Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Master's Defender

Revision as of 03:32, 19 January 2010 by (talk)
I haven't quite got the fine points down, like...when, or where... It just kinda kicks in whenever it wants to.
Young King Mickey B 6★ KHUX.png
This article is about a game or product that has yet to be released.

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Eraqus's Keyblade is a Keyblade used by Master Eraqus in the game Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. It has a dark gray shaft that tapers outwards at the ends and has a boxy guard, made up of small light gray boxes and copper rods. The teeth are in the shape of an "E", the first letter in his name. His keychain has the same symbol that appears on his, Ventus's, Terra's and Aqua's clothing.

In the final episode of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Aqua return with Ventus to the start of their journey, the Land of Departure, the world now shrouded in darkness. There they find Master Eraqus's Keyblade, the weapon left behind in same place since Eraqus's death by Terra's hand. Aqua uses the Keyblade to create the Chamber of Waking, and brought the blade with her upon departure.

At the end of Aqua's scenario, she left her own Keyblade in the Realm of Light, and is shown wielding this Keyblade in the Realm of Darkness, presumably still wielding it in the present.