ④ (魔法LV4プラス④ Mahō LV4 Purasu ④?, lit. "Magic LV4 Plus ④") quadruples the level of magic panels linked to it. Linking more of the same magic stacks the effect. Linking one panel provides a cast of LV4 magic, and linking any more panels raises the level to LV5.

Magic LV4 ④ is found in a treasure chest in front of the starting point in the Side Street during Mission 74.

Multiple Casting


File:Doublecast.png Doublecast ④ (魔法回数2プラス④ Mahō Kaisuu 2 Purasu ④?, lit. "Magic Count 2 Plus ④")


File:Triplecast.png Triplecast ③ (魔法回数3プラス③ Mahō Kaisuu 3 Purasu ③?, lit. "Magic Count 3 Plus ③")


File:Quadcast.png Quadcast ③ (魔法回数4プラス③ Mahō Kaisuu 4 Purasu ③?, lit. "Magic Count 4 Plus ③")