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Tchattez !
Friend Userbox?
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Can you come on it? —DemonicKunai 10:43, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
- Not just yet ; I'll need to freshen up and have dinner. Only then will I be on. TROISNYX AMDG 10:53, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
Hey! Do you think you could come on? maggosh 14:01, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
Hello again! Perhaps you'd like to come in? maggosh 03:25, June 28, 2010 (UTC)
- And...I'm up! :) I really hate to ask you again, especially seven hours after the last time. maggosh 11:39, June 28, 2010 (UTC)
I'll join you after dinner, I hope. TROISNYX AMDG 11:44, June 28, 2010 (UTC)
Tonight. I can't now ; I need to rest. I'm not feeling that well. But I'll have some good news to spill tonight ! ^_^ TROISNYX AMDG 03:52, June 29, 2010 (UTC)
- Well, tonight, that's...this morning for me. Oh well, time to get a good night's sleep, I guess...maggosh 05:21, June 29, 2010 (UTC)
Time to interrupt! Sorry, I'm anxious for your news, TNE! --史克威尔罗克斯
04:03, June 29, 2010 (UTC)
I got a second class upper, guys. That means my average for all subjects is 60-something %. Three B+ and one B. Wasn't least expecting it, but I'm satisfied nonetheless.
But as for the rest of the news, I need you all to talk to Nitrous X about this. Just saying it out loud right now is gonna make me cry and give me pain. TROISNYX AMDG 00:30, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
Get all the friends together - our usual bunch - and PRAY. HARD. NOW. Make it such that I won't leave ! TROISNYX AMDG 10:25, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
Leave? What? Organization13
10:33, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
- Have you not asked Nitrous X ? Mentioning the entire story here will make me cry again. TROISNYX AMDG 10:35, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
You can't leave! This wiki is nothing without you... I hope your father changes his mind. I would hate to know that my Song was a Good Bye song. But I'm sure that you won't leave. Think positive! You won't leave! User:Redeemer & Destroyer/Sig
- I hope he does. Worse comes to worst, this will be a provisory WB. Because I have a resolve to get back on. It's not about Kingdom Hearts, let alone the content, even if I know my KH1 and KH2 offhand. It's about you guys. You're among the most wonderful friends I've ever had. TROISNYX AMDG 01:48, July 1, 2010 (UTC)
- I shall not cry... I shall not... ;_; I think you are an amazing friend TNÉ!! Whatever happens, we will always keep you on our hearts*sob* Friends are our power.User:Redeemer & Destroyer/Sig
You really will be missed, TNE. I really appreciate all you've done for me, and I really should've repayed you back. Good luck. ^^ --史克威尔罗克斯
01:55, July 1, 2010 (UTC)
You're leaving, TNE? ;_; You willed be missed. All I can say is goodbye, and good luck with the rest of your life. I hope you don't regret being here, and you will be forever remembered. --Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono 02:09, July 1, 2010 (UTC)~
- Omigosh, guys, read carefully... I risk leaving, but it doesn't mean I am leaving or want to leave. So keep me on, you hear ? TROISNYX AMDG 02:12, July 1, 2010 (UTC)
Dear Lord, I pray to you tonight that Troisnyxetienne will stay here on the Kingdom Hearts Wiki. Things would never be the same without her voice around to cheer people up. If Trois left, would things collide and end up into rivalry and violence? TNE's peaceful words are always there when we need them and they really help us when we're in pain.
Don't leave, TNE. We need you more than you think we do. You're like the friend we would've never had.
Tell me how the prayer was, I'm not really good with this kind of stuff. :( --史克威尔罗克斯
02:17, July 1, 2010 (UTC)
- As long as it's from your heart, He'll hear. Now keep on, and persistence pays ! TROISNYX AMDG 02:19, July 1, 2010 (UTC)
TNE....the prayer came from the depths of my heart, where the true affection for others' hides. I would be sobbing everyday to see you leave... --史克威尔罗克斯
02:23, July 1, 2010 (UTC)
- I hope, from deep inside, that I won't have to leave. Yeah, we know some people are just plain selfish and want our love for themselves and themselves alone. TROISNYX AMDG 02:32, July 1, 2010 (UTC)
I really understand how you feel. --史克威尔罗克斯
02:35, July 1, 2010 (UTC)
No problem, TNE. My job is to make others happy when they're down in the dumps. ^_^ --史克威尔罗克斯
02:49, July 1, 2010 (UTC)
I shall pray for that as well. ^^ --史克威尔罗克斯
03:17, July 1, 2010 (UTC)
- WHAT?! TNE might leave?! No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no!04:53, July 1, 2010 (UTC)
Like I said... Start praying and hang in there ! I've already got a resolve to come back to the wikis I'm on. If you've heard what Xion4ever's case is, that's the exact situation I'm going through. TROISNYX AMDG 05:09, July 1, 2010 (UTC)
- TNE... Like everyone, I don't want you to leave... I'll be praying for you. =)
Dan - Don't Blink! ♫
11:06, July 1, 2010 (UTC)
I thank you... TROISNYX AMDG 11:09, July 1, 2010 (UTC)
Remember, you're dealing with someone who has already asserted his right on me like I'm some kind of... commodity. Now, I might know his true intention, but that's just not the way to act. Regardless, I'm at risk. TROISNYX AMDG 11:52, July 1, 2010 (UTC)~
- I really hope that your father will change his mind and that you don't have to leave. - LevL 12:10, July 1, 2010 (UTC)
I hope and pray that it may be so too...... I believe, in my heart, I'll find a way to get back on, no matter what happens. Lord, please bless my efforts ! TROISNYX AMDG 12:23, July 1, 2010 (UTC)
- TNE sama could you come on the irc just in case. a lot of us are on.ZACH 03:23, July 2, 2010 (UTC)
Not just yet---- TROISNYX AMDG 03:27, July 2, 2010 (UTC)
Hi. Maybe...you'd like to come on? maggosh 03:55, July 7, 2010 (UTC)
- Hold on.... I've got chores to do and DA is really making me angry. TROISNYX AMDG 03:59, July 7, 2010 (UTC)
Alright. My parents just left for a trip. :D maggosh 06:44, July 7, 2010 (UTC)
I'd love to... but after uploading this cover R/R is calling. I'll have to be away for a while. TROISNYX AMDG 03:00, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
- I see...well, I'll be waiting. And I'll enjoy your cover in the meantime. :) maggosh 03:08, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
Okay ! Merciiii ! TROISNYX AMDG 03:16, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
Tonight... Right now I'm working on KHFR's Gummi Enemies and soon after, I'll be heading to the PS2. TROISNYX AMDG 02:48, July 12, 2010 (UTC)
Hyear! Rrha apea erra chs hymmnos mea!
Pay attention! Immersed in ultimate happiness I’ll become a song!
Iea, ya! Ha (like hat) apea erra tchs (like i ciao) hyumnos mea
sEsEwYE melifan diasee/.
I’ll tell you the story of a child of God.
Sesewye melifan diasi^
Manac has? TNE!
Her name? Troisnyxétienne
Manak has? T N E!
Harr nyanyas nille bautifal hymma den ganna nille gigeadeth.
She is adorable like a pretty little bird but strong like iron.
Har (can be rra / whatever fits better) nyanyas(u) nilu bautifa hyunma den gana nilu gigadeis
xA harr h.m.m.r. granme wEwEjLYAnLYEcLYE ween dea LYUsphilar/.
Her singing of courage resonate in the sad soul of the people
Za fumuru granme “we we jly an lye clye” ween dea lyuisfi^lar
xU harr rUfUmYU walasye sik/.
She saw many people leave.
Zu har rufumyu wala^sye sik
Was au ga harr loss anw sguela titil.
She lost preciosities.
Was (like past verb to be) au ga a har los (like in Loz, the remnant) anu (anwa, whatever sounds better) isguaela titil
Den, was apea erra harr enerel ieeya.
But, she always had hope.
Dem, was apea e^ra har enerel i^ia
Was au ga harr llizz orviclle.
She may have had doubt.
Was au ga har liz orvicle
En saash llizz na hyma has, den
And God might not have listen to her, but.
En sa^sh liz na hyuma has, den
yanje/. -> xA herr yanje sAlE/.
She always belive.
Yanie pass za her yanie sahleh
Was waa ra yanje enne suwant merra.
She always wants to help us.
Was waa ra yanie enie suant merra
She always belive.
Was yea ra merra ee harr.
We praise her.
Was yar ra merra iee har
She always belive.
Was yea ra infel yor, TNE.
We thank you, Troisnyxétienne.
Was yea ra infel yoar, TNE
She always belive.
xE rre EhEmmLYErA_has a.u.k melenas/.
Her song is love.
xE rre “ehemum lyera” has auk melenas(u)
:/wAsEsE saash en hEkAtLYEtYE sphaela/:
“I gladly praise God, and happily embrace the world.”
Wasese sash en “heca tlye tye” isfaela
Ziaay xvim tavy tsssssssssssssvvvvvvvvvvvv
God! PLEASE! Give me happiness and protection.
Ziaay exvin tavi tseeeeeeeeeviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
yanje/. She always belive.
Was yea ra harr hymme spiritum granme.
She sings with a soul of courage
Was yea ra har hyunma ispiritum granme
Rrha apea erra chs hymmnos yor!
Immersed in ultimate happiness I’ll turn you into a song!
Rra apea erra tchs hyumnos yoar!
En chsee frawr yor
And become your flower
En chi^se (similar to cheese but without the ee sound) ra^wa yoar
wEsYE granme/.
and give you courage
wesye granme
jAzEtYE diasee/.
I summon the priestess.
Jazetie diasi^
Was yea ra crushue Implanta, TNE.
Troisnyxétienne, who crafts the fruit of God.
Was yea ra crushu^e Implanta
xA harr mAtAyyLYE metafalica/.
She creates the Utopia.
Za har matayylye metafalica
She always belive.
en na nozess ieeya.
And never lost hope
En na no^zes(u) (like nose but extend the s) i^ya
en na nozess granme.
And never lost courage.
En na no^zes(u) granme
cEzE hymmnos en sAsYAwYA melifan TNE/.
I’ll become a song and focus myself into telling you the story of Troisnyxétienne.
Ceze hyumnos en sasyawya melifan TNE
Nnoi en ar, inferiare TNE!
The one and only, beloved Troisnyxétienne
Noi en ar inferia^re TNE
Rrha yea ra diasee, diasee!
Child of God, priestess of God.
Ha yea ra diasi^ diasi^
Featured User Part 2
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Haven't forgotten...have you?
Yo Annette how's it going just dropping pass to say hey.--Drizzydre15 02:11, July 10, 2010 (UTC)Drizzydre15
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I need to talk to you.Glorious CHAOS! 05:44, July 12, 2010 (UTC)
Mirage Arena
Please check and comment, as soon as you can, at the Bye-Bye, Mirage Arena. I added the new rules there for people to see and comment.User:Redeemer & Destroyer/Sig
Well... people apparently lost interest in bringing it down. ENX said he doesn't care anymore. And a few users who were against are helping now. People stop commenting on the Bye-Bye forum. No one cared about the rules. KKD said they need improvement, but he never said on what exactly. I guess it's safe to say that I can re-open it on Sunday. I'll ask the IRC people right now if they are ok with it or if they object. What do you think? User:Redeemer & Destroyer/Sig
- Sounds good to me. Just so I can give you my feedback first, I'm all for it provided people are okay with the rules. As for the old/new rules, show them the old ones, then show them the new ones, and then ask them if it's okay. TROISNYX AMDG 12:00, July 24, 2010 (UTC)
I created a new forum (soon we I'll have like thousands of MA forums, they die to quickly ?_?) for the rules approval and MA re-opening. Re-opening the Mirage ArenaUser:Redeemer & Destroyer/Sig
Spoiler Markings
The spoiler markings are still around the information for 358/2 Days on the Castle Oblivion page. I was jw if I can delete or if they are being saved for a reason. The game is already out so jw.--Memorized
- For 358/2 Days ? If it's for 358/2 Days, remove it. The spoiler tags should only be on until two weeks after the English release. If anyone asks you, tell them you have my green light. TROISNYX AMDG 11:19, July 20, 2010 (UTC)
So the ones for coded should still be there? i'll go add them then.--Memorized
Sub. Pages?
Hi TNE! Um...if you don't mind could you help me add a sub. You see, I want to make my userpage smaller, with less "stuff' on it. Er...can you please put a sub page template on it?If you don't mind"User:OathkeeperKH/Signature
- Sure ; tell me what your subpage names are, and I'll get on to it, with your userpage colours. TROISNYX AMDG 01:27, July 3, 2010 (UTC)
Oh okay thank you so much! Wikia-like & Me- Like: Sandbox, Userboxes ,Videos, Pictures Other websites/wikias: Tinierme.com, Photobucket.com, Youtube.com, Shugo chara.wikia.com, code geass.wikia.com, bleach.wikia.com OathkeeperKH Only: Signature Talkbubbles AutoSig Is this okay? User:OathkeeperKH/Signature
- Okay, I'll try work on it later today. It'll take a while, but I'll have it ready. TROISNYX AMDG 01:56, July 4, 2010 (UTC)
No Problem! User:OathkeeperKH/Signature
a small question
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About the Re:CoM guide
Would it be alright if I put some good deck lists in it? As well as some various leveling choices?BlackSoulBlade 02:18, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
- Sure, by all means ! You could put it in the Tips and Tricks section if it's for Sora's Story, or create a similar section if it's for R/R. I'd love to see what you have in mind. TROISNYX AMDG 02:24, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
I'll get to work then. It's more for Sora's story though. After beating Re:CoM twice, I got a few good strategies.
- I see. I need to somehow work on R/R, but I'm scared to even advance because I'm bad in duelling. TROISNYX AMDG 02:39, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
It's been awhile since I played R/R all I can say is, hit DM and when you start a duel, spam X. I love R/R's insta-reload. ^_^ Also, it will take awhile for me to get those changes up, I have to C&P it from Word because every time I try to type it, it lags alot and it doesn't even put on half of what I wanted. *sigh* too bad this doesn't count towards my right to vote in the MA. I'm at 1 atm, I fixed a vandalised page.BlackSoulBlade 03:04, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
- It's alright...... Keep at it and who knows, you'll be able to get to vote in the MA !
- Also, I'm getting Kryten's help to create a Walkthrough space for all complete walkthroughs, including this one, so sooner or later, it won't be under user space anymore. I need as many people as possible to create the Forum Thread as evidence so we can get Wikia Central to have the space created for us. TROISNYX AMDG 03:18, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
So far so good, I just got the Enemy Physical and I'm moving to enemy magical.BlackSoulBlade 03:35, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
- Suhweet ! I'll be doing the part with Repliku's second combat and the entire Hollow Bastion episode, immediately after my round of mails. TROISNYX AMDG 09:07, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
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ummmm, are you any good at cutting out images for this site? --Kingdom Hearts Fan 01:49, July 5, 2010 (UTC) Kingdom Hearts Fan
- I can handle image cutting, provided the pics aren't too jagged. What's up ? TROISNYX AMDG 01:54, July 5, 2010 (UTC)
well on this website (http://www.eurogamer.net/gallery.php?game_id=8531&article_id=1168702) there are high quality images of new bbs characters that we dont have on this site at the moment, and i have tried cutting them out myself and havent been to sucessful and im sure it would be a great help if you were able to cut some of them out? would you be interested? --Kingdom Hearts Fan 02:06, July 5, 2010 (UTC)Kingdom Hearts Fan
- Okay, provided that place has full body renders. I'll see what I can do. ^_^ TROISNYX AMDG 02:08, July 5, 2010 (UTC)
- Wait, which renders are missing ? I thought we already have them all ? TROISNYX AMDG 02:09, July 5, 2010 (UTC)
oh i apologize i meant we have them all but i think it would be nice if we had like a larger High Quality image of the new characters like we do for characters from previous games? --Kingdom Hearts Fan 02:12, July 5, 2010 (UTC)Kingdom Hearts Fan
- If you ask me, the current BBS ones are HQ. Characters from previous games hardly had PNG renders, so all of them have a sort of JPG-like grain. And believe me, for BBS, since we have all of them in PNG, the quality can't go any higher than that. Sorta defeats the purpose of me resizing them on GIMP, really. If there are, say, for instance, Gummi-related images that I can crop, I'd be happy. TROISNYX AMDG 02:15, July 5, 2010 (UTC)
ha, reckon ur right, so no? lol--Kingdom Hearts Fan 02:23, July 5, 2010 (UTC)Kingdom Hearts Fan
ok what if i asked you maybe like for a personal favor? because for those imagges ive tried cutting them out using gimp buuuuut it wouldnt work, and if not for a personal favor is there anyway you could teach me how to cut out images like these for future refrences? --Kingdom Hearts Fan 02:32, July 5, 2010 (UTC)Kingdom Hearts Fan
i thank you verrrrrry much! and if u need anything just ask and i will see if im abale to help =]]]! but thank you again!!!!! --Kingdom Hearts Fan 02:54, July 5, 2010 (UTC)Kingdom Hearts Fan
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actually i thought he only did a couple, not all of them i.e. aurora (both) and philip, --Kingdom Hearts Fan 02:59, July 5, 2010 (UTC) Kingdom Hearts Fan
- Well.
- @Maggosh : Which might it be ? KHDestiny.fr or Kingdom Fantasy ?????
- @Kingdom Hearts Fan : Nope, he actually did quite a lot of them. {TROISNYX AMDG 03:02, July 5, 2010 (UTC)
ok, im confused what are we talking about now, i kno websites buutt yea im confused--Kingdom Hearts Fan 03:07, July 5, 2010 (UTC)Kingdom Hearts Fan
ok nope im caught up--Kingdom Hearts Fan 03:09, July 5, 2010 (UTC)kingdom hearts fan
- @Maggosh : Playlipse ? Not quite, but I could perhaps go take a look. I know that Unbirth and Gael are on JeuxVideo, and KHDestiny is affiliated to KHFR, and Kingdom Fantasy is the only site which hosts the interview with Sora's French voice, but apart from that... naw. TROISNYX AMDG 03:35, July 5, 2010 (UTC)
a small question
excuse me Troisnyxetienne, but i need to ask you a question. can you show me how to get one of those giant coloured speech bubbles like there is on the top of the page? (copy & Paste username to find me) User:WarMonger89. 10:53, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
Basicly i chose this picture: VenitasTalk.png and this as my quote: to bright a shine, shows eyes of envy.
a dumb question
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Is it possible to change your user name?
Oh,how the sea calls 23:52, July 15, 2010 (UTC)
- Changing a username would require creating another account and ditching the old one, if I remember correctly. Also, you can't transfer your edits. I know LotsoBearLover has changed his username twice - he was once Ghostboy3000, then switched to DemonicKunai, and now this. It's also a bit of a hassle if you're thinking of redirecting your old pages to the new ones. What made you think that anyway ? TROISNYX AMDG 00:36, July 16, 2010 (UTC)
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Ah.......okay User:OathkeeperKH/Signature
thank you for helping me so much!!!! cant wait to talk to you again!Roxas10 16:08, July 17, 2010 (UTC)