Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
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Template:Enemy Setzer is the reigning champion of the Simulated Twilight Town's Struggle tournament, where he fights with Roxas. In the real Twilight Town, he was the champion until Seifer defeated him in the last tournament.
Many of Setzer's attacks are simple, although while using Roxas it is best to allow him to attack before counterattacking. He usually stands still on the arena until you've had about your fourth or fifth blow on him. Of all the Struggle opponents, Setzer is probably the easiest to defeat. Just remember to pick up the orbs that are scattered around the arena after hitting him. When knocked back, he will normally spin forwards in the air attacking anything in sight. When on low health and time, Setzer will power up the Struggle Bat and rapidly stab the air: avoid it. Keep using hit-and-run tactics and you will defeat him. He may be strong but if you are faster then he is you can beat him pretty easily.
To fight Setzer as Sora, the player will need to defeat Hayner ten times in a Struggle. This fight is exceptionally easy if you have the Trinity Limit ability. He always starts the battle with a bow, leaving him open. Even though you are alone, Sora may still do the Trinity Limit, attacking with a vicious combo in the air. The player may use this move twice in a row if they use the Reaction Command "Break". Even without using "Break", Setzer will have lost all his orbs, with the majority of them going to Sora. Sora may then run around collecting all the orbs, thus winning.
- Shake and Brush: Forward-step swing
- Flying Stab: Spinning air lunge
- Big Stab: Four advancing stabs
- Counterattack: Block then strike
Battle Quotes
- "My life is a chip in your pile. Time to ante up."
- "Are you scared of me?"
- "That's checkmate!"
- "You're mine!"
- "This isn't what we agreed on."
- "Ha. This is hardly a gamble."
- "I'm not supposed to lose!"