"Days that I have held, days that I have lost / days that outgrow, like daughters, my harbouring arms"
Nah, it didn't really, but I remember you referring to me as "he" on someone's talk page. Blame my tendency to use androgynous characters ^^;. Pleinair's actually going into retirement soon, to be replaced with the, er, rather more ambiguous Kino.
Oh. I see. ^_^ But how come you're putting him into retirement so fast ? I kinda loved looking at Plenair. Especially when it reminded me of pleine air (full air or summat).
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne
"Days that I have held, days that I have lost / days that outgrow, like daughters, my harbouring arms"
I've been using her in my template for some time, and I felt like it was time for an overhaul. I think her name is a pun on "en plein air". She's cute, isn't she? The artist seems to have some kind of obsession with her, though...so many pics...
En plein air indeed. Thanks for reminding me. ^_^ Dang it, my French is rusty already !
But wow, I love that Plenair pic - the one you singled out. ^_^
I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! • TroisNyxÉtienne
KrytenKoro - "Hey, I want to settle down. And as soon as I find the right small group of girls, the seven or eight women who are right for me, my wandering days are over, buddy." TALK -
Am I in there?
Damn, I need to upload the sketches I did for Maxina and Drexen.
DoorToNothing — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!
And by some chance, I had brought my dice along!
Yes, you are. I think you're the one wearing the Gargoyle hat. ^_^ I'm the Roxas looking character on the far right.
I'll miss you so much, TNE! You'll be in my prayers!
@Kryten : Yep, the Gargoyle hat and the technical sketch indeed. ^_^
@DTN : Merci ! Tu me manqueras !
It is rather funny what I would do for honey. • TroisNyxÉtienne
Just because we're kids doesn't mean we can't run a business— 19:39, September 4, 2009 (UTC)
Welcome back TNE! *hugs so tight that it makes camp Miri look like a play-date, then gives TNE a friendly welcome-back kiss* :P
I sure hope that I made your french welcome right (Bienvenue de retour), it means Welcome back, right?
I also archived your talkpage for you, as it was taking forever to load... If you are interested, our discussion on how to welcome you back can be found here :P
Many things have happened while you were away, including Me and DTN working on some stuff (including your new Days talk template archive) among other things. I also think that DTN has a wonderful surprise for you, but I'll let him tell you ;P Also, like you may have noticed, we have gone red :P Happy 358/2 Days! :D
Well, enough of my ramble, time to let other people speak! Anyway, welcome back, and don't go away again!
*Xiggie leaves the stand and the next person up is...*
DoorToNothing — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!
And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 23:57, September 4, 2009 (UTC)
*DTN arrives at podium, nearly fainting*
TNE, it's been too long, my friend! WELCOME BACK! *hugs through the varioius laws of physicals and placement (not so sure what Isaac Newton's gonna think about this one)* See, I told you you'd survive. ;P
I hope that you like Xiggie's welcome back template; there were some others, but I thought that one had a great personal touch to it. ;) Xiggie's right, we have been working a lot since you were here in July. By the way, I'm sorry that I couldn't be here on your break; I can't control the timing of 2-week long church camps! Anyway, Xiggie and I were working to get our Days Talk Template Archive project done before you returned, but we seemed to have procrastinated a little too long! But, who knows; I'm still gonna see if I can get close! -_^
@ Xiggie: Surprise? Oh, now I think I knows what you mean. *turns back to TNE* You may have already know this from our conversation last weekend over Twitter, but I'm a moderator now, along with HeartOfOblivion and Urutapu. The Staff page has also been remodeled, due to the new staff members making it too many for an Organization XIII layout. Check it out!
Well, enough of my ramble; I tend to do that alot. Again Trois, welcome back! If there's anything that we learned while you were gone, it was this: We're all one big Wiki-family, and without you, there was just a giant irreplaceable hole in it!
*Steps down so that whoever is next can begin squealing....*
* emits loud squeal and hugs TNE even tighter than Xiggie did* WELCOME BACK! I missed you! How was the National Service? Did you miss us? Things were OK here! I had fun at camp! Make sure to talk to me! *gets up and leaves for the next person*
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
*Hugs tighter than andie *WELCOME BACK Gives TNE a sea salt ice cream. SHall we have a sea salt ice cream Fair maiden??So how was touture (JUST KIDDING) How was camp?
Besides, I couldn't forget you, even if I wanted to.
Welcome back TroisNyx!!
HeartofOblivionTalk to me! — There was something important... Oh yes! I've decided on the pancakes. Blueberry!
Can you get me some cotton candy? Blue, not PINK !!!! — 03:25, September 5, 2009 (UTC)
I know we didn't talk much while you were here, but I am really glad that you are back! I did make you a welcome back template which was later combined with Xiggie's. It's on the forum page about your return. Be seeing you around, fellow Mod!
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
my turn!*walks up to podium tripping half way there*i'm alright i'm a bit clumsy we might not have talked much but your a good friend supported me a lot and probably the only reason i've gotten a bit better at my editing *hands tne a choclate cake*my cooking skills stink the cake was supposed to look kingdom hearts moon thing
GOOD, THAT'S WHAT I LIKE TO HEAR. — 06:17, September 5, 2009 (UTC)
Em... My turn... *walks up to said podium and has problems with papers along the way*
Welcome back, TNE, so glad-- No... Great and excellent to have you back here! I believe we've talked a few times while you were on your 6 day break, but you know what? Just those few conversations really showed me how great of a person you are to everyone here. Being Catholic, I prayed for your safe return. Um... So! Once again, it feels great that you're back with us on the Wiki.
ninjas off the podium after leaving a bottle of sparkling cider* What celebration is with food but no drinks? Cheers!
OMG... thanks ! ^_^ It's a pleasure to actually return and see all this stamped on my talk page. I'm happy and I thank the Lord I'm home !
Meanwhile, I'd better spill a little bit of the ending of my National Service story : you're now looking at the Best Trainee from the best company (Bravo) !
P.S. Dang, they had to give me a Green Requiem. I wonder what I can do to make myself worthy of the Organisation. Again.
I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! • TroisNyxÉtienne — 13:49, September 5, 2009 (UTC)
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
OMG it's really you *hugs until the midnight* Shall we have a sea salt ice cream? or shall we chat and talk about what happened at camp either way I am excited
Let's see. First off, I've gotta reconstruct my page. Secondly, I've gotta unpack. And thirdly, let's not forget the journal entries. I've got at least 100 of them. Guess a sea-salt ice cream would do me some good.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 14:13, September 5, 2009 (UTC)
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
*gives a sea salt ice cream to TNE* Guess what world got confirmed for BBS (Hint: The master of the world starts with S)
Not Sora, surely ?
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 14:18, September 5, 2009 (UTC)
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
Another hint. This character has his own movies and Tv show.
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
Doc rocco - I'm a bad guy, so you have to through me. Conversazione? -Ooh, aren't you clever? · 14:36, September 5, 2009 (UTC)
Hi! My name's Rocco. It's good to see you on the wiki. I hope you enjoy editing here.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute! I REMEMBER YOU! Greetings, my fellow grammar lover! Good to see you back, even if my activity has been lacking. Exams love to eat Internet time.
Again, great to see you back safe and sound! =D
LotsoBearLover - Welcome to sunnyside! TALK - You've got a playdate with destiny!"
Yes it is. BTW is the picture of that girl up there you?
DoorToNothing — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!
And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 18:22, September 5, 2009 (UTC)
Much as I did want to be Roxas on the old Staff page layout, we'll just have settle with this, I guess. Oh well, Thunder was my favorite spell anyway. :P Actually, I bet that you could convince Bebop, Kryten, or someone to change it back, just take out the inactive Admins and Bureaucrats. I think that will lower it back down to 13 staff members, 14 if necessary.
Anyway, TNE, I'm sure that you're probably sleeping right now, since it is about 2:30 AM over where you are. But if you aren't too busy with unpacking and other post-NS activities, how about a conversation on the one of our talk pages (or better yet the IRC, so that we don't have to deal with EDIT CONFLICTS.)
Yer mom - SOMOS HOMBRES O PAYASOS!!!! TALK - 19:03, September 5, 2009 (UTC)
I would've welcomed you yesterday but it was still the 4th in my calendar and it didn't feel alright xD!
Anywayz, welcome back! did you follow my advice on the friend/log as tiger bait? xD!! I'm glad you're back and with the best trainee title, now I know who I'll turn to when I need to earn how to handle them deathly wepons! ♥ We love you, and again, welcome back ^^
Hello there! Welcome back! I don't know you that well (only from the Wisdom Form talk page) but oh well! Welcome back, we all missed you!
Xion4ever All the world's a joke! — 01:32, September 6, 2009 (UTC)
It's such a shame. The Organization used to be the rope that bound us together. - 01:37, September 6, 2009 (UTC)
Hey trois, nice to have you back. It was kind of strange without you making edits.
@Ghostboy : Supposed to be a representation of me but I changed it here and there. And anyway, now I've got short hair so it isn't entirely me. ^_^
@DTN : Soon, after the unpacking/journal entry/file transfer is done. Ouf, that's a whole lot of files - easily 3000 in all.
@Yer mom : Thanks ! The H1N1 scare spoiled everything and we ended up not going into the jungle, damn...
@GS, @Xion4ever : Thanks !
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 02:43, September 6, 2009 (UTC)
Flashpenny - You'll wear the face of despair. TALK - Where's the fun in this?
I guess I should join in the welcoming committee. Welcome back to the KHWiki TNE. *Hugs*
Wow there's a first.
Welcome back, TNE! It's me, Mar. I'm just too lazy to use my talkbox because my computer is so slow and it would take 10 minutes to go to my page, copy paste and come back. I knew you would be back. Just in case you don't know, it was my idea to make the welcome template. But just my idea. Xiggie, Firaga, HoO, and many others made templates for you.
HeartlessSlayer - You see, I want to help them because...because...well, they need us. TALK - *&&X%
Hey welcome back! :D, hope things have been going well for ya!
Gosh, thanks guys !
It is rather funny what I would do for honey. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 12:15, September 6, 2009 (UTC)
KrytenKoro - "Punch your lights out, hit the pavement. That's what I call entertainment. Causin' problems makes you famous - all the violence makes a statement." TALK -
Here is a hat for you:
Eternal Nothingness XIII - I'm not afraid of what the darkness holds now. Even if you do wrest control of my heart from me, even if you cast me into the deepest, darkest abyss, you'll never sway me from the one cause that pushes me to keep on fighting. Whatever the cost, I'm ready to pay it. TALK - There's darkness within me... So what does that matter? I know I'm strong enough to hold it back. — 23:14, September 7, 2009 (UTC)
Hello, TNE. I am EO, not that you remember me...I did change my user account, though...anyways, I'm so glad you've returned...all in one piece, I hope? I kept you in my prayers...and it looks like they worked...I hope to become good friends, and I'm sure I'll enjoy working with you. Feel free to message me at any time. Days comes out soon...I've had dreams about it...lol. Anyways, yeah...c ya...I have school this week, as I will for the next 10 months, but I will be on almost every afternoon...
Thanks guys. ^_^ Yep, all in one piece, though I must say I've gone three shades darker than usual (cookie !).
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 01:23, September 8, 2009 (UTC)
DarkestofHearts - You have poured so many memories into me, given me so much... that I feel like I'm about to overflow. TALK - Thank you, Riku.
Okay, let's be friends! So how was National Services?
Eternal Nothingness XIII - You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials. TALK - What I do, I do for friendship. — 00:47, September 10, 2009 (UTC)
I feel so foolish asking this...but did we ever say we were friends? Anyways, you should come on the IRC some time between 3:00 and 9:00 pm EST so we can talk...Sorry to be a bother.
Eternal Nothingness XIII - Ven, Aqua... I'll find some way to make things right. TALK - This light... it's so warm. — 00:56, September 11, 2009 (UTC)
OK. Shall I upload and show you upon its completion? It is by far my best work...considering I'm only 14. And the IRC chat at about 4:00 EST would be nice, followed by the "Sub-Page" lecture. And do you think I could be added to that pic, if I'm worthy? I look like Harry Potter minus the scar, and I have brown eyes instead of blue.
Nice. I'll have you upload the thing soon. I'll perhaps redraw the entire pic, when I'm less tired. Remind me !
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 01:18, September 11, 2009 (UTC)
Eternal Nothingness XIII - I'm not afraid of what the darkness holds now. Even if you do wrest control of my heart from me, even if you cast me into the deepest, darkest abyss, you'll never sway me from the one cause that pushes me to keep on fighting. Whatever the cost, I'm ready to pay it. TALK - There's darkness within me... So what does that matter? I know I'm strong enough to hold it back. — 19:50, September 11, 2009 (UTC)
Sounds good. I will be sure to. And I'm sorry about the IRC last night...what time was it where you were when you logged on? It was 9:00, my bedtime during the school week, where I was. Anyways, I'll be on the IRC for a "take two" until 11:00 where I am, and whatever time it is where you are.
Hehe, I don't remember.... ^_^"
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 02:43, September 12, 2009 (UTC)
Eternal Nothingness XIII - I'm not afraid of what the darkness holds now. Even if you do wrest control of my heart from me, even if you cast me into the deepest, darkest abyss, you'll never sway me from the one cause that pushes me to keep on fighting. Whatever the cost, I'm ready to pay it. TALK - There's darkness within me... So what does that matter? I know I'm strong enough to hold it back. — 03:10, September 12, 2009 (UTC)
Yup. I was surprised they made us read it for HIGH SCHOOL! Reading 700 page novels in 8th grade and then a boring 90 pager with only one piece of action/violence at the very end? Please. And don't worry about it. I'll pester you more later...lol
As long as my browser can support all these open windows... ^_^
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:14, September 12, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Je suis si en retard, mais j'ai été absent aussi!
My French has also grown a bit rusty, but I am delighted that you have come back nonetheless -- perhaps I should write another poem...
Regardless, I am Christoph again, though I have no intention of renouncing my Marluxia userbox.
Absent ? T’étais où ? D’ailleurs, je suis si contente de pouvoir te parler ! ^_^ Well, keep the Marluxia talkbox, I don't think you'd need an image change unless everyone's using the same TTT2 template...
This monster... This is no Unversed. Just a dweller of Darkness. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:55, October 1, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I have become, regrettably, quite busy -- I have just recently started internship as a part of my teaching methods class, though before that I had summer school (I do wish to graduate on time, though it seems that a rather large number of university students here have begun to take five years to complete a course of study rather than the customary four), though I have begun to rearrange my priorities in my free time as well (and, therefore, I should be writing more and goofing off less).
Regardless, I did manage to draw several of my older poems out of an immense pile of saved e-mail drafts, though many of them make me rather sad (not because they are bad, but because a few of them deal with sorrow, loneliness and innocence as a central theme), though I suppose I am writing another novel-length post (which reminds me, I do enjoy reading lengthily British novels -- I have become excessively fond of Jane Austen of late).
I also would not renounce Marluxia were everyone to steal my template -- I am quite fond of the rather frightening flowery fiend. *laughs*
Oh well. At least you're here. ^_^
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 04:51, October 1, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Indeed I am, and to stay this time.
I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! • TroisNyxÉtienne — 01:29, October 2, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Does this mean that you missed me?
Certainement oui ! Je me suis sentie si vide pour trois mois !
I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:08, October 2, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Tu t'est sentie vide? Je suis bien supris, mais je suis aussi plait d'être si manqué.
And regardless, I am really quite glad to have returned.
*TNE pats Chris on the back* Well, what next ?
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 12:23, October 2, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
In reality, I continue my studies and become a schoolteacher; here, I continue to edit and talk to you (and other people) with this incredibly pink Marluxia bubble.
I'm still headhunting for a law school.
Why did the Keyblade choose me? I have to know. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 15:08, October 2, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
You make that sound so very mercenary (and you make Wendy look so very sad about it, which reminds me that I should give Marluxia a few more expressions), though I daresay you would make a more decent lawyer than a good number of those out practising today.
At university, I often find that serendipity is the order of the day -- it is rather difficult to explain, but I believe that things simply have a way of falling into place as they belong, though perhaps I am being a bit too idealistic....
I can't say for sure. One thing I do know is this - Oxbridge has already rejected me. Not like I'm considering Oxford or Cambridge, though I'd like to read law in the UK. After all, Commonwealth nations practise the same legal system.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 15:20, October 2, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Oxbridge rejected you? Quelle suprise!
Regardless, I would love to go to Britain someday -- the weather there promises to be cold, wet and dreary, just as I like it (facetiousness aside, I do prefer a cooler climate than the one in which I now live).
Indeed. Oxbridge expects 3 As in GCE A-Levels. I missed an A.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 15:38, October 2, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Ah, so you have a British educational system as well -- I am, admittedly, rather unfamiliar with the admissions practices of the same after having been rather easily accepted at university in the US.
Regardless, if you do go to Britain, send my greetings to the queen (I have heard that, if you have the chance to see her, an absolute mob will appear just before she does to watch her pass by -- it must be quite the sight to see).
Indeed. Well, it depends on where I'm posted. If I'm in Buckingham, there's a fair chance of me bumping into Her Royal Highness. If I'm in Hull or somewhere further... that's another story.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 01:48, October 3, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I imagine that you shall find your share of serendipity at law school (even if it does not mean that you will meet the queen) -- where is it that you would most like to go?
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I have just noticed that lovely sketch on your conscription userpage -- I must admit that I wish I could draw half so well....
I have actually just had a bit of good luck of my own in discovering an old cache of writing that I thought was lost but which now wants polishing -- I hope that some such good fortune will come your way as you continue to search for a school.
BUCKINGHAM, that's where ! ^_^ It's close to London and at least I won't be far from my relatives in Essex !
And about the sketch... thanks ^_^ It was serendipity.
I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! • TroisNyxÉtienne — 04:33, October 8, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I have come to adore that word, serendipity, though I cannot really say why (I suppose I have been using it everywhere recently, nearly so often as I claim that something "just isn't my cup of tea") -- but who, may I ask, are all those people in the sketch?
(and p.s. I pity the school that rejects you.)
Yep, indeed. Ha ! Oxbridge rejected me - soon enough they'll know WHO THEY REJECTED ! That's a decision they'll regret in the (after)life.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 04:42, October 8, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
They shall rue this when you emerge brilliantly upon the courtroom scene and shame all with your wit and dignity (this is, at least, how I fancy you would appear in a court of law) -- regardless, I am still curious as to the subject of your sketch.
And not only that, once I make a name for myself as a recording artiste they know who they've missed !
The sketch, well, it's all the members of KHW that I could think of, with the hooded guy for all the people I did not know how to draw back then (well at least now I know how to sketch Marluxia). I did this for KHW before leaving for National Service.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 04:48, October 8, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
This may seem a rather odd question, but what is KHW (I believe that I have heard of something called Kingdom Hearts World, and the acronym would certainly match, but I do not really know what that is either).
And now I must away to sleep, for the hour grows late, or rather early, and I get to speak to an actual French person tomorrow via the Internet!
Kingdom Hearts Wiki. I always refer to it as KHW. Meanwhile, bonne chance for tomorrow... and sleep tight ! ^_^
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 04:52, October 8, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I suppose I should have recognised that -- though the obvious eludes me most when it presents itself openly, I rue.
I have just come of the chance encounter with the French student, who actually happened to be an Italian named Guido, though he spoke fluent French (and English, with an endearingly foreign accent) -- due to several technological problems, the conversation did not go as well as it might, and I must admit that I was a little disappointed, though the Italian was very nice -- I wish I could have spoken with him longer.
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Salut une fois encore!
I am quite inexplicably delighted at the moment, perhaps because of the dreary, cold, rainy weather -- I absolutely adore it -- and thought to ask how your hunt for a proper law school fares. I believe that you will make quite the fine solicitor -- your argumentative skills are exceptional.
Also, a sonnet I found in an old collection of things I have written.
Well... it's still hitting the lows. But believe me, rather than being a barrister/solicitor, I'd perform on stage ^_^... I've resolved to get that law qualification so that people won't play me out, and since lawyers have to learn up the law every single time, I guess it helps for me too.
I'm reading the sonnet at the moment.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:52, October 28, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I do hope that you like it -- I cannot really recall why I wrote that one.
Oh my, it's nice ^_^
I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! • TroisNyxÉtienne — 04:03, October 28, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I would make Marluxia smile, but I still have yet to make a more expressive userbox -- I am not certain about how well I like the fourth line of the third stanza (the one regarding the wolf being stained black); what do you think of it?
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Will take a look. Thanks for sharing ! Loved the "white" part.
EDIT : Okay, I'm just three years younger than you are and I can already qualify as your trainee ! :P You seriously do have the word "teacher" spelt across. ^_^
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 04:09, October 28, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
A number of people on that message board were shocked by it, for they had all imagined me short, fair-haired and light-eyed, though I suppose that the picture would be a bit more realistic were I wearing my overcoat. People also tell me that I look more like a professor than a schoolteacher, though I would be honoured to teach you anything you like (as though you would need me to do so).
I also changed one line of the sonnet -- what do you think of the revision?
It's good... I think the entire impression's there. ^_^ By the way, this is me. It does look like I'm posing for a shot but well, like I said, I'm just three years younger than you are and I can already qualify as your trainee :P
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 04:26, October 28, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
On your way to the officers ball, are you, Gerneral Étienne? What is that written on your cap? I cannot quite read it, though I do have a rather great suspicion that it is neither English nor French, and therefore out of the scope of my knowledge.
Regardless, I do hope you did have a lovely evening at the ball (and, facetiousness aside, I do like the quote accompanying your picture, despite not being certain of whether or not you are wearing any sort of formal uniform). The hat is also surprisingly fitting, though I never before pictured your being especially militant.
:P Officers' ball... Huhuhu... The beret reads Khidmat Negara (National Service). That thing's in Malay.
I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! • TroisNyxÉtienne — 23:09, October 28, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
That would make you at least trilingual then (English, French and Malay) -- shall I express my approbation with thunderous applause, or perhaps my envy by flushing three shades too green (the Americal educational system is not renowned for teaching foreign languages, and I began to study French when I was eighteen after three years of secondary-school Spanish).
Was national service the absolute nightmare you imagined, or perhaps something a bit more benign than was originally envisioned?
Heh, not too sure ! NS was a bit more benign, I suppose, because I had a good set of teachers. But the food was horrible, as I had imagined, and there were fights (that's a staple in every camp, believe me), and I was bullied. Now that, I didn't expect. But all the things that I liked helped me clear the mess in my head. I guess.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 00:07, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
You were bullied?! *hugs* *seizes nearest lethal object and charges at your oppressors*
Does that make it seem as though I hate bullying with a passion (I do, because of firsthand experience)?
But enough on the subject of things better left forgotten -- I am glad that you have been able to clear your head for it, and I do hope that you find yourself soon comfortably installed in a prestigious institution in some delightful corner of the planet. And as for your being my trainee, for what would I be training you?
Hm, what would you teach me ? :)
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 02:53, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - What are you...Saying...?
You...were bullied...? No way. Why would anyone want to bully you? You're a very wonderful person. Are they jealous of you?
Yes, for some odd reason, they were. Maybe because they hated to see someone within their company doing so well... I was the life of the party back then, and I'm sure they didn't like it. To hell with them anyway ! Chris, you, I and the rest of KHW all know that TNE is now the Best Trainee in the Best Company (as I mentioned some time ago) and I think they'd be kicking themselves in the face... metaphorically speaking.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 00:33, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
Hmmm...I know how you feel. I get bullied everyday. It might be minor, but that still doesn't make it right. I speak to you and the others for comfort.
Indeed. ^_^ But you know, I used to be bullied everyday back when I was at school. It was only when I made a name for myself that people realised who I truly am. I mean, there are some who won't be happy with who we are. It's either because they like to prey on those whom they think are weaker, or those who they want to be like. But where you've been, I've been too ::hug::
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 00:42, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
I'm still there. My mom keeps telling me to make friends, but who wants to be friends like those people, anyway? What do they have agaisnt who are different! Why do they pick on me? I don't even know them. It's ridiculous.
^_^ Believe me, you know what I did to put them to shame ? That performance which you see in User:Troisnyxetienne/Qui suis-je. I'm sure you have a specialty of your own, so when the time comes, just go ahead and wham ! I know it took me a long time and I practically had to suffer because the person who bullied me was the head of the dormitory. And we all suffered under her. The company head, who was sleeping next to me, was like, "There, this is what we call a useless dorm head" but we still put up with it for like, two months I think ? And after that, wham !
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 00:51, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
Wow! You're amazing!!
You can be too !
I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! • TroisNyxÉtienne — 00:59, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
No, I can't. You'd never seen me in real life. There's nothing amazing about me. No one on the wiki thinks about that highly of me, either. The ones that are amazing are you, Lord Xiggie, Sir GS, and Sir DTN!
Try implanting those two words into your head : you can. I had always thought I wasn't amazing until I gave my all in NS. I was always made to feel like I was nobody. Just a wannabe singer who doesn't even have a good sense of fashion. I mean, right now you're feeling the same way too, but soon enough when you say "I can" you'd definitely wanna break out of your shell and try something crazy. And crazy ideas always pay off. ;-)
I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! • TroisNyxÉtienne — 01:06, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
Thanks for trying to cheep me up, but I know I can't. Besides, trying something crazy in school isn't really my thing. I gott be "lady-like" or else my mom is going to kill me.
You can always remain lady like and do something crazy. Like, my idea of uniting the trainees in such a way appeared crazy to the people around me. You can. Tell yourself you can. MN and Xiggie always tell me the same thing. I'm sure you'd want to find your place in school... and in the world later, right ?
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 01:14, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
Of course, I do. I have a sense of belonging here, on the wiki. But, I have my doubts sometimes.
Yes, sometimes, so do I. But life's too short to have any doubts ! There's a conscience which tells us if what we do is right or wrong, and I'm pretty sure making a name for oneself isn't wrong !
@Chris: Aide-moi. S'il te plait.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 01:22, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
One moment, I have just recovered from a Firefox crash, though the rapidity your conversation kept me from inputting anything (I type novels rather than normal posts, if you will recall, so I fully expected such to happen).
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
Huh. Well, my consciene isn't very helpful to me at times.
Oh dear.......
This monster... This is no Unversed. Just a dweller of Darkness. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 01:51, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - One day, the light-it will be ours, and it will bring us together. Til then, I'll be in your heart...
I need to freshen up. Not sure if I'll be back on time but I hope I am !
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 01:59, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Pardon me, Firefox did not seem to wish to co-operate at the moment, leaving me unable to say anything.
To Ninjashiek: I was also bullied in school, with my sheltered childhood rendering me quite the easy target and with no means of repelling the bullies in question than becoming a teacher's pet (I have a natural tendency to attach myself to protective teachers, and have even decided to become one, both because I love my subject and because I wish to save the children from their own twisted youth culture).
Forget your doubts *hugs*, they really are not worth your time (please pay no mind to the fact that a scatterbrained, indecisive bookworm happens to be saying this) -- and to be a lady is to live and act with dignity and grace, only this and nothing more, and although proper manners are ever a good, they are secondary to graciousness of demeanour (which you appear to possess, though I suppose I should be a bit more reserved about saying so, for we have only just met). *takes both Ninjashiek and Troisnyx into a large, clumsy hug*
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - Don't worry. You might forget about me...But, with our promise, I'll come back.
Thank you so much, Sir Christopher! Tee hee hee! You have the same name as my idiot brother and a lazy friend of mine! So, are...Like friends now or something?
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
My name isn't really Christopher (or Christoph, for that matter), though I do prefer it to my own name, and use it nearly everywhere in some form or another on the Internet.
And yes, it does mean that we are friends now -- if you wish it to be so, that is.
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I was just (quite inadvertently) tickled when I noticed that our talk bubbles bear the images of Namine and Marluxia -- I suppose I really don't fit his character very well.
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - Don't worry. You might forget about me...But, with our promise, I'll come back.
Sure. I don't mind. Nice to meet you, Sir Chris. I'm Sheik. NinjaSheik.
EDIT : @Chris : Your name starts with a B doesn't it ? :)
I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! • TroisNyxÉtienne — 02:43, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
NinjaSheik - All of this might have started with a lie...But I'm really am glad that I could meet you... TALK - Don't worry. You might forget about me...But, with our promise, I'll come back.
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Actually, it does not (that name was equally fabricated, though is only used on that one site) -- my true name is something of a secret, though you can find it out if you can find the right Christoph elsewhere.
On another note, I do not wish to sound unpleasant in saying so, but I actually prefer Christoph(er) to Chris (my template only uses that name that I may enter it quickly). Ninjasheik has actually made Christopher grow on me a bit more than it already had (I plan to name my son Christopher, if ever I have one).
Ah oui Christophe ! ^_^ Just how many aliases are there ? Not B, not C... I guess I'll have to think, think, think hard !
I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:07, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
There are only four, all of which involve either the name Christopher or Sebastian in some way, though one is presently defunct due to my having temporarily departed from the board at which it was used.
Follow the threads lain by Christoph Schrader and Jacques Bastien Rosier and all shall soon be revealed -- Christoph is something of an amateur linguist, and Bastien is a writer -- I do hope that you will be good enough to discover who I truly am (note well: Christoph Schrader is a common enough German name, but I am not German, Austrian &c, though I do have Germanic heritage, as is visible from the photograph).
Or you could just e-mail me and hope that I answer (my e-mail address has my real name attached to it).
Ah. My lips are sealed. *draws leaden zip across mouth*
EDIT : 03:38, October 29, 2009 (UTC) Still searching.....
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:20, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Am I to presume that you have found my true identity, then? I wish at times that we could speak in some way that did not involve the editing of wiki pages, though the eternal record of our communication is quite lovely.
Have you ever notice that Annette and Etienne are nearly anagrams of one another (switch t for i and a for e and you have it).
I was thinking the same about Annette and Etienne... Wait, don't presume anything ! I'm still looking for clues but haven't come across any ^_^
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:45, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
The best anagram of Annette I can create is Nanette, any others seem a bit awkward -- especially when adding an 'x', which yields such oddities as Nextante and Taxtenne, neither of which is immediately appealing...
I suppose I have been rather taken with anagrams of late, though I am an avowed lover of words in general.
It's gonna be even more difficult to add X'es to your (user ?)name... Schradrex ? o.O
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:58, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I hope that you will forgive me for the creation of yet another section to this page, though I suppose it almost necessary to the convenience of editing.
I would rather just rearrange Christoph(er), but that gives an awkwardly large number of consonants, and oddities such as Rophrischer. Adding an 'x' only makes matters worse, giving things such as Chosthextripher. I suppose you could anagram Topher (which I prefer to Chris as a short form) to Xopthre or Phothrex, both of which sound like some sort of prescription medication.
Perhaps simply Rextoph would do?
Mmhmm *chortle* Yes, Rextoph's much better. ^_^ Well in my case I came up with the Nobody name rather than the so-called "actual" name. If Troisnyxetienne's the Nobody name, you wouldn't wanna imagine the "somebody" name...
I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! • TroisNyxÉtienne — 04:14, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Are you, perhaps, attempting to trace me through my watchlist? Thus far it has been Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Magnet -- whatever will be next? I suppose that Rextoph must have taught Troisnyx to use magic when she first appeared: he specialises in flower-elemental magic, which appears to be drawn from his strong childhood attachment to flowers, though absolutely adores random (generally useless) knowledge, including other spells that he doesn't seem to care to use.
Perhaps this little piece of fictional data will aid you in your search.
Ha ! Call that tracking you down ! :P For the amount of unstructured information there was in the magic/abilities list. Let me guess - Marluxia now right ?
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 04:34, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Tracing me through my watchlist (which does contains all thirteen members of the Organisation and every spell, as well as the page on magic (some of which I penned myself), this page and my own userpage. If you attempt to trace me through Marluxia, you cannot do so through his entry, but rather through my talk balloon.
I think I got you. :P (What am I, a stalker like Yer Mom ??)
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 04:51, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Well, what have you found?
Zipo ! Nothing - Attempted to get into your watchlist but then for some reason got redirected to mine.
There are some things even the stars cannot tell me. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 04:57, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I already basically told you its contents...
It once contained more, though my long absence, coupled with a change in e-mail, seems to have erased the better part of it (thereby ending the case of watchlistitis once listed on my userpage).
Okay ^_^ Chuuuuut ! Mine's easy !
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 05:07, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Or consider Christoph's hobby.
Reading/writing stuff ?
This monster... This is no Unversed. Just a dweller of Darkness. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 05:21, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I suppose you could also investigate my operations under a certain other name....
You know, I'll have to read and re-read this conversation over again. Once I begin the investigation. Tonight. Because right now, I think I've got a sharp pain in the head......
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 05:26, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I wish I had a "concerned text" or something to show a better facial expression, though I shall perhaps delete a few hints -- my watchlist may or may not help you, though you are welcome to look at it.
I do hope that I have not caused your head-pain -- do go to bed and rest awhile...
looks concerned*
I need to go to bed as well -- I can finish this French homework tomorrow.
No worries, I think it'll get better tonight... I hope ^_^ Catcha soon...
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 05:31, October 29, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I have heard that your wikibreak is over, and am delighted that you have returned -- I was taken away by various matters in my own world, but I am still here, watching over the magic and members of the organisation from afar.
Merci pour l'accueil ! It's good to be back as a regular editor. Well, I had my share of silly Organisation stuff over KHFR for the past three weeks :P But it's all good. How've you been ?
It is rather funny what I would do for honey. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 12:20, November 24, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I have been well, more or less, and survived a cold that resulted in some rather unpleasant coughing, and my tenure as a student intern is drawing to a close (I actually enjoy this part of teacher training better than the methods class itself). It is nearly Thanksgiving, and I am quite excited about the coming holiday. What about you, how proceeds your hunt for the perfect law school?
I got into law school ! It's actually a feeder university - so if I do well for the first and second years (God willing !), I'll be able to further my studies to the University of Cardiff. Meanwhile, the weather's dreary, and over here, practically everyone's down with a cold, so welcome to the fray.
I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! • TroisNyxÉtienne — 14:05, November 24, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Are you already in Wales (Cardiff is the regional capital of Wales, if I remember correctly)? My surname is actually Welsh, though I have no idea how far back one would need to go to find an actual Welsh relation (it has been Anglicised in spelling, and means something akin to "grey" or "frost-covered"). Regardless, I am delighted that you have found a school that is to your liking (I hope).
Well, I'm not in Wales yet... I need to get a 50% GPA for my first year, and a 65% GPA for my second year if I want to go there. Heck, I want to ! ^_^
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 14:34, November 24, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Well, best of luck (I am certain that your intellect will suffice in its stead, however) -- I have heard that the British Isles are a lovely place, and would not mind having studied there myself, though my subject is literature rather than law (as I am certain I must have said before).
It feels rather strange asking out of the blue, but what series of Japanese characters should I use to render my username into Japanese?
Katakana. That's the safest. In fact, it's used to render words from any other language into Japanese.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:05, November 25, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I have rendered it as follows -- クアイストフ シュアオダ Kuaisutofu Shuaoeda (Christoph Schroeder) -- does this look correct to you? I didn't want to use the r sound to transcribe the sound of an English r as it is too easily confused as l, and therefore used a hyper-nonrhotic transliteration. As with many other transitions from Japanese to English, Christoph Schroeder becomes Christoph Schraeder.
Let me correct that : クリストフ•シラェ一ダ一 Kuristofu Shraeda.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:26, November 25, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I actually prefer Schroeder to Schraeder -- I probably should have rendered it Kurisutofu Syuroda -- I rather like the linguistic discrepancy.
Hm, shrouding yourself in mystery again I see ? ;-)
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:35, November 25, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I rather enjoy acting in the character of Christoph -- I am quite fond of him, though I do think that Schroeder is a more fitting last name, and that the English translation will be explained away by stating that someone who thought he ought to sound a bit more intimidating changed it.
Regardless, I suppose the final Japanicisation should read クリストフ•シロダ Kurisutofu Syuroda, again, literally, Christoph Schroeder. I suppose I will have to give him a history now....
You'd better ! ^_^
EDIT 03:50, November 25, 2009 (UTC) : On a side note, I've noticed that almost everyone using the Marluxia icon has the numbers 1 and 2 in their age. Coroxn is 12, you're 21 and another user from KHFR's 21.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:47, November 25, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
How very odd, and yet also very amusing!
Shall I begin to tell you his tale here? No -- too much clutter -- I will use my own neglected userpage -- how might I split my page between the article and the discussion as you have done here?
Hm... all talk stuff goes to the talk page, I suppose !... Put up a section for the story on your userpage, and then link back to it here. Not sure how else to get around it...
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 04:15, November 25, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Shall he be from Hollow Bastion, or perhaps Twilight Town? Maybe even a world of his own?
Edit: I have begun the tale, but I fear that it may be a bit too sad....
Never mind the sadness. I've faced more than people can imagine. Bring it.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 06:37, November 25, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I have given Christoph his own world, the City of Lights, which is a large Belle Epoque European-esque city surrounded by a large hardwood forest. I suppose that, even though it is more a summary than an actual story, this will be the first piece of fanfiction (even though it uses an original character).
Which now leads me to the question : the style's Belle Epoque, which kinda invokes happy thoughts for many. And Christoph's story is...... sad ?
This monster... This is no Unversed. Just a dweller of Darkness. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 15:06, November 25, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
A bit, he is turned into a heartless (though he doesn't immediately realise this, and may never know) rather quickly, among other things, though he is immediately pleased by the way he looks as a nobody. I suppose it becomes better as he discovers several new abilities (the ability to fabricate documents out of nothing seems to be one, as his weapon is a pen), though I have just encountered another character, who I think may actually be his heartless, which appears to have retained something like his former image as he, at least theoretically, surrendered his heart willingly for a book (but as he is still a child, his darkness wasn't very strong, so his heartless is considerably weaker than his nobody, both physically and mentally, and is also incredibly sentimental).
It is a very beautiful city, and Christoph (who has become Christo and Topher somewhere along the way) is delighted by his first time taking an actual stroll through it, and makes his first friend after disappearing into the forest (even though this "friend" is just the emotional half of his personality). I suppose this means that he will have to go on some sort of quest to rejoin himself and his heart, though he won't want to give up what he has gained in becoming a nobody (he is taller, stronger, faster and prettier, as well as annoyed by the petals that always seem to follow him).
Wow. ^_^ *salutes* I'm trying to imagine what the character would look like.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 15:45, November 25, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Which one, Christo, Topher or Christoph?
I'm as good as new! All my functions have been restored! • TroisNyxÉtienne — 15:48, November 25, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Well, how do you suppose they might look? I shall give you a hint -- for Topher, delighted at being a nobody, I used, for his theme [The Legendary Sorcerer], whereas for Christo, not so happy to be a heartless, I have chosen [Guiding Star]. I must admit that I am very fond of listening to the soundtrack of [Tales of Legendia] while writing.
And there I was, all ready to write a soundtrack !
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 16:21, November 25, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Oh, pardon me -- I only meant to give you an idea of the differences between the two...perhaps you can recreate the original Christoph from the following details --
Christo (heartless) has black hair, Topher (nobody) has white.
Christo has dark blue eyes, Topher's are silver.
Christo is very freckled, Topher has no freckles at all.
Christo and Topher both have long hair (a trait that identifies inhabitants of their world)
Christo is shorter and thinner than Topher
Christo is small and rather weak, Topher is larger and physically powerful
Christo acts primarily based on instinct (because he is a heartless), Topher overthinks everything (because he is a nobody)
Christo is sickly, Topher is incredibly energetic
Christo does not realise that he is a heartless, Topher does not know that he is a nobody
Both Christo and Topher know what Unversed are, but only think of them as fairytale creatures
Christo falls asleep very easily, Topher is an insomniac
Christo is very reserved with expression, Topher is openly affectionate
Christo and Topher both have flower-elemental magic
Christo resembles a black mage, Topher a white mage
Christo is at first a bit wary of Topher, Topher likes Christo immediately
Christo cannot climb trees very well (Christoph's favourite hobby other than reading), but Topher is strong enough to carry Christo to the top without effort (Christoph cannot do this)
Christo eventually becomes Topher's "Guiding Star," whereas Topher will become a "Legendary Sorcerer" (to pun off the names of the songs -- the two are startlingly accurate descriptions)
Christo does not possess any memory of having been Christoph, Topher does, but no longer thinks of himself as being so
Christo does not inherit Christoph's literary talents, Topher is able to create documents of any sort instantly
Christo will later be shown to read Sense and Sensibility, while Topher reads Pride and Prejudice
Christo's next book is The Three Musketeers, whereas Topher's is The Count of Monte *Cristo (no pun intended here, actually)
Christo also has a secret that Topher can never see, but what this is I shall leave for you to find. Also, because the two boys have white and black hair respectively, I will give you a clue -- the original Christoph has golden-brown hair. His strengths have become Topher and his weaknesses Christo. The two boy's names are, quite clearly, the English-language cognate of their original name split in two, but both retain the syllable to.
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I thought I would appear out of nowhere to say bonjour! I haven't been around very much of late, though I still exist, and still keep track of my watchlist, though I haven't been as vigilant as I might be.
Perhaps I will resume that story now....
Bien le bonjour, une fois encore ! I'd like to see what you have in mind.
Give up on yourself and you give up on the world. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 23:39, December 6, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I was writing the story as a summary, but I think that I will write it out as a full story instead — I never did post it on my userpage, though I think that I do still have the original text somewhere. I have to go study now — I will be back sometime before reading day (Tuesday).
Okay then. I'll be waiting. ^_^ Happy studying (I hope it's okay to say that !).
Give up on yourself and you give up on the world. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 01:29, December 7, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
It went marvellously — I got nearly nothing done, and we all went out for a very late dinner (it is after midnight here, as evidenced by the time stamp). I have a portfolio to compile for one of my education classes tomorrow morning, followed by an essay on medieval English literature that I must revise — I have enjoyed the professor immensely, but my literary tastes are firmly planted between the eighteenth century and the Victorian period, and I despise several medieval authors. Literature is still my true love, however, though I have recently begun to acquire a voracious appetite for anime.
What would you think of the story being set far into the past, before the heartless ever appear? I had a rather interesting idea of telling it in reports written first by Christoph and then by the two that appear when he is split into two, Chris (the black-haired boy) and Toph (the white-haired boy) — they still live in the City of Lights (which is still a Belle-Époque style world in which magic-technology is blossoming). I have so very many ideas, though I am not certain that I really wish to split Christoph into two people — perhaps I shall invent something else for him to become....
Hm. The Unversed. Those who are not well-versed in their own existences. Believe me, setting the story at that point in time is good - the very definition of Unversed has poetic overtones (which I won't delve deeper into, but yeah). ^_^
Meanwhile, did you take a look at the poll on my userpage ?
Give up on yourself and you give up on the world. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 06:12, December 7, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I'm not sure how an unversed is formed yet, but I had considered it. And I voted for all of the above on your poll, though if you only do one, sketch something.
Will do ^_^ Merci !
Give up on yourself and you give up on the world. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 13:41, December 7, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I shall look forward too it.
In progress already... I'll take a look at the stats and see how it's been so far.
Give up on yourself and you give up on the world. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 14:13, December 7, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
If you do sketch something, what will it be?
Another "everyone" pic, I believe.
Give up on yourself and you give up on the world. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 00:09, December 8, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I feel rather odd asking (because I haven't been as active lately as I would have liked), but if you do, can I be in it?
You're already in it ^_^
Give up on yourself and you give up on the world. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 03:20, December 8, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Really? *delighted jumping up and down*
I cannot wait to see it! This being said, I will begin on Christoph's first report tonight and hopefully post it soon.
Wow, never thought you'd jump up and down ^_^ But yeah, I'll see that it gets finished.
As for KH song covers, those are easy. Singing something ? Er, not that easy, but it's do-able. Drums, er... if you've seen the two vids on the blog, then it's time for me to hide under the table. And I need an idea for "something goofy".
Give up on yourself and you give up on the world. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 05:00, December 8, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
Something goofy? I haven't the slightest idea...you could try to waltz with me over the Internet (I have never waltzed with someone halfway around the world before), but I have no camera, and you cannot waltz with someone you cannot see.
I have almost finished Christoph's first letter. I had him address it to someone named Annette (I hope you don't mind my borrowing your name, but it fit very well — also the katakana spelling his Japanese name have been changed to read Christopher Schroeder (or, literally Kuristofa Shuroda), to keep the Japanese Christo and Topher in line with the English Chris and Toph) — you can answer him as his penpal if you are out of ideas for other goofy things. I have made him a little younger for his first letter, as I think things are often best presented through the eyes of a child — childish innocence can lead to lovely descriptions.
It's okay ^_^ Sounds cute. Childish innocence can lead to lovely descriptions, how true ! It's only pitiful that people (particularly over here) dismiss childlike views.
Give up on yourself and you give up on the world. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 05:18, December 8, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
The first Christoph Report has been posted, as well as a brief note on where they were found. As more unearth themselves, they will be revealed (in a somewhat-random order, as the original "Ansem Reports" were). I hope that you like it.
Yay ! I'll take a look.
Give up on yourself and you give up on the world. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 05:28, December 8, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I hope it doesn't sound too sad....
I love it ^_^ You know, sometimes I'm able to get into that same mood, given the right provocation.
Give up on yourself and you give up on the world. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 05:38, December 8, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
I have almost finished his second report (I enjoyed writing the first one immensely), which contains a description of Christoph before anything happens to him — he doesn't really look like me, but I did love plants when I was a child (and still do (and would be love to be a flower-elemental nobody) — hence my use of an incredibly-pink Marluxia bubble when my favourite colour is actually white).
Regardless, I am glad that it made your punctuation smile, and I hope you don't mind being a character in it.
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
You must be a memorable character — you fit quite well into the story. I have posted the next entry, and I do hope that you will like it.
It does, however, feel rather strange to write about Christoph as a completely separate person, but I have thoroughly enjoyed taking his persona tonight.
Aw, that'll be nice ^_^
Meanwhile. I'm feeling totally bitter about something that's currently happening on KHFR.
Give up on yourself and you give up on the world. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 11:14, December 8, 2009 (UTC)
Christoph Schrader - When I think of Winter, I see a Happiness that cannot end. TALK - I would be delighted to talk.
About what could you possibly be so bitter? Is there some sort of catastrophe that I can be of assistance in remedying? If so, please, do tell, and if not, tell me anyway.
Have you any suggestions for the next Christoph Report?
For the next Christoph Report ? I'm thinking of how it is in a child's eyes when he sees the sunset, everything about his home world, from an ethereal point of view (Think Wordsworth's Ode : Intimations of Immortality, I love that poem).
What's actually making me bitter is that Thomaskh2, our admin over KHFR, and possibly the liveliest person I've ever met apart from Xiggie and the gang, is contemplating leaving Wikia. But that'd only mean a return to our monotonous editing. >_> I can't force him to stay, though I must say, I fear having to say goodbye. I hate having to say goodbye. I hope there won't be one...
Oh, by the way. I think my bandwidth just exceeded. We'll have to start going back to the age-old signatures rather than talkbubbles. Sigh and double sigh. TNÉPour Noël je te donneraile battement de mon cœur… ♥ 14:52, December 8, 2009 (UTC)
You'd like to see the city at sunset? I think that I can do that (perhaps from the forest, when his governess finds that he has been staying out too late). The forest is actually very important, but I suppose you must have already realised this.
And I am sorry to hear that you are losing one of your cherished admins, and that your bandwidth forbids you from using your talk bubble at the moment; I don't speak French well enough to dare editing a wiki in it, I really like the look of the Francophone KH wiki. - Christoph Schrader
Ummm, when I said that, I meant both you and I' can't use talkbubbles. No one can. Did you see what happened with all the links at the bottom of the page ? That meant the templates didn't display well.
Oh...hmm, I never learnt to use a signature (Marexl made me that bubble shortly after I arrived, actually), and have just always used that bubble. If we are out of space here, we can use my largely-empty talk page if you would rather.
Pardon me — I forgot to thank you for the signature. It was very nice of you to make one for me, and I am quite embarrassed to have forgotten to say something about that. Now how do I use it?
I read that you needed that, but now am worried as to why. Has something catastrophic happened, or would it be better for me not to ask? If you don't want to, then please, don't tell — is there anything that I can do to help?
Thanks for the hug *hugs back*. Remember I said that TKH2 was contemplating leaving Wikia ? He left, eventually. And I'm shocked, to say the least. :'( *sniff* TNÉPour Noël je te donneraile battement de mon cœur… ♥ 12:43, December 9, 2009 (UTC)
You are quite welcome *hugs more*
Why did he leave? Did you not decide to keep contact with him anyway?
That means he is about to finish his secondary education, does it not? He may very well return to himself after his stress is over (I left another of my online haunts due to the stresses of teacher school, but I may very well go back for awhile now that the semester is nearly over.
If you feel up to reading it, I have just posted the third Christoph Report (in chronological order, this one is probably the sixth or seventh, though it is only the third one that I have written). I hope that you are feeling alright and that your lost friend will return to you as you once knew him once his stressful situation has abated.
I thought it rather rather strange at first how attached one can become to people one has never met in person — I suppose that I must have learned that people need not meet (physically) to form a friendship. I feel rather sad as well now — I am almost done at university, and yet I fear constantly that I shall lose contact with everyone I know.
How you consider someone a friend depends on what your heart says. I've been following mine and I must say that I've made a considerable number of good friends - you, BebopKate, Xiggie, SSC, Yer Mom, DTN, ENX and the rest. I'd never want to lose you guys.
I have begun to see that (I hope you didn't think I meant that I thought it silly — quite the contrary, I think it an incredibly good thing, the ability to find friends in people one would not chance to meet otherwise), and, although I am a bit socially timid, I wouldn't want to lose you or anyone else I have met here. In fact, it seems as though the people one meets in person (and would equally not like to lose) are the ones from which it is easiest to be separated. Regardless, that is a lovely idea (the thing at the bottom of Kate's page). You really must become famous now — I will wait with baited breath to hear the announcement that you are coming somewhere nearby (though where I will be at the time I can hardly say — wherever will give me a teaching job, I suppose).
I can picture it now — La Mademoiselle des Troisnyx: solicitor extraordinaire by day, singing sensation by night (or perhaps without the solicitor part, if you find the profession not to your liking, though I daresay that I think you will be great either way). Are you feeling better now? Perhaps I should write another report....
And what reason is there that you cannot? I am certain that it would make for a delightful story, though I cannot really say that I know how you sound when you sing other than that recording of yours I heard long ago. I feel rather silly asking, but how is the sketch you are making for Christmas proceeding? I must admit, I am quite curious — shall I write another sonnet to spur you on? And if I write another Christoph Report tonight, what should it be about? I think that I will renumber them after having written them all, though I had intended for them to be out of order, as were the Ansem Reports at first appearance.
I actually have several sonnets you have never seen — I should prepare a personal anthology, but I am nervous about publishing them online, as I may get the chance to publish a book of poetry somewhere in my wildest dreams, and I have copyright paranoia and so on. Dreams are lovely things, but are as difficult to make real as they are beautiful, I fear.
Well, there's that vid at the bottom of User:Troisnyxetienne/Qui suis-je...... The sketch is almost done, only that I'm thinking of making a dedication at the bottom. ^_^ For the Christoph Report... Hm, I'm thinking Wordsworth's "The Leech-Gatherer" (Resolution and Independence), though I'm not sure how our petit Christoph is going to go face to face with a decrepit man. TNÉPour Noël je te donneraile battement de mon cœur… ♥ 02:21, December 10, 2009 (UTC)
I should have noticed that. *blush* I will be certain to take a look.
As for le petit Christophe, I have never read that poem before — it isn't in my anthology, and, although I enjoy poetry from the Romantic period, I generally prefer Keats to Wordsworth. Regardless, the story will continue beyond the letters (at least, I do hope that it will) — what do you suppose must have happened to the City of Lights for it to be excavated as a ruin (I may change this part of the story, actually)?
I would have to perform an immense canon-bender with that one — I have absolutely no idea how an unversed is formed, though Christoph does know that they exist somewhere in the back of his head, but he doesn't believe that they are real. Perhaps this story is taking place sometime during the time in between the destruction of the unversed and the emergence of the heartless? Perhaps I shall stick to the thought that Christoph becomes a nobody due to the loss of his heart to a heartless created by experiments taking place within the City of Lights that happen before the ill-developments elsewhere...experiments, perhaps, that have something to do with light....
I am about to watch the video of you singing — I am not very good at finding things, I must admit, and it took me a few minutes to figure out exactly where it was. You said that you were singing about three minutes into it, correct? My computer is slow and I will have to wait for the whole video to load before I can watch it.
And who/what is BBS? I know that this should be terribly obvious, but I am presently in the midst of a long-running hate affair with alphabet soup (and will probably commence a parallel hate affair with literature textbooks over the course of my student teaching). I have a newly-acquired dream of teaching in Japan for a few years, but am dreadfully afraid of geologic movements (such as earthquakes). In addition, I don't speak a word of Japanese, but I don't really want to stay here (in the US), and have every intention of becoming an expatriate.
I have just watched the video — was that you in the black? I couldn't quite make it out because my computer is a bit on the slow side. If that was you, you are quite a bit taller than I had imagined (either that, or everyone else around you is short).
And now that I am certain that it is you (I checked the video on YouTube), I can compliment you on your lovely voice (at least, so far as I am able — I am not a very good judge of vocal beauty at times, though I did enjoy the song, despite having no idea what was being sung, and could pick out the words in the title as you were singing them). Am I just imagining things, or are you indeed a very tall person?
BBS = Birth By Sleep (I'm pretty sure you're aware of the upcoming episode in January)... ^_^ yeah, the one in black is me. And I'm not sure how tall is tall. I am on the higher side of 5', I guess. That thing I sang was a patriotic song (the song was in Malay), but that was because it was Patriots' Night and I needed to find something to fit the theme. TNÉPour Noël je te donneraile battement de mon cœur… ♥ 11:26, December 10, 2009 (UTC)
Are you taller than most people around you? If so, then you are (generally speaking) tall — I am about 6'1~2", if you are wondering — though I did very much enjoy the song, and would not be surprised were you to become a singer (and since you have been to law school, you will understand and thwart the evil music industry's attempts at exploiting you). I must go to dinner now, but I should be online again sometime later tonight, though my computer seems to be hiccoughing at the moment.
Are you feeling any better? I have just gone home for Christmas, and I thought I might come see how you are doing now that my ten-year-old sister is not around to chase me away from the Internet (I have a laptop, but there is only one wired Internet connection in the house, which I must steal in order to use it, as it was made long before wireless Internet became mainstream). Regardless, I hope that you have become a bit less depressed — I think I may have finally discovered how to use that signature you gave me.
Should I still be using this page? It seems to have been abandoned by everyone else, and I believe that your conscription has come to an end.
I think, we'll just archive whatever's in this page - and continue using either your talk page or mine. ^_^ Though I must say, you kept the conscription bit alive. The sig looks good, by the way.
I'm feeling a bit better (*counts with fingers* five hugs so far) and I'm waiting for the results of Namine's Drawoff with anticipation. One thing's for sure : I won't win. :P TNÉPour Noël je te donneraile battement de mon cœur… ♥ 11:39, December 15, 2009 (UTC)
You, not win a drawing competition? Absurd! If you don't win, I will eat cinnamon rather than peppermint for the rest of the day (in whatever foods can contain either, that is, and I immensely prefer peppermint to cinnamon).
I seem to have hugged you a few times too many, though I can understand why you need one — I feel like I have left everyone I knew at university behind forever, even though I am just home for Christmas, as one will graduate and I won't see the others as often as I would like because of student teaching.
And thank you for the signature — it really grew on me after the first five minutes of wondering if I would really say that I am all ears, which I would, actually, though my most commonly-said phrases are it isn't my cup of tea and I would rather not, neither of which are suitable for a talk page). I suppose this is clear evidence that I think far too much about...everything, really.
I had a free moment (and the Internet to myself) and thought I might see how you were doing. Ben...euh...comment vas-tu, mademoiselle TroisNyx? Est-ce qu'il y a de nouvelles catastrophes qui sont arrivées a toi? (Did I say that correctly? It felt odd saying that in French for some reason....)
I hope that you don't mind my using this page one final time — it seemed like the best place to go for this (actually, I tripped into the IRC channel the other day, but felt a bit awkward, so I left shortly after). I think that I may be a bit stilted for that sort of thing anyway (I am not really good at talking to people, or so I fancy).
Ouais, ça fait longtemps ^_^ Je vais bien, et toi ? J’arrive pas à croire que nous sommes à la fin de l’année, et ça me semble vraiment étrange de passer dans une nouvelle ère. I kinda understand the IRC bit - I got disconnected many times, and Xiggie says the IRC hates him :P Agi IdupAgiNgelaban ! 05:06, December 31, 2009 (UTC)
What on Earth does that writing in your signature mean? It looks so very foreign, I could not begin to guess. I feel rather happy now simply because it is winter — I love light and warmth, and, contradictory as it may sound, I find them most comforting and welcoming in the depths of the darkest and coldest time of the year. I also love Christmas — not the horrific consumerism that has come to reside with it, mind you — the thought of giving and also of draping evergreens all over the place (which has nothing to do with the meaning of the holiday is still undeniably fun and also quite beautiful).
Si tu lira mon balon de conversation, tu peux lire quand je pense de l'hiver, je pense que la bonheur ne peut pas finir, et, bien que j'adore les fleurs (et les printemps), je pense que l'hiver est ma saison favourie. Quand je pense aux printemps, je pense du pollen, et j'en suis allergique!
How have you found law school? I do hope that it is going well — I will have to stay on another semester over the summer at my present university to complete my teaching licensure, though what I really want to do is teach overseas. I have also begun to pursue my dream of writing a novel, though it is a daunting task now that I have begun — I change so very much each time I cannot tell anyone what it is about, or else I will change so much that it would confound the listener to no end. I only hope that I can finish it this time — I have tried (and failed) to do it before, though now I really know that I want to do this, so I think I really can.
ChristophI am all ears. 17:19, December 15, 2009 (UTC)
Law school's okay, though I'm stuck with three dissertations. I've to hand in one on the 5th of January. >_>
But hey, you're pursuing your dream (finally), whilst I'm still stuck with the monotonous rigours of everyday life. All the best, I say ! ^_^ Agi IdupAgiNgelaban ! 05:46, December 31, 2009 (UTC)
I hope that I will be able to pursue my writing dream in the wake of student teaching — I find the prospect to grow more and more daunting as I progress closer to it. My real fear is that I am not a good enough writer to author an enduring novel: it already isn't something that I intend to appeal to the masses — I don't like perfect characters, there isn't any real objectionable content, though religious fundamentalists won't like it for a number of reasons (mostly because it contains magic and will reference a god (I call him Josue and portray him as a small child) who exists in-world).
I took a class on contemporary British literature once. I reject most of what I was given as canonical examples of literature — it was dull, wanted both style and substance, hopeless and rife with characters with whom I could never hope to identify. What was called poetry wasn't poetry at all, but rather something I would call "experimenting with words involving too much inappropriate content with no appreciable artistic value" or something of the sort. I suppose I may simply have had a bad professor, but what is termed "literature" by my contemporaries seems to be anything but, and I worry for the future of it (I am especially irked by the way in which "postmodern" anything makes annoying reference to the fact that it is a book, poem (not really), film, video game (cf. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door and Star Ocean: 'Till the End of Time, which I otherwise enjoyed), &c.).
Please pardon my literary rant, but I am very outspoken about this subject in person (and also very openly critical of modern "art" and "music," as well as things such as the media and the youth culture of laziness and waste that appears to predominate this country). Now the hour grows late, and I must away to bed — bonne nuit, mon amie !
Bonne nuit — et bonne année en avance ! Agi IdupAgiNgelaban ! 06:12, December 31, 2009 (UTC)
DoorToNothing — I dreamed last night... I got on the boat to Heaven!
And by some chance, I had brought my dice along! — 23:56, October 4, 2009 (UTC)
The colored version is even more beautiful than the monotone version. :)
I love the coloured version too. ^_^
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 04:32, October 8, 2009 (UTC)
Ultima - Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test.
Firstly, the drawing is awsomez. Secondly, who exactly is everyone? I recognise you, Xiggie, Yuan,and Kryten. Thanks in advance. -16:26, November 25, 2009 (UTC)
From left :
Blue hair (Plenair) : Yuan
Black coat and cover : You
Dancer : Yer mom (Back then she used that talkbox image)
Purple dress and blonde hair : BebopKate
Cloud-style black hair : MechaUltimaZero, founder of KHF.
Yours truly.
Unbirth costume : Unbirth (I'm sure you remember him !)
Hades costume and brown hair : Azul
Curly hair : Doc rocco
Sora hairdo : Thomaskh2 (from the Francophone Wiki) and Sonicman
Zexion : Guardian Soul, Nitrous X and Xaity
Roxas : DTN and whoever else is using Roxas.
Gargoyle hat and technical sketch : Kryten
I wasn't able to fit in the rest into a small sheet of paper, even though I did keep everyone in mind. But if I were to do a sketch the next time, I guess it'd be bigger and better ! :D
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 16:33, November 25, 2009 (UTC)